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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54549800 No.54549800 [Reply] [Original]

After NEETing for 4 years, I finally got a job. Doesn't pay that well (80k a year) but it's better than nothing.

It's work from home 4 days, 1 day at office. WIsh me luck

>> No.54549811

good luck anon! you got this covered just dont getr stupid and act stupid over it. put in actual effort and do your best

>> No.54549830

thank you friend, i checked your doubles.
watching movies playing games can only get you so far in life (not that far) I need to relearn socialization also, I'm a social autist right now

>> No.54549845

I'll work your job during the home days if you give me 20k of that 80k a year

>> No.54549858

How will that even work? they can probably see that you're connecting to the work VPN from zimbabwe

>> No.54549867
File: 34 KB, 550x422, 1677024786882225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doesn't pay that well (80k a year) but it's better than nothing.

And once again, /biz/ posters are so far removed from reality they dont understand money at all

And OP, to get a job like that you obviously laid down the framework early on in life before you got depressed and became a NEET

>> No.54549872

Idk the details, yet, we can check how, but i think we can either set up a private network, or i can use a VPN from the US.
I'm in Europe btw.

>> No.54549880

Are you from eastern europe or something? why would you work for 20k a year?

>> No.54549884

This. Niggers on this board either live in fantasyland or these are actual psyops.

>> No.54549894

I'm from south euro.
Because 20k a year (net) is a lot of money here.
And it's ok money in most europe anyways.

>> No.54549905

Southern europeans are arabs not white people

>> No.54549911

>t. mutt

>> No.54549913

80k is good dude.
I worked my ass off getting the certs, qualifications and references for my $45k job, and still 120 cover letters before I got considered.
I'd kill for your job dude. I'd rape for it.

And 1 day at the office? Who's dick did you have to suck for that? Only women of color get that in my office and they have to come in 3 days not 1.

I bet you do a good job at it too, not ground into the dirt and emasculated every day for not reading the boss' mind like I am.

>> No.54549930

I'm an actual european (from the netherlands), seethe more lazy brownoid

>> No.54549936

Ok guys I have to admit I was scared to list down my real salary because everyone on this board is on 6 figs, it's lower than 80k but please dont make fun of me ?

>> No.54549953
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>because everyone on this board is on 6 figs

Half this board are unironic NEETs

>> No.54549955
File: 45 KB, 598x900, businessman-reaching-for-a-briefcase-full-of-money-lee-avison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>After being poor for 4 years, I finally found a briefcase full of money. Not that much ($500b) but it's better than nothing.

>> No.54549958

Why the prices for whores went up so much? Any advice for sex tourist?

>> No.54549959

Don't worry hansel, we're getting our freebies from your cuck northern countries, hope once the banking crisis pops, we bring you and the rest of eurocuckzone down.
In any case i'd do your job, heck like that anon said, i'm straight, but i'd suck dick for a 80k a year job, it's literally living life and being loaded spending on whatever you want, here.

>> No.54549968

what was price for whores and what are they now?

>> No.54549981

Behave like a normal person and go to Amsterdam
The "eurozone" is a way for us to drain your shitholes of talent in exchange for bribes to your politicians, I know you browns are too low IQ to understand how currency unions work

>> No.54550035

Hope those "talents" will not return home once insolvency is realised and northern economies start popping, guess which countries hold the largest reserve assets in Europe?
And Trade routes spots?
2 more weeks, you'll reap what you sowed

>> No.54550067

The eurozone will never collapse
We will keep poaching your productive high skilled youth
You will live in an aging country with a tourist meme economy full of low skilled third world labour
Learn to deal with it brownoid

>> No.54550072

Nigger the average median income in the U.S. is fucking 31,133 (Not household income, those are different)

>> No.54550077

>average median
what am i reading

>> No.54550110

Reinforcement on "average" because I'm used to dumbass's not knowing what a "median" is so the average part saves me an explanation.

>> No.54550119

Fair enough, is that gross or net? 31k?

>> No.54550136

So. What job and where do I apply?
I have been neeting hard and am starting to need the money. Hook an anon up.

>> No.54550201

Honestly good question,
I'd assume gross, but that could be wrong.

>> No.54550221

you take away mortgage, taxes, car payments (do americans really?) and you're left with almost nothing to save

>> No.54550276

Welcome to the land of the free

Another reference point you can use is Americas GDP per capita (70,248.63 USD 2021). It's far from perfect, but it would be pretty much impossible for the average wage to be higher that due to the nature of it,

>> No.54550329

NOT a good question. These things are ALWAYS reported as GROSS, not net. Why would it ever be the researchers' responsibility to calculate your taxes and voluntary deductions for you?

>> No.54550343

are you larping? how do you just walk into a 80K WFH job after doing nothing for 4 years? do you have a degree or prior experience in a field?

>> No.54550351

I could imagine it if said researches wanted to estimate cost of living better.

>> No.54550371
File: 17 KB, 400x400, oUoGqeHR_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get in early for once,Then get in ArbiFroge while it's still early The first meme frog on arbitrum is about to come! Launching in 1 hour! your next X10000! TG : @arbifroge

>> No.54550472
File: 82 KB, 836x872, 1_nGJX16gMiJjzMjTUgG71TA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

congrats on the new wagie cagie!
Make sure to save as much as you can and do your best, don't let these corpo fucks bully you around and you'll do all right.

Rootin for you fren!

>> No.54552192
File: 3.81 MB, 2740x1118, share_this_on_every_thread_to_trigger_white_incels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone knows cдeлaнo для bbc!

>> No.54552354

Sounds amazing. Good luck bro.

>> No.54554416

80k isn't a high salary, but it's unrealistic that someone NEETing for 4 years can get that.

>> No.54554476

>doesn't pay that well
>80k to work from home after having no job history
Fucking fag, I make like 28k a year to slave 12 hour shifts