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54565755 No.54565755 [Reply] [Original]

Monthly reminder to continue accumulating the crypto trifecta while you still can. Your future self will be grateful that you did.

>> No.54565796
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>> No.54565875

>avax having parity or besting Matic in any L1 category.
Lmao, holy fuck no.

>> No.54565956

It’s paid marketing job. They shit up of every single thread and then tear jerk each other in there general about how it never pumps. They provide nothing worthy of in this board and when you have a discussion with them they only reply with pasta responses.
I hope this shitcoin just disappears so they can stop shitting up this board.
It’s gotten a lot worse the past couple weeks for some reason as well.

>> No.54565989

Shoo shoo, roach.

>> No.54566046

Only hbar matters xrp schizos jumping ship to hbar is the only thing that gives me pause

>> No.54566097

XRP and HBAR aren't needed. It's XMR and ICP (and maybe BTC). XMR for ASIC-resistant PoW anonymous electronic cash that can run on TOR, and ICP for DAO-governed reverse gas high speed blockchain that is capable of hosting data and serving apps on-chain.

>> No.54566389
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Rent free

>> No.54566411

best one

>> No.54566420
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Prob nothing

>> No.54566463

Most payments have no benefit of being anonymous. XRP is far more efficient than XMR and is a very neutral playing field.

>> No.54566576

Yeah so Brazil ukraine and a bunch of other places are building cbdcs on the stellar ledger. Xrp is legit dog trash.

>> No.54566640

You're right, Matic isn't even a L1. Matic's only parity is to other L2s.

>> No.54566737

But HBAR is superior to XRP in every way.

>> No.54566816

Yeah why not? only if you want to lose all your money

>> No.54566846
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Did you know that they're in the process to be apart of the European Union. Did you know that they already transact in Euros nationally. Don't think they're making a Montenegro national currency fren. https://neighbourhood-enlargement.ec.europa.eu/enlargement-policy/montenegro_en

>> No.54566934
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battle of baggies

>> No.54566948

opinion invalidated

>> No.54566956

>the crypto trifecta
Do you mean the outages trifecta, what a fucking crap of blockchains holy shit

>> No.54567708

That depends on what you mean by benefit and to whom. Lack of anonymity is good for state actors because it helps them with taxation and punishment for transactions that they don't like. It's also good for thieves and robbers who want to see who has money. Also good for individuals (and advertisers) who want to snoop around and take advantage of transaction histories of people they're interested in. This is going to become even more prevalent with future AI assisted chain analytics. I sell services online and I use XMR regularly. I would never use XRP because it makes my transactions public and it can't do what ICP does. I might as well use Digibyte. As far as I can see XRP bagholders live in a fantasy where nation states will start using XRP tokens or Ripple technology which would pump the XRP token to the stratosphere somehow. I never really see people talk about what utility the token uniquely offers people and organizations. HBAR also seems like a tech demo that doesn't provide any new utility

>> No.54567848


>> No.54567898

Literal cope. Hbar is the only coin that matters

>> No.54568041

It’s amazing how retarded these niggers are. The god coin is sitting right in front of them, and they haven’t taken the time to attempt to understand it. They just spew retarded bullshit and dilate.

>> No.54568076

Okay be honest now.
Didn't Hashgraph go down a few weeks ago?

>> No.54568277

The council froze the network because some dumb defi dev niggers (not Hedera devs) wrote poor code. Yes the network is currently centralized, I will not debate that. If that’s a reason you think it’s bad to invest then don’t, but in my personal opinion you would be a dumb nigger for a decision like that.

>> No.54568320
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The council voted to voluntarily shut it down as a courtesy to a hacked exchange and precautionary move to prevent additional expansion of the criminal activity. The issue was not in any way related to an issue with the Hedera network, whatsoever.

> I never really see people talk about what utility the token uniquely offers
Lower your tone when speaking about XRP, you have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about and nobody wants to explain it to a faggot like you. You must be a zoomer. It currently has the most Utility and provides the highest amount of benefit to organizations than all other crypto “projects” combined. This isn’t some circle jerk team of twink developers working from home building “the ecosystem”, the people behind XRP and Ripple are quite literally some of the best, brightest, mature and connected people globally. The internet of value wasn’t created by children.

The second would be Hedera/HBAR, followed by DFINITY/ICP. You can throw LINK in there if you want somewhere, but as a personal opinion I think that project will remain utterly useless. XRP is going to replace SWIFT and ICP solved the Oracle problem more efficiently.

>> No.54568432

One of the most appealing things about Hedera is that it’s centralized…
Decentralization is only a meme in crypto, it will never be allowed to prosper, nor will the users be dedicated enough to collectively sacrifice to make it so.

