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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54572615 No.54572615 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.54572632

I'm $1 up from my initial investment. WAGMI.

>> No.54572636

I sold my 32 eth for link like 3 months ago and I can't believe this shitcoin still can't escape the 6.66 7.77 range
Im so angry

>> No.54572637

I took my money out of link
Because this board it fucking stink
I put my money into arb
Because it was a dollar
Not anymore

>> No.54572646

Eth is already 2k

>> No.54572649


>> No.54572650

Back to 8 then back to 6. The usual.

>> No.54572665

Funny how the cuck posting abruptly went away as soon as the discord was brought to light with all their identities as well, like roaches running away from light.
Watch them delete their pink boys cope podcast thinking that will change anything lol

>> No.54572677

I'm curious to see if they're gonna dump BTC again if Link reaches $9

>> No.54572685

Didn’t see this, any link to the thread?

>> No.54572696


>> No.54572698

Fuck off stink schizo, nobody cares about your failure of a token.

>> No.54572703

Bitcoin sure cares lol

>> No.54572786

Make sure you guys report everest. Let’s put these discord fudders and their shitcoin project to bed

How To Report Cryptocurrency Scams

Report fraud and other suspicious activity involving cryptocurrency to

>FTC at ReportFraud.ftc.gov

>Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) at CFTC.gov/complaint

>U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) at sec.gov/tcr

>Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) at ic3.gov/Home/FileComplaint

>> No.54572800

I am still down massively from injecting my life savings, loans, mortgage and everything else into this project at $32. My relationship is fucked, Ive been working myself to the bone to keep up repayments ever since, I have no safety net, all because I bought LINK

>> No.54572904

The number continues to go up

>> No.54572909

Going up UPWARDS

>> No.54572981

>posting itt
You care

>> No.54573033

Welcome to the club brother

>> No.54573057
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This is literally me, my family lives in basically abject poverty whilst I put like 70% of my wages into LINK and don't pay any taxes. My wife hates me and my kids don't have any electronics and just play outside and eat once a day from the eternal stew pot. my wife saw my crypto portfolio was in around 400k+ and raged at me asking why we are so broke if I have so much internet beans. I told her to 'trust the plan' and in just two more weeks we would be multi millionaires.

>> No.54573155
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>> No.54573162
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>> No.54573184

>trust me bro Im not retarded, I promise
JFC this is the worst cope I have seen yet. You people are as bad as Qtards

>> No.54573232

Fucking newfag

>> No.54573360

yeah what the fuck was that lol

>> No.54573717
File: 246 KB, 588x590, 354354354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a literal C U C K O L D token


>> No.54573764
