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File: 133 KB, 1500x1000, ubi_definition_0825-1dedf6e7a0504a91a746c762849dd4b0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54551151 No.54551151 [Reply] [Original]

Financially speaking, why wouldn't this work?

>> No.54551162

because communism always fails.

>> No.54551167

something, something, people will stop working, something, something dont tax the super rich even further, something, something, keep working goy

>> No.54551185

Because the money has to come from somewhere. What's the point of $1000 a month when you have to raise taxes on everyone to pay for it?

>> No.54551189

Because money does not equal goods and services, money is a measurement of goods and services. Conjuring up more money without the exchange of goods and services undermines the convertibility of the money into goods and services, and would be a zero sum game at best, hyperinflation at the worst.

>> No.54551197

imagine whole streets full of defunct muffin shops because bored house wifes no longer have a cost to failing with their stupid ideas. thank you, communists.

>> No.54551206

Imagine being dependent on the gov for money… does nobody remember how it took like a year of back and forth before they settle on an “emergency Covid” relief bill that hardly payed anything at all? You want these people deciding how much money you need to survive anon? You want to rely on them to feed your bank account?

>> No.54551232

the point is to suffocate any spark of productivity so everyone can all live in the same poverty - except for the powerful bureaucrats who distribute the few fruits of the the slave-classes productivity.

>> No.54551290

Once you are dependent on it, you are owned. Of course there would be requirements from you to continue to benefit… didn’t take your booster? No money until you do. Said nigger online? Fined $50. Sounds awful

>> No.54551291

Karl Marx was jewish

>> No.54551401

˙ɥƃnoɥʇ ǝɯiʇ ǝɯɐs ǝɥʇ ʇɐ ɥʇoq op plnoɔ noʎ Hq

˙˥oQ ƃuiʌoɹdɯi ʇi ʇnoɥʇiʍ Iq∩ ǝɥʇ ʞɔɐq ʍɐlɔ oʇ ɹǝʍod ʇǝʞɹɐɯ ɹiǝɥʇ ǝsn ʇsnɾ sǝiʇiʇuǝ ǝsoɥʇ 'ǝsiʍɹǝɥʇO ˙ƃuiʇsnq-ʇsnɹʇ ɟo ʇunoɯɐ pooƃ ɐ puɐ (,,˙ʇiun ǝɥʇ ɟo ǝɔiɹd ǝsɐq ǝɥʇ ɹǝʍol oʇ ƎΛ∀H noʎ 'ʇunoɔsip ɐ ɹǝɟɟo ʇ,uɐɔ noʎ 'ou 'ǝsɐǝl ǝɥʇ ɟɟo ɥʇuoɯ ɐ ɹǝɟɟo ʇ,uɐɔ noʎ 'oN,,) sǝiƃǝʇɐɹʇs ʇuǝɯǝƃɐuɐɯ ʎʇɹǝdoɹd uiɐʇɹǝɔ ƃuiʍɐlʇno ǝʞil sƃuiɥ ˙ʇsɹiɟ ǝɔɐld ui ǝq oʇ pǝǝu ʇɐɥʇ ɹoiʌɐɥǝq ɹǝɯnsuoɔ-iʇuɐ puɐ ǝʌiʇiʇǝdɯoɔ-iʇuɐ ʇsuiɐƃɐ suoiʇɔǝʇoɹd ɹǝɥʇo ǝɹɐ ǝɹǝɥ ˙ƃuilppǝɯ ǝq plnoʍ ǝɹǝɥʇ ʇnq ˙ƃuilppǝɯ ɔiʇɐɹɔoʇnld ʇnoɥʇiʍ 'ʞɹoʍ plnoʍ ʇI

>> No.54551420

It's a mistake. It's a huge mistake. And it will have severe consequences in our society.

>> No.54551430

You're a dumb nigger. Cattle always want to work. Every nigger cattle I spoke to needs work to feel fulfilled. Keep your /pol/ talking points to yourself nigger and then grow a brain and formulate your own thoughts, you dumb retarded faggot.

