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File: 89 KB, 1257x714, fed vs sp500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54561734 No.54561734 [Reply] [Original]

What kind of retard buys shitcoins before a recession?

>> No.54561760

priced in + inflation is subsiding = no reason to not moon

>> No.54561786

the bottom was already in based on the last hike related crash

>> No.54561830

>muh priced in
recessions come after rates are lowered, look at the charts dumb zoomers.

>> No.54561831

me :(
im gonna get raped

>> No.54561858

you are basically the guy who bought back in in 2020 ´
look at the charts dumb boomer

>> No.54561885
File: 646 KB, 1538x838, ratesinv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another chance for you to fucking get it.

>> No.54561906

still the same case
bro is your IQ 90 or something?

>> No.54562023
File: 112 KB, 592x782, zoomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54562038

>checks portfolio
>100% shitcoins
Not me

>> No.54562101
File: 435 KB, 1764x924, overbought sp500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All coins are shitcoins. No one will be holding BTC throught a recesion, let alone alts.

>> No.54562181

>US economy crashing
>somehow not bullish for a non USD based asset
Tell me you're retarded without telling me you're retarded

>> No.54562210

this kid gonna look 30 when he's 20.

>> No.54562220

Do yourself a favour and Google “Crack Up Boom”.

This recession/depression is going to send every asset class to the moon.

>> No.54562247

The US isn't argentina, the FED will crush the economy if needed to get inflation down. Tards hoping for hyperbitcoinization are living in lalaland.

Go back to school dumbass.

>> No.54562558

Yeah, just keeping fudding like the faggot bear you are. If people think Bitcoin will do well, it is going to make it through this economy better than your boomer stocks ever will. Bitcoin being purely speculative is a good thing in this case

>> No.54562645

I will not pay outrageous tuition to learn outdated information from boomers. Post secondary is a scam industry setup to milk foreign students of their money, simple as.
USD is dying, the world is moving away from it as a reserve currency. Why would I sell my assets for fiat at the start of this, the Golden bull run?

>> No.54562789

I think he's gonna look 20 when he's 30, which is a good thing. What are you smoking?

>> No.54562880

Why do zoomers have curly hair like that with the side fade, it looks like there's broccoli or a birds nest sitting on their heads.

>> No.54562906

if you were 14 today you might have had a similar hairstyle purely because zoomer girls in the US thinks its cute. If you are not an american you would be safe from this hair.

>> No.54563157
File: 459 KB, 1810x852, 1678225852492352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What kind of retard buys

thats the misconception
no one's actually buying
its all just pumps and washtrades

>> No.54563526

Bitcoin follows the SP500, the NASDAQ more specifically. It will crash, and crash hard, when recession kicks in. What can you do?
>USD is dying
Tell that to the judge when you refuse to pay taxes on USD
>The world is moving away from it as a reserve currency.
The world is still buying USD as world reserve currency because there are no alternatives. No, a communist dictatorship run by a bear looking chink is not a reserve currency. You would quickly realize this if you understood game theory. A reserve currency doesn't work on planned economies. China would need to give up on capital controls for that and they will not do it since that goes against the very doctrine of what makes the Communist Party exist.

The retards here are showing their power level. No one has real capital and you are just waiting to get rich from dumb tokens like it's 2017. Sorry, the shitcoin bubble bursted and you didn't make it.

>> No.54563747

The recession already happened. It was a stealth recession. People are too dumb to even see how much shittier life has gotten in just as little as 5 years

>> No.54563778

It’s because zoomers are the generation that worships niggers the most and so they do everything they can to emulate them.

>> No.54565920

That's what you are getting with unregulated markets. Wild wild west. So many dumb faggots don't know yet, after all those years.

>> No.54566161
File: 126 KB, 1039x1437, yield curve and recession probability.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have to understand the mind of zoomers with a crippling gambling addiction. They have never seen the consequences of a recession. 2008 was just 2nd grade for them. they only know of a time when line goes up during heavy QE resulting from '08 and the manufactured covid19 "recession". They genuinely believe we've already felt the brunt of the "recession", and line going up is the only known possibility. "Priced in" is just a new meme used quell the anxiety they have with their chips pushed all in. This time it's different.