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54546235 No.54546235 [Reply] [Original]

Has the American financial system collapsed yet? Or was it all one giant nothing burger?

>> No.54546238

It was, and still is, a giant everything burger.

>> No.54546275

I nothing burgered your sister last night

>> No.54546308

It's not a complete nothing burger but it's definitely overhyped mostly by BRICS propagandists and the gullible useful idiots in the west who are falling for that propaganda.

>> No.54546340

China is investing gigantic amounts into Brazil in attempt to takeover BRICS
See Bolsonaro how he ran scared to the US and Lula taking no chill to implement Chinese globohomo
I'd long BRL\USD before burgers figure out what to do

>> No.54546346

the first bank collapses happened long before 2008

>> No.54546355

They bailed out the shaking ones and Secretary Yellen promised unlimited bailout for everyone who might be in danger.

So all these overleveraged gambling debters are bailed out by the working and middle class.

World wide. It's really bad. Our life will go away like this, they will extend the cycle indefinitely.

>> No.54546778

There's no way to avoid the Japan scenario for the US. But the situation is worse because sbe can't or won't close her borders. Prove me wrong.

>> No.54546894

Too big to fail burger, but there's always a cost to everything even if it's hidden.
Can't figure out if its the middle class getting leached off or something else, because "something else" could mean another missed megadip somewhere.