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54572767 No.54572767 [Reply] [Original]

Is a girl in her early 20s with pretty bad acne a good investment? Acne clears up after a few years right?
Also short LINK.

>> No.54572781

Handsome guy

>> No.54572794

Depends. I thought that but my GFs skin got kind of blemished with it and she has like bumps now where her acne used to be on one side of her face as she got older. Also her nose which was kind of asymmetrical got worse as she aged and she walled. Sucks being stuck with a girl you think is ugly later on in life desu

>> No.54572811

yes get her off grains rice and carbs, enjoy a low self esteem wife till the day you die

>> No.54572818

That's because she was popping zits all the time right?
At the moment I kinda get off on the fact she looks like a spotty teenager but it won't be so charming when she's older fr.

>> No.54572831

Acne is mostly dietary. Get her off the vegetable oil and you’ll have yourself a winner anon, and she’ll love you more for being there when she was a trollface. Great work!

>> No.54572888

most wrong. acne is from the hormons.

>> No.54572890

hello tyson

>> No.54572894


You niggers will use any excuse to gamble.

>> No.54573013
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accutane will clear up any acne instantly, just dont get her pregnant whiles shes using. also retin-a almost always instantly clears up any mild acne. just buy online from an indian pharmacy, dont try to get it from a dermatologist in the united states, theyre literally hellish gatekeepers that will do anything to prevent you from getting something that fucking works. the shear amount of highschoolers that will have low self esteem and perment scaring cause of those faggots is staggering,

>> No.54573024

lol fuck this jeet shit people end up with joint pain because of it

just listen to >>54572811 and dr. berg clean keto

>> No.54573073

Acne is always bad. It might clear up a little after many years and treatment but you will be passing that shit to your children... ask yourself, who the fuck wants to have dumb looking pizza faced kids?

>> No.54573101

go back to shitting on the streets in india, low Iq parasite

>> No.54573128

acne means shes filled with toxins her body is trying to detox

>> No.54573139

theres nothing wrong with natural carbs like fruit honey and potatoes in fact they are ideal. keto is shit

>> No.54573191

Make her use accutane but always be careful so she doesn't kill herself.

>> No.54573214

This and take parasite pills, albendazole mebendazole etc...

>> No.54573217
File: 219 KB, 1125x2000, 190129469_379210266809648_3113662645127313610_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> her nose which was kind of asymmetrical
your problem seems to be that you actually wanted a boyfriend

>> No.54573223

This and also parasites

>> No.54573308

As long as you're ok with acne scarring

>> No.54573338
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>> No.54573346
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I'd rather my kids not be too attractive during their high school years to be honest. Pretty girls are sexualised by society which drives them into thotdem, and handsome boys waste too much time with gfs. Late bloomers are happier.

>> No.54573354

Fat ?

>> No.54573363

looks like a young tara tainton, how do i profit of this?

>> No.54573401

>natural carbs
You just put honey and potatoes in the same category. Sucrose and starch are not the same thing. The amount of honey your ancestors ate is negligible. Sucrose is broken up into fructose and glucose. Fructose has to be metabolized into glucose by your liver so it can be used by your cells. Your liver is fine with the amount of fructose in fruit, but you will damage your liver by eating too much sugary stuff.

potatoes and rice are fine, avoid sugar

>> No.54573702

how can u notice acne when u smash from behind?

>> No.54573781

Yeah but acne is part hereditary, that shit will run in your kids genes. Having a bad skin lowers social worth quite a lot

>> No.54573806

Your ancestors if you go back far enough were not eating potatoes and rice either.

>> No.54574251

>Your ancestors if you go back far enough were not eating potatoes and rice either.
You know what I mean and you are being a retard on purpose.

The diet of ancient populations was very varied, ranging from pure grains to pure meat and fish in the extremes. None of my ancient ancestors however regularly ate high amounts of sugar without any fiber at all. You need to eat several feet of sugar cane to get the amount of sugar in a small glas of coke.

>> No.54575265

Shumilath was also a jew, her father "escaped the holocaust" too.

>> No.54575392

obvious kike

>> No.54575550

Women's brains are so damaged, their looks should be the least of your worries. If anything, you should pray she keeps the acne, because they're only as loyal as their options.

>> No.54575665

Or shell drop you as soon as she realizes her smv post zits just skyrocketed...

Really no different than investing in crypto. Good luck, keep her off vegetable oil and social media

>> No.54577018

You have never had a girl fall in love with you have you?

>> No.54577349