>> No.54551441

biz is yet to learn the lessos of socialism fren

>> No.54551461

If it's backed up by something (eg alaska permanent fund) then that's one thing.

just firing up the printer like they did in 2020 to obvious results (comedy inflation) wouldn't work so well.

>> No.54551468

>the lessos of socialism fren
we've all know hunger, anon
relax, anon. no one here has any power. no one's opinion matters.

>> No.54551472

>why wouldn't it work
It most definitely will work. It will destroy the middle class and create a mass of serfs who can never get ahead - as it is intended to do.

>> No.54551494

Because that's not how we do it in America

>> No.54551523

and that exactly is why you will lose to north korea

>> No.54551645

Because they want to implement it in addition to all the other bullshit that is incompatible with UBI. You want UBI? Right out of the gate you need to massively squash immigration and implement massive penalties for people who would over-reproduce (you know who). Next, you would have to dismantle almost every other support system and the bureaucracies associated with them: all welfare programs would need to be removed. Social Security would need to be deleted. Anything associated with government assistance for loans, tax credits, unemployment, and so on, all would most likely need to be removed as well. Massive bureaucracies would be gone in short order and the very people who typically support UBI quake in terror at this idea. UBI is actually good and sensible with huge potential for refinement, but only in the right conditions, which our government has demonstrated it has no desire to bring about. As usual, they would bait you in with the ideal and then manage to deliver the worst of all worlds to you.

>> No.54551673

Inflation. Look at how bad inflation is after the government gave out a few stimulus checks. Imagine if they did that every month, dollars would be worthless.

>> No.54551695
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every single landlord with half a braincell would have a private moment of genius as they realized they could increase their rent by the same amount per month

>> No.54551914

so regulate it that they cant duh

>> No.54552467


1000 (dollars per month) * 336,205,62. (number of Americans) = 336 billion.

That's just one month. In three months it would be one trillion. The entire GDP of America is 21 trillion.

I don't see any way this would work.

>> No.54552488


>> No.54552550

>a program in which wealthy people receive money from the tax of the workers
kek kek

>> No.54552670

digital asset backed central bank digital currency with 18 decimals

>> No.54552680
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it could work. it's just that you would be taxing wealthy people and businesses so much more just so joe schmoe can buy a new lexus instead of a corolla and maybe get an associate's degree

>> No.54552824
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We already have this in the US. 90% of non whites are on some sort of gov gibs payed for by whitey. It only works as long as there is a tax payer class to fund the system. When your nation is made up entirely of toliet scrubbers on gibs then the retarded system colapases due to insolvency.

>> No.54552896

Because the Nazi incels will seethe and cope and complain that the billionaires will lose money and so their wealth won’t trickle down to them

>> No.54552905

Huh you really already forgot about the impact from the stimulus checks in 2020 and 2021 didnt you? Are you that stupid, anon?

>> No.54552908

Am I the only person that missed school the day they taught how to read the pronounciation gibberish?

>> No.54552946 [DELETED] 

Libertardians aren’t Nazis you dumb fuck
Fascists (based) want to force kike billionaires to pay their fair share instead of looting society for profits sake

>> No.54552971

We have UBI/UHC for 20% of the population already. It costs nearly 3 Trillion Dollars now. That's half the federal budget.

>> No.54552996

>Tax the super rich
The Super Rich don't have money for you to tax, they have businesses that are estimated to be worth X amount. You go ahead and tax Bezos half of his wealth to solve world hunger, go ahead. I bet you'll do real well eating the literal dirt and bricks from the warehouses that make up half of his wealth.

>> No.54553079

>we have to regulate wages so they can't decrease salary with the UBI amount
>we have to regulate housing prices so they can't increase the rent with the UBI amount
>we have to regulate food prices so so they can't increase due to UBI
>we have to regulate product prices so so they can't increase due to UBI
>we have to regulate service prices so so they can't increase due to UBI

UBI turns into socialism or hyperinflation.

