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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54566495 No.54566495 [Reply] [Original]

I have an over the phone interview tomorrow, do you guys have any tips for things I should do beforehand and generally how to handle it? I've never done one before.

>> No.54566509

She's a sandnigger but I'd still hit it and quit it

>> No.54566516

looked better before
didn't read your post lmao

>> No.54566525

I love her bros
How much to have her

>> No.54566538

Make sure you are driving or standing next to a running washing machine. They will relax you and you will speak normally.

>> No.54566565
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If it's a real job and not something like Mcdonalds then dress up the same way you would for a real interview
Use a phone headset, I use airpod pros because of the minimalism, you barely notice you're using them, you'll have both hands free and you can take notes if necessary
Having access to use 2 hands instead of having one hand preoccupied holding the fucking phone may lower anxiety
Besides that, just regular interview shit like not spilling spaghetti out of your pockets, saying "um" a bunch, having nervousness exposed in your voice etc, but if you're young and retarded then nobody expects you to have this stuff nailed perfectly yet

>> No.54566699
File: 33 KB, 629x505, 64537658568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have never got past the initial HR phone interview and gone to second round. Please just end my suffering.

>> No.54566723

is it for an entry-level position? don't worry too much, don't go over your qualifications like a list. ask them what they need in some decent format and explain how your education/experience proves you can handle it

>> No.54566731

It's for a summer research/job where I'd be documenting and removing endangered species in New Hampshire

>> No.54566745

on then no one cares. just talk about what you like to do with your education, prove you're friendly enough to be around for 8hrs/day

>> No.54566792

Make sure your tonality is positive
Replace the word "Interview" in your head with "Short conversation to see if we like each other" and "Employer selling their position and worker selling their labor"
Just sound like you're in a good mood, we're human and they're gonna like you more if you sound like a good guy to be around and not some freak

>> No.54566865

this is what "the news" has to do now to get clicks on social media, just outright bait people

>> No.54567033

they're gonna ask you stupid interview questions...they always do, it's HR bread and butter. So have an answer already written down for the typical interview questions.
>why should you hire me
>what is your Greatest weakness
>Something didn't like about last job
>how do you deal with conflict with coworker
>Where do you see yourself in five years
>why do you want to work for us.

There are sites where you can find basic bitch answers for these but you should try to write something out that is relevant to you.

>> No.54567120

damn she looked better on the left objectively

>> No.54567142

usually they look better when they come over to the right

>> No.54567978
File: 148 KB, 1080x1350, n74gs8xdonfa1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based, /biz/ is a brown women appreciation board

>> No.54568079

First interview is just a shit test, you have nothing to worry about. Just have a good reason for why you're applying and a good story about related experience.

>> No.54568096

does it taste like curry? i dont think i could resist bros....

>> No.54568116

stinky fake tit poojeta

>> No.54568313

>implying you would last more than 10 seconds with her

>> No.54568334

>implying I would put my white cock inside a currynigger and don't have a white GF 10x hotter without the fake tids

>> No.54568358

They smell very bad anon. You have to be very horny to get past the smell. I like eating pussy and id never go down on an Indian girl. Just thinking about it makes me nauseous.

> t. indian

>> No.54568372

I found that a laconic, direct style worked best for me. Depends on the personality of the interviewer.

>> No.54568426

fake tits are awesome, they look fantastic and don't sag
natural tits are more often than not a disappointment

>> No.54568443

they look nice. They don't feel nice. Would prefer some saggy real milkies to some perky fake ones desu. But I couldn't care less if they were attached to a stinky pajeeta brown mudflaps roastie.

>> No.54568451

They fished you to simulate activity.
Been there.
Its not about you, its about them feigning doing actual work.
I once called them up because i was mad and it turns out the hr roastie boss picked up and when she read my qualifications out loud hired me without any further question.
Showed up, collected the initial hire bonus and told them all to burn in hell and pissed in a basket in the hallway.

>> No.54568475

Disha went from being a decent brown girl to a Sarah Silverman lookalike. Weird and poor transition choice.

>> No.54568488
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She put the skin bleach on. Disgusting. Stinky currynigger. All poojeta women are ashamed of themselves.

>> No.54568492

>imagining another man having sex with a woman

>> No.54568496

Just ask questions that make you sound proactive.
make it sound like they need you and not like you need a job to pay for 2nd hand fleshlight.

Still put on nice clothes and cologne cause it will put you in a professional kind of mood, will definitely help with it.

Aside from that just don't let the aut's leak out and you should land it.

>> No.54568514

I’m not a currynigger. I’m a Athabaskan Celt. Indistinguishable from the basques. I could strangle you infront of your family and still charm them into thinking I’ve done them a favour. Genes are weird like that.

>> No.54568542

>am stronk.
>am 5ft 6.
>am 1/4 celt, 6/12 irish, 3/5 germanic, 9/10 vikingchad.
>5ft 6.
kek. good one little boy. put down the mountain dew and move out of your parents basement chud.

>> No.54568556

Nah you have very small dick energy. You’re a Puebla.

>> No.54568702

nigger. nigger. nigger.

>> No.54569994
File: 71 KB, 500x500, bateman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Focus on THEIR needs, not yours.
Find out THEIR biggest pain points.
Explain how you will solve THEIR problems. This is about THEM not you.

>> No.54570811

How the fuck can you drive next to a running washing machine

>> No.54570916

Same mine is for a geico call center. I really need it as it’ll pay $18 an hour plus 40hr weeks too. I currently make $100-200 a week at Burlington.

>> No.54570990

No one gives a fuck about either one, you'll be extinct from this planet soon, thankfully.

>> No.54572720

I'd hit the later version too, but damn, I'd make sweet love for days to the girl on the left

>> No.54572785

>fake tits are awesome, they look fantastic and don't sag
>natural tits are more often than not a disappointment

It really is the luck of the draw for women. A woman I used to fuck in her mid forties had the best pair of natural tits I've ever seen, pretty much perfection. Yet another woman in her early twenties I used to fuck had tits like spaniel ears.

>> No.54572813

MFW. I want to poo in the roastie hallway. imagine the shock they will experience when they find a poo log

>> No.54572824

Boobas are largely genetic, same with penis

>> No.54573620

lol much hotter on the left

>> No.54573670

The fuck does larcenic mean

>> No.54573689

Dress nicer to get in the mindset of an interview.
I’ve heard talking into a mirror helps too at least to practice but I’ve not done them over the phone.