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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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54565585 No.54565585 [Reply] [Original]

>that will be a life time of work

>> No.54565616
File: 331 KB, 1080x1198, Vagabond Approved.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's funny is from there I could insulate, hang drywall, tape cracks, caulk windows. Etc
Only thing I'd want help with is electrical. I could theoretically do it myself but it would probably be safer to have someone with more experience do it

Material cost would still suck ass though

>> No.54565622

where have i seen this guy before

>> No.54565659
File: 316 KB, 1577x2418, What the fuck did you just fucking say about me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In your nightmares, urbanite

>> No.54565730

Electricity is piss easy if you have half a brain and can look things up, plumping on the ither hand.. water in the walls isnt funny

>> No.54565760

>2400 man hours
>knowledge of how to build houses to code
yeah what a scam

>> No.54565788

The up to code is most retarded part
I can do outlets and ceiling fans etc but I would feel more confident paying someone else to do it
Fucking up drywall/insulation isn't a big deal, fucking up electrical means I'd need to take apart the drywall

>> No.54565858


plumbing and electrical are on par with difficulty imo, the only difference is most of the time plumbing doesn't have the ability to kill you instantly like electrical can.

>> No.54565864

fkn kek fml

>> No.54565882

>what are rubber gloves
If you die from electric shock you probably deserved it

>> No.54565886

Even if it doesn't kill you imagine your fresh plywood catching on fire because you fucked up somewhere. No thanks I'll hire boomer Bob for $50 to run line for 4 hours

>> No.54565904

>rubber gloves will save me
Just stop. Go back to your video games faggot

>> No.54565943
File: 104 KB, 576x1024, -RWHsoJk8nggudwvYkL30EVLYCJmhmoVAHDFscF3pJU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lower your tone avatar fag

>> No.54566146

> electricity is easy
> plumbing is hard
nigga what ?

>> No.54566225

Meanwhile, his probably brown girlfriend is getting plowed by some white guy in college

>> No.54566321

the amish can build a barn in a single day but houses still cost hundreds of thousands of dollars

>> No.54566349

Does a barn have a floor, insulation, electricity, plumbing? Do the Amish give a single fuck about zoning regulations or permits?

>> No.54566494

Sounds like whiney faggot problems. His point still stands. The electricians aren’t the most expensive part of building a house

>> No.54566595

Have you considered choosing a house that won't cause you a lifetime of work? You don't need a 4BR in downtown LA.

>> No.54566615

these are my favorite type of threads lmao

>> No.54566616

The state will forbit you to live in it in such condition. Pay up, goy.

>> No.54566628

Anons don't we just have to wait for the boomers to die? Then we can get anything we want. There will be a surplus of literally everything.

>> No.54566850

Absolute junk

Who the fuck is buying these things?

You know what, you could build something sturdier in a fucking favela, I have physically walked in favelas that are built better than these things.

These houses will fall apart within 10 years, the repairs consistently outweigh the profit benefit past that point. Past 20 years they need foundation work done, which is the equivalent of saying "yep im living in this forever"

Not to mention they are always located in hyper overbearing HOAs with faggot Karen breathing down your neck because you forgot to pull your car into the driveway past 1145pm on a Tuesday. You can't add pools you can't add shit. It's barely your property, you are at the bending will of the HOA and you don't actually even really own this property because if you don't listen to the HOA they'll literally take your fucking house.

Oh and you need a car 100% of the time, you can't even walk to the fucking park because this neighborhood was planned with the mindset of 50s white flight retards thinking "boy oh man this design will surely prevent niggers and various niggatry!" When all it does is isolate neighbors from each other and divides the community that actually lives there.

Completely fucking soulless places to live. Where you lose money at every turn. You get fleeced by a group of faggots and trannies who hate your face and say trim the bushes chud or we'll fine you. You have to drive to take a walk and you don't even know your neighbors outside the houses directly around you and maybe not then. And then you have to make dramatic fixes to your cardboard hut which was strung together by the cheapest labor and wood the developers could find.

Are you fucking happy yet?

>> No.54566883

only problem is that the boomers are holding the floodgates back for supply chains.

>> No.54566919

>You have to drive to take a walk
Great post all around, but this part is especially grim and hits home. I drive half an hour to have a nice place of nature to walk around in and just be at peace. Not to mention so many people drive to the gym just to simulate walking on a treadmill.