>> No.54553188

because then nobody will work. we all saw what happened when the stimulus and covid unemployment happened. yeah people might still want to work for fulfillment but that will only be in industries people actually want to work in. Say goodbye to all entry level working class jobs like food service and manufacturing.

although i supposed AI with probably replace all of that shit soon, and only leave the skilled technical skills behind. Thats probably the only situation where UBI would work and be needed. Otherwise it'll be welfare state 2.0 and everyone will be reliant on the daddy gov to put food on the table.

>> No.54553205

because UBI means negative interest rates. you will have to consoom or else you pay up

>> No.54553211

it works just fine, most government employees don't do jack shit and are paid to do almost nothing

>> No.54553228

everything in the USA is already inflated due to gibs
worthless job and goyslop service suffered, actual jobs didn't
it means nothing if pointless makework or dumb idiot labor goes away,

>> No.54553229

You'd also need price controls on rent. Otherwise it becomes ULI (Universal Landlord Income). Money always goes up the food chain. Everyone on UBI will be poor.

>> No.54553281

If this becomes a thing, crypto would moon so fucking hard. Just like when everyone was getting a stimmy

>> No.54553336
File: 136 KB, 1024x1024, CCD9EFCE-8A4B-48C3-981C-94EBC24F821A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn’t we basically have UBI during corona with the grants?
We just got massive inflation out of it because there was an increase in money supply without a concomitant increase in goods or productivity.

>> No.54553365

1-Taxes in general can still go much higher
2-What about have the government or company take control of x amount of dollars of the stocks and take a loan out against it and use that for the ubi?

>> No.54553376

The absolute retardation in this thread. AI and automation will make UBI an absolute necessity in the future but, as with all paradigm shifts in history, necessary policies and action will only be taken after mass unemployment, starvation, crime and riots have already set in.

Ultimate smoothbrain is equating this to the pipe-dream scam of communism in the 1900s. But there's no stopping ameritards worshipping their illusion of personal freedom (while actually enjoying less of it than in many other countries) when the American underclass is by comparison more enslaved already than most others.

Calling UBI communism that won't work tomorrow sounds like calling global capitalism anarchy and saying it could never work in the 1900s since anarchy couldnnot work whatsoever and it for sure didn't work in pre-industrial feudalistic societies.

>> No.54553421

Look at the prices of subsidized goods and inflation from COVID

>> No.54553438
File: 51 KB, 600x800, BKqj_ZYCQAEmj_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like measuring your dick an inch from the base.
Money isn't a resource. Money is a way to measure things. If you change the size of an inch, you still can't make her coom. You've just devalued the inch and inflated your ego.
This would just fuel inflation. Poor people would be better off for 6 months, then worse off forever. Your next lease signing youd be fucked.

>> No.54553479

Yes no matter what, it caused inflation to some level. Argument is... how much? According to many company statements, that even AFTER adjusting for inflation, these companies are posting record profits. This means that to a certain extent, they are hiking prices more than they need to (Well within their right to do so).

As for the handouts being ubi, it was only a total of $2,000 total for those eligible. Dookie as fuck numbers. And most of it did NOT go to the people. It also wasn't continued. I wouldn't call it ubi.

T make matters worse we're going to have to pay interest on that. It's aids and straight kikery. This is not needed.

>> No.54553520

We know. But on /biz/ everyone is jewish

>> No.54553541

>Financially speaking, why wouldn't this work?

Because the US can't afford it, we're already running multi trillion dollar deficits and other social care programs like SS and Medicare are on the verge of insolvency and benefit cuts.

>> No.54553554

ITT people unironically believe inflation was because of stimmies and muh money supply

The 1% must be so happy to have people believe long disproven neoliberal fairytales

>> No.54553570
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Yes because making every business as efficient as the DMV wouldn't cause mass starvation.

>> No.54553609

Thats a dope text format.

>> No.54553791

Creating money leads to inflation 100% of the time. It's literally its own definition. What do you think is causing inflation if not for money being printed?

>> No.54553817

It works but only for the elite rich getting bailed out each time they fuck up.