Decentralized Proof of Work is thousands of years old and it’s fucking called Gold and Silver. I highly recommend everyone have some in their portfolio, if you don’t own any, you don’t own “money”.

>> No.54568525
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>> No.54568552

>Decentralization is only a meme in crypto, it will never be allowed to prosper, nor will the users be dedicated enough to collectively sacrifice to make it so.
What is a bitcoin and why is it so popular?

>> No.54568561

I don't have any of this so I don't know shit about it. I bought XRP for sure and I did add CYMI but I've got nothing on HEDERA

>> No.54568708

I think bitcoin is a completely different story from smart contract platforms* like ethereum, avalance, hedera, etc. Do you really think the powers that be are going to give up control and just say "heckin decentralization." I just think it's a bit delusional to be all in on this decentralization narrative. Especially when people dismiss Hedera, the objectively superior (tech wise) layer one, on that basis of "Nooooo you can't have a collective of responsible adults steering the initial direction of the network until the network is eventually fully decentralized in the future. It has to be heckin decentralized right NEOW." It just a bit retarded is all.

>> No.54568968
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Hello World

>> No.54568980

>the midwit "I have found the best tech" -90% bagfolio
Kek no refunds

>> No.54569327
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The holy trinity of niggerjeets. There's no way for me to mention those three without bursting out laughing.

>> No.54569417
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I'm collecting as much blue dog shit as I can from vinu, I want to be the person who makes an empire out of the cheapest shit in the world

>> No.54569577

With XMR I can make payments that a) take only a few minutes and b) can't be seen by the state or anybody else, as opposed to systems like Stripe. My balance is private as well. This is utility that I am using right now for my business.

With ICP I can conveniently and securely use my yubikey to log into my wallet (NNS) and my oc.app account where I can mirror work files and chat with clients and receive money in the same app. Can't do that on Twitter, they're not allowed to. The blockchain is providing me with a useful tool. Soon there will exist proper escrow and crowdfunding websites on ICP.

>don't be hard on xrp
>you know nothing
>i will not explain its utility
>you are a faggot
>you are a zoomer
>it has the most utility though
>the devs are so good and mature
None of these are compelling reasons for me as a freelancer to use XRP or HBAR. I only see confused appeals to state authority and "responsible adults" that completely miss the point of why people are running into crypto.
I warmly recommend this talk to you: https://youtube.com/watch?v=wq6w03E2DS4

>> No.54569836

I think most of your post is about XRP but you do mention HBAR at the end, and then you link to a YouTube video about Monero. This tells me you might not know much or anything about HBAR? To compare HBAR to Monero doesn’t make any sense. Monero is essentially just a currency (like BTC) and Hedera is a programmable distributed ledger (i.e you can build dApps on it). In no way shape or form is Hedera a currency that people will use instead of dollars. A good analogy for HBARs on Hedera is to think of them aa digital oil. If you want your applications to run you need gas (HBAR). If you’re not aware of the real world applications currently built on Hedera I’ll point you in the general direction so that you can DYOR. Avery Dennisons atma.io is a live dApp that pushes about ~600 tps to network. I don’t think there is a single other network that can say they have a Fortune 500 with a LIVE dApp on their network. If you want more use cases the Coupon Bureau is scheduled to go live later this year. If you want more you can DYOR. And for the record I like monero and I kind of like ICP (im not fully convinced by it but I have some good friends who are invested and I respect their opinions on crypto).

>> No.54571185

Correct, most tokens are commodities.

>> No.54571522

Technically the AI 8112 coupon system is already deployed in the Food Depot, for select Procter & Gamble products. The first actual use is already underway. The Food Depot is a chain based in Atlanta with six stores, and Procter & Gamble is the big name here.

>> No.54571594
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Imagine laughing at the most professionally handled hack in crypto history.

>> No.54571607
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Sorry wrong pic

>> No.54571647

The Monero talk was in response to the bootlicker. I bunch HBAR and XRP together since, again, they don't do anything new: get in touch with us to launch a dapp, register with your email to access our APIs, download this wallet and connect it to our website to use our dapp, we move tokens around and we're compliant and will let your government print new money too (and if baggies get really lucky your national currency might be replaced with XRP!). Meanwhile the IC is a true DAO-controlled general purpose internet computer that launches entire websites NOW for whomsoever chooses to create a canister and feed it cycles (and I can invite my clients to chat with me and handle money without having to download a wallet!). We just need Badlands and someone to write an ICP-based Monero client somehow and I'm set