>> No.54566942

This.Shit rolls down hill and with the newer waterlines they have a retarted ape on crack could run those.

>> No.54566997


>> No.54567021


Some serious rentoid cope. Although restrictive HOAs do need to go fuck themselves.

>> No.54567049

The point about it preventing niggatry completely true the stupid windy road design doesn't prevent a goddamned thing

>> No.54567079

so then build it yourself

>> No.54567171

I have never done anything like that but I don't see why I couldn't learn it. I learn all kinds of stuff just from looking at shit online, I could figure it out one step at a time.

>> No.54567421

It can cost much less if you go rural enough.

>> No.54567703

It's pretty simple but material costs make trial and error kinda nerve wracking

>> No.54568295

sweating copper much harder than flipping a breaker and running romex

>> No.54569298

builders need to grow some balls and start putting cedar siding on the outside, true 2x4 framing and rockwool insulation in the middle, and lathe & plaster for the interior walls and nothing else. That's how my house was built at the end of the 1800s (sans the rockwool) and it's standing strong today.

When link goes to $300 however, my forever home will be built with structural brick atop a stone foundation. And a lead roof. And leaded single pane windows.

>> No.54569573

Measure twice

>> No.54569606

Do the easy wiring yourself and get a friend who is an electrician to go over it and check, and put in the breaker box and hook up the power, and pay him for it. Then put in the drywall.

>> No.54569782


Most homeowners don't want to pay 2x as much for siding that requires more maintenance and is less durable.

>> No.54570041


New builds are nightmares from top to bottom.

>t. in construction industry

>> No.54571329

>Gets moldy after a storm

>> No.54571341

they cover everything up

>> No.54571397
File: 39 KB, 960x862, tfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>electricity is easy as piss
>UNLIKE dealing with piss

>> No.54571410

Built my own house with basically no prior knowledge except how to use power tools. Wired and plumbed everything myself too, it's easy if you have a few brain cells to rub together, YouTube is a fantastic resource too, people with decades of niche trade expertise sharing detailed how to videos for free. Only thing I didn't do is roof irons because that's shithouse hard work that took a team of a few dudes a day and a half what would take me by myself a week or more and you can make small fuck up that will cause tremendous damage down the line. Also didn't pour and place the pad because thats specialist shit that you can't go back and fix later. Saved probably 200k doing it myself but it's definitely no joke in the amount of work you have to do and how much you have to work your brain.

>> No.54571509

>stone foundation
why not a concrete slab?

>> No.54571532

I'm also planning on building a home myself. Cash only when I'm ready. I have the benefit of knowing a few friends and family members who might help lead the way but I prefer to do most of the work myself to learn.

>> No.54571671

You're paying for the land, not the house.

>> No.54571784

i'd recommend the shoes too. but it misses the idea.
wheres your ground? is it actually earthed or common?
cant kill you if its tagged out. non-contact voltage wand is gold.

but if you dont know how to discharge or run an earth strap i'd say theres a Darwin award for doing anything more than wiring.

make a flow diagram (signal/current/flow/whatever). its that fucking simple.
you could even flow chart the steps of every electrical job ever

Find the fucking things
Turn the fucking thing off.
Measure and verify the fucking things off
Measure the fucking thing again
Label and lockout the fucking thing
Modify the fucking thing
Measure the fucking thing
Measure this fucking thing again
Label and lockout anything someone might fucking touch in the meantime.
Unlock/tag the fucking power
Turn the fucking thing on
Test both fucking ends
Label box end
Remove user end locks/tags
Label user end
Clean your fucking shit up
Invoice that fucking client
Get in your fucking truck
Go home and be a good fucking family man

Most sparkys who die are well and fully qualified. Seriously just check that you actually turned the thing off. go circuit to circuit. anything with high capacitance or energy storage is always live unless you discharged it yourself just now.

>> No.54571804

What a faggot lmao what kind of cope is this

>> No.54571813

>if your bf aint away slaving for the zog while your gf is at home getting blacked by tyrone then you a bi@tch
american logic checks out

>> No.54571820

This was basically my immediate thought. No smart American who's life is worth anything is fighting for the ZOG

>> No.54571828

Plus tip

>> No.54571843

Nice you got the easiest part out of the way.

>> No.54571854

>Owning a house
Humans are nomadic, settling down in one place is for extreme faggots

>> No.54571860

yeah hence decent people have a summer home or winter home.
what kind of family did you come from?

>> No.54571877

Shutup faggot