>> No.54553874

Because you can't have a gibs system where 75% of people are 80iq and do not contribute anything to society and will always be a net loss in terms of money and culture.

UBI is literally something only a naive first year college student can believe could work. Same with open borders.

>> No.54553890

True aussie posting.

>> No.54553901

No reason, they just want us to think it's a bad idea so they get to keep the system as it is. Get on altseason while you have the chance, or stay begging for something that will never come


>> No.54553904

ubi only for those that work.

>> No.54555309

We already have UBI in all but name. It's pretty nice.

>> No.54555337

you ever seen what happens to a bowl of sugar left out in the hot summer sun. youre more likely to be culled by vaccines in the food supply

>> No.54555351

>Cattle always want to work.
clearly you have never meet any Gypsies

>> No.54555376

You just need some non-profit housing. Doesn't have to be the government directly. Incentivize by cutting taxes for non-profits.

>> No.54555468

Has it ever worked? The minute you start giving people more money to spend, prices go up. There's no escaping supply and demand.

>> No.54555482

because it is good for the government that we are all poor so it keeps us distracted with unnecessary stuff, this is just a slight lie, as soon as I can make vinu give me enough money to retire to be a monk I will leave the country

>> No.54556353

UBI will free up people from working unwanted or not needed jobs and cut waste.

So of course UBI won’t be implemented by the current state government. The state relies on arresting niggers and hiring low income individuals to circulate the economy in their favor.

The current state creates problems and offers jobs to clean up the mess.

The philosophy is, why cure the problem when you can milk it?

> lease automobile
> after 3 years the car expires
> lease a new car

You will own nothing and work to borrow.

>> No.54557138


>> No.54557204

Because you'll never be able to outcompete nations that actually produce value efficiently unless you're quite literally where everyone is getting all their loans from and you own all the international corporations around the world, which even the usa can't really sustain.

>> No.54557594
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Landlords be like, "I hear you got extra money this month."

1.UBI is just inflation.
2. De-commodification is the answer.

>> No.54557630

And what about the other 100 billion?

>> No.54557650

Fascists were the real Bernie bros all along

>> No.54557655

In the US, toosny beans and basketballs and not enough people who'll work. That's why retail is essential. It gives these parasites incentives to work

>> No.54557659 [DELETED] 

Because niggers. Might have worked in Nazi Germany but that ship has sailed.

>> No.54557720

Nothing is free
We will own nothing and we WILL be happy

>> No.54557734
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I'm a capitalism supporter and I support ubi. We should have elected Yang when we had the chance.
Instead we got an old man giving our money to Ukraine and niggers instead of people who actually need it.

>> No.54557757
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>Right out of the gate you need to massively squash immigration
>and implement massive penalties for people who would over-reproduce (you know who)
Sounds great!
>Next, you would have to dismantle almost every other support system and the bureaucracies associated with them: all welfare programs would need to be removed.
>Social Security would need to be deleted.

>> No.54557766

Yes am of 100% American, John Smith in New York oblast.

>> No.54557833

The returns we get from traditional investments are way too low. I would rather just hold some GOONS and BODS Nfts and generate a passiveincome of 15% which is alot better.

>> No.54557861


>> No.54557935

rich arab states effectively have ubi, but they don't have open borders and other progressive mind diseases

>> No.54557950

So $4 trillion / year, with us making $21 trillion/ year in productivity? Even if you half the GDP for BS like Keynesian economics it still pans out. I say this as a Ron Paul-tard... (Mises agreed that we needed negative income tax). It will have to happen or it's going to be a shifty world for the rich people too since they like traveling and hustle bustle city shit

>> No.54558003

Imagine if you had a UBI and you're born in the hood. You could leave. There could be a market for affordable housing outside of the cities where you could always go if life got rough. You wouldn't have to be homeless.

>inb4 crazy street-shitting drug addicts
Well if you had a safety net like that, you could be a lot tougher on homeless people. No sleeping in the streets, police removes them to their designated housing. You garnish a part of their ubi for their housing. If you gave them injection clinics in their designated neighborhoods, they wouldn't even want to come to the city and shit it up.

