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54546499 No.54546499 [Reply] [Original]

Coinmetro thread!

>> No.54546539

Did they stop paying you trannies to post here? The threads are always dead.

Does anyone know how much do xcm go for on private transactions?

>> No.54546569
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>go for on private transactions?
Are you retarded?

>> No.54546588

They stopped paying us :(
but I got lonely and have no friends so now I just pay them to post in the threads with me for fun. They get paid whether or not they say anything nice about Coinmetro - the best cryptocurrency exchange for beginners and pros.

>> No.54547660
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I bought junk bonds in a company that had the goal of putting African aids blood on the blockchain and I think they might have rugpulled.

>> No.54547690

Coinmetro, it's an exchange (for now).

How many rupees and nairas did they get away with?

>> No.54549116

I was paid 60 cents to bump this thread.

>> No.54549389

The eth staking numbers just came out, they are higher than Kraken and Coinbase.

>> No.54549588

I thought disabled veterans will run the world but they just ran with my money instead

>> No.54549814

>Lower than Binance
It's over.

>> No.54550104
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Higher than Binance.. it's over

>> No.54550148
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What did kucoin mean by this?

>> No.54550203
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>convert pol to eth
>404 apy
eth not found, kugoin insolbent :DDD

>> No.54550216


>> No.54550646

checked and rekt when looking at the volume on this poor excuse of an exchange. lmao nobody uses it

>> No.54550664
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>> No.54550704

What ( ◕ ‿‿ ◕ )

>> No.54550726

What's wrong with that?

>> No.54550762
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Watch Non Non Biyori.

>> No.54550797

Soon. I heavily considered watching it soon.
Just like Iriya I'm pretty sure I've seen it sometime time in the past and just forgotten everything.

>> No.54550964

Are you sure? I don't think it is possible to have watched it and not recognised the thing I posted.

>> No.54551517

>BTC currently up 96% from the bottom
>KDA up 13% from its bottom
>XCM up 15% from its bottom
>PRQ up 40% from its bottom

>> No.54551553

I think I gave myself braindamage. No other explanation.

>> No.54551647

anon nooo

>> No.54551930

> up

>> No.54552014
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It's up ~33% from the 0.1 bottom

>> No.54552174

Nice id hehe

>> No.54552245

>Aaaaaah nobody discovered our Easter egg
Oliver is such a baby
It's going to be fucking nothing

>> No.54554595

I finished Uncle from Another World

>> No.54554888

how are we feeling about babena now? Ive been away from biz for almost a year

>> No.54555158

Number go down and no dapps so people are falling over each other to find people to blame. Every time I try research it deeper than that I feel like I am wasting my time and give up.

>> No.54555213

oof, that's rough. Is there any positive news? I sold long ago, but i was thinking about buying sincve it's at $1

>> No.54555524

>Is there any positive news?
The miner monopoly is now a duopoly. I haven't followed it close enough to know much else.

>> No.54556024
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>eth staking april 30st
>ignum reepyamente april 30rd
>investomer rounds april 30nd
>googapple pay april 30lst
>new website april 30md
>knob slobbed april 30

>> No.54556147

is DNA bankrupt?
whats goin on with the bonds?
I have around 1k kadenas worth of $DNA token, should I just convert em?
(requesting financial advice)

>> No.54556216

>is DNA bankrupt?
I think they are just not paying their debts on time because the former person in charge was retarded causing delays. The new owner seems to be doing everything correctly just behind schedule. Tangible also paid their bond redemption late with poor communication. The usual legal precedent of bond holders needing to be paid on time don't seem to matter since everything expects crypto companies to fuck up and consider anything besides an exit scam a success.

>> No.54556371

you dumb cunt
should have sold the moment the kikes passed it down to niggers
niggers wouldn't have ever left their shit huts if not for the (((white))) man's ships
you expect any innovation from them?

>> No.54556422

stinky mouse