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54573036 No.54573036 [Reply] [Original]

I'll start

>> No.54573044

I read it and it had nothing to do with finances.

>> No.54573077


>> No.54573164

I watched a YouTube video the other day on Rome, and it said at the peak of the western empire it had 45 million people. That’s like 20x the amount of employees Walmart has

>> No.54573170

>how to cope with being a cuck, the book

>> No.54573175

The Culture of Critique

>> No.54573195

45 million people in ancient world is really fucking impressive. Nothing back in those times could stand to that amount of people.

>> No.54573262


>> No.54573720
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>> No.54573726

Based jew noticer

>> No.54574207

unironically rich dad poor dad

>> No.54574257


>> No.54574264

whats your recommendation then?

>> No.54574272

Think and Grow Rich by Napolean Hill is the only book you need.

>> No.54574316

Stoicism is straight up faggotry

>> No.54574379

True. You can also have a sense of the enormity when you look at their wars and compare with medieval wars. A lot of wars between France and England for example had less people involved than a full Roman Legion

>> No.54574387

And millionaire fastlane if your under 25

>> No.54574393

Marcus Aurelius was a loser who doomed the Roman Empire by naming his biological son as his successor rather than an adopted one of his choice. The man literally set off a chain of dominos which destroyed the Empire with that one action. Nobody should look up to this retard.

>> No.54574394

i agree

>> No.54574430

With the death of Marcus Aurelius in AD 180, rule of the empire passed to his 20 year old son, Lucius Aurelius Commodus. Much like the reign of Caligula a century and a half earlier, the accession of Commodus was initially met with general approval. Continuing the parallel, initial acceptance was eventually met with dismay and hostility as the young emperor engaged in various forms of debauchery and egomaniacal behavior.

The concept of imperial decline beginning with the reign of Commodus is largely adapted from Edward Gibbon's rather arbitrary work, "The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire" and may have been a bit premature considering that the western empire endured for another three centuries.

However, Gibbon's assessment is astute in pointing out several elements that clearly identify a change from previous eras.

The accession of Commodus as the son of Marcus Aurelius marked the re-establishment of dynasty that was originally developed under the Julio-Claudians.

While the remaining years of the empire - especially the tumultuous 3rd century AD - would hardly be characterized by uninterrupted dynastic rule (in large part because of assassination and civil war), Commodus' reign marks the end of the adoptive period that provided immeasurable political stability since the death of Domitian.

Never again would Rome benefit from rulers who had the foresight to understand the stability provided by selective succession, and rather allowed personal and dynastic ambitions to play their role in the empire's eventual collapse.

>> No.54574492


Roman Empire was great among others because of the selective succession. If I know the guy who’s in charge is an honorable, wise autist then I want him to pick his successor to limit the chance he’ll pick a psychotrannyjew

>> No.54574518

almost like Middle Age was a millennium of christkike god’s kingdom on earth

>> No.54574609


>> No.54574789
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Must read.

>> No.54575407

All books like that do are create a bunch of frothing psychopaths who think if they wish it hard enough it will come true. If it doesn’t come true, then they aren’t wishing hard enough which makes them even more obnoxious. It basically turns people into some combination of poor Gordon Gekko, Pentecostal church member, Walmart stomp clapper, and recovering addict.

>> No.54575722

Upload book pdf file here

>> No.54575784
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Become barrel-pilled

>> No.54575960
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good suggestion. any book from Taleb is a good suggestion.

i would add picrel

>> No.54575983

100 baggers
a walk down wall street

>> No.54576000
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this taught me the basics of dividends and how to evaluate good divvy stocks

>> No.54576691

Ignorant people interpret it that way. It’s not so much about “law of attraction” but more so about creating a frequency you want to resonate on. Wealth accumulation is often about making the right connections and networking; and let’s face the truth, if you’re not a magnetic person that permeates positivity, charisma and a “can do” demeanor , most people won’t entrust you with their time or money.

>> No.54576725


>> No.54576739

Did you actually learn something useful? Does the author give you a playbook or some sort of system to work with for devising strategies?

>> No.54577144
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>> No.54577229

Marcus Aurelius was an opium addict and he put the worst successor to the throne.

>> No.54577273

Skip this and go straight to Seneca.

>> No.54577889
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I became a spiritual trillionaire after reading this one

>> No.54578721
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Mark Douglas - Trading in the Zone (complete and formatted)
The_Mental_Game_of_Poker_ Jared_Tendler

>> No.54579732

Secrets of The Millionaire Mind, unironically

>> No.54580335

Is Wealth OF Nations required /biz/ reading?

>> No.54581125
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Mein Kampf (Stalag Edition).

>> No.54581151

mein kampf, fix causal and problems stop

>> No.54581690

it was the gladiators son, which makes the emergence of the movie even more funny
that and endend up as a shit box name

>> No.54581710


>> No.54582214

No shit I used to work with this guy. Ask me anything.

>> No.54582229

No he shills his system and newsletter

>> No.54582278


this book is so overrated, people seriously think that the introspections of a literal fucking roman emperor will help them somehow? the guy was born into the role and yet here in the year 2023 literal fucking peasants read this shit and think DAYUM IM GONNA BE LIKE DA EMPEROR AURELIUS N SHIET I JUST GOTTA BE STOIC. No... you cant even begin to think how different his life was from your own. There isn't much to be learned from this book for the common person.

>> No.54582290
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Only a faggot what think this, but you said it!

>> No.54582318

I haven’t finished a book since captain underpants…..

I also hold LINK

>> No.54582397
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>Diversification of low quality picks, vs. one healthy choice
>Plan for the future
>Accumulate, never sell
>Grow, modify strategy, improve

>> No.54582638

Trading in the zone is the best I have read. Master yourself, master the trade