>> No.54558018

Here is what happens if EVERYONE receives the same arbitrary amount of money.
>increased product prices to accommodate for supply and demand
>massively inflated prices for services
>rent prices to the roof
>UBI trickling to the big players MUCH faster causing even greater economic inequality and social stratification

You are back to square 1 niggers but this time it's worse for poorfags

>> No.54558878

you just rearrange the tax brackets

>> No.54558897

youre assuming value is directly tied to goods or services and it isnt.
thats why advertising and marketing is the largest market and not the consumption of the advertised products.

all the people who do contribute value are already programmed to work.
the laptop class could die tomorrow and the rest of humanity wouldnt notice.

ubi isnt a problem at all. especially when tied to a universal revenue tax rate with open audit structures.

>> No.54558904

economic inequality isnt a problem.
the distribution of minimum viable means is.

doesnt matter how much richer i am than you are as long as you have enough to not murder your neighbor.

its a bribe not to go full the purge.

>> No.54558917

make 1 universal 1% bracket. open auditing. mandatory for jurisdictional operation and based of revenue unless reasonable grounds can be made to base it on income or worse again profit.

but serious consequences are in play for anyone responsible for people's livelihoods. treat someone's livelihood like their life depends on it. because it does.

>> No.54558924

the printing is just a small amount, it's mostly money being loaned with no reserve requirements

>> No.54558932

Because competitiveness is on a global scale. Fiat is based on confidence

>> No.54558980

competitiveness is based on fiat.

>> No.54559161

Printing more money and giving it to every will not create more housing/goods. It will just raise prices.
Aggressive government spending on housing is a solution but it would tank real estate market and a lot boomers will be left with cheap houses that were supposed to be their retirement fund.

>> No.54559169

>the few fruits of the the slave-classes productivity
But if people get UBI there is no slave class you stupid?

>> No.54559203

>but this time it's worse for poorfags
No not really because $500 to stay at home is worth $5000 while wageslaving.

>> No.54559237

What's that? Welfare for non blacks?
It would 100% work, look how well it worked for them.

>> No.54559279

Too many foreigners and no whites in general
Not to mention the rapid decline of the quality of white people
If it does happen it will be a bribe for some horrendous political goal

>> No.54559299

Ok sounds perfect

>> No.54559312

just look what happened during covid and you only got like $500 checks or whatever
imagine if we had that every month

>> No.54559357

Because no one wants to be paid evenly for an uneven amount of work down, so everyone will just do as little as possible. Only someone who never worked a day in their life could support something like this.

>> No.54559556

>Taxes can go higher
Yeah, on us. The idiots who supported an income tax in the first place only because we were promised it would only be a tax increase on the rich.
>Do even more deficit spending for the UBI
Why not just skip the middle man and print money from thin air?

>> No.54559579

Server farms, transportation contracts, intellectual property, payments owed to amazon and payment owed by amazon, payroll. The name and logo for Amazon dot com are probably worth ten million by themselves.

>> No.54559597

What happened exactly? We didn't get shit in Europe.

>> No.54559734

This might work. But imo investing in crypto fetches more returns. Even mining has become more convenient and cheap. I have plans to start mining QANX with a raspberry pi once the mainnet is live. It's cheap and eco-friendly plus the returns will be a lot better.

>> No.54560747

Because a populace that isn't kept preoccupied and exhausted through work is a populace that has the time and energy to rebel. UBI is possible, elites just don't want it.

>> No.54561433

Crypto is better. By staking we can generate solid passive income. I get like 25% for staking UTK, and 20% ATOM this is alot better when compared to traditional investments.

>> No.54561459

If the goal is to end society, it would work wonders

>> No.54561672

It would cause inflation. Oh, you get $1500/month in gibs? Rent is increasing $1,500/month on your renewal.

>> No.54561689

>Financially speaking, why wouldn't this work?
Maybe if working is worth earning extra money on top of UBI.

Someone still has to do something...

>> No.54561947


>> No.54561989

Because ration stamps would work better