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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54557309 No.54557309 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.54557314


>> No.54557340

I like the jpeg of mumu cow on a ship one one frame. And there’s a bobo bear watching him. And then the next frame the mumu sinks. Talk about funny pictures

>> No.54557880
File: 124 KB, 1200x887, 168125913730592227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of the reaction images are gun, but threads just for that? Must be literal children. Remember how fun retarded random fuckery used to be?

Like when just saying the word "monkey" was funny

>> No.54557889

Well, that or paid shills who just want to lower the level of discourse so people don't try to band together and end the Jew or whatever

>> No.54558105

New people

>> No.54558138

Holy fuck i remember this post like it was yesterday. Its over for me. Also should've sold back then 213k at peak now barely 100k

>> No.54558150

Literally these. More on the second one, you'll notice during times like now when the macroeconomic shit is about to hit the fan, there are more of these posts and just random off topic posts in general which serve a few purposes
>invited a more retarded audience
>slide threads (chill, I'm not from /pol/)
>convince people with valuable opinions to use the board less/stop using the site altogether

>inb4 I get attacked by the people that post this shit for calling them out

>> No.54558182

This is funny how people and jannies here demonize soijak threads which are actually great but will pump this shitty meme
No wonder why /biz/ is dead

>> No.54558188

I don't think it's that deep desu. It's probably just redditors thinking they're original.

>> No.54558220

Believe me, I browse /biz/ a lot, like 12 hours/7 days a week. As retarded as redditors are, they aren't all THAT unoriginal. I don't use reddit but even there I'm sure memes go in natural cycles of a few months to a year. These kinds of repeated posts for years on end that coincidentally vary with public narrative? I don't buy it

>> No.54558249

Its so fucking tiresome getting bobo/mumu threads as well as pink/green wojak threads over a 0.2% move every fucking day who ALL only get 0-15 replies and yet take up a very large portion of the catalog at all times. I miss 2017 when they were only made for BIG moves.

Jannies REALLY need to do something about this as /biz/ has essentially become a financial sharty board with 80% of posts being less than one sentence long. This has become an EXTREMELY low quality shitpost board akin to /int/ but somehow much worse and more boring.

>> No.54558250

i actually think its funny. sorry if my huemor is retarded.

>> No.54558319

Cope. I've been here since 2017 and its always been like this

>> No.54558336

Or like randomly getting 20 fake gold thread jpgs out of nowhere yesterday. The fuck was that

>> No.54558411

me zoo

>> No.54558457
File: 348 KB, 781x561, uberraregaybo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mumu Bobo, Crabby and yes even Gaybo are /Biz/ mascots.

>> No.54559844


>> No.54559894

i'm not even amused by porn or runescape anymore

and by extension not by sex or money

now what

>> No.54560015

Its so much better than the silver and gold merchants selling their shiny rocks at 300% markups.

>> No.54560022

>since 2017

>> No.54560027

>now what
You are comfortably numb.

>> No.54560029

I get warnings and bans for posting in them and joining in on the memes, does anyone else?

>> No.54560036
File: 18 KB, 721x720, 25089.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54560084

seek jesus