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54567819 No.54567819 [Reply] [Original]

someone is artificially keeping the markets up

>> No.54567959
File: 21 KB, 400x226, ICP-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's me

>> No.54567975
File: 336 KB, 763x508, 1CF780AB-67C2-43BD-9FDE-8892A57D292D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check the volume

>> No.54567986

someone (you) is tonguing my butt

>> No.54568005

someone is artificially keeping the markets down

>> No.54568038

Nothing that humans make is artificial. We are a natural form of evolution on the ppanet and therefore our actions are intended by nature.

What messed up theory makes you think that we are unnatural to the planet?

Even if you have some theory about the younger dryas, that is not evidence to suggest that the "higher beings" in existance weren't also naturally from this planet.

>> No.54568056

>intended by nature
anthropomorphic fallacy

>> No.54568183

Your ego is so big you should die for the benefit of the human race.

>> No.54568207

Your mom is artificially keeping my dick up.

>> No.54568226

Artificially down you KIKE

>> No.54568257
File: 127 KB, 2028x974, Screen Shot 2023-04-12 at 2.58.58 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go and look a16z's "state of crypto" metrics
and tell me if you think we should still be 95% down from the top.

>> No.54568392

they are shilling their bags

>> No.54568735

that anon's correct comment really made you assblasted huh midwit

>> No.54568751

They are literally just telling you how many people are building on and using Web3

>> No.54568791
File: 21 KB, 326x523, rg4e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54568796


>> No.54569032

I still believe that all governments are behind this, it can't be that with something like hami you can literally get a lot of tokens
that allow you to get rich or make too much money with an artificial currency is absurd

>> No.54569045

Introducing, Copey the Bear!

>> No.54569373
