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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54545889 No.54545889 [Reply] [Original]

I bought the bottom with $500k which was a third of my portfolio at 16k and then sold at 21k. I would have been back at portfolio ATH if I just held instead of trading like a retard. I outperformed most people in 2022 by selling early and thought I was smart trading bull rallies but now I'm missing out on the whole bull run and it's likely price will never come back to my sell price again. Why did I sell so early Im such a stupid fucking nigger.

>> No.54545955

If were smart enough to sell in 2022 you should be smart enough to understand that you haven't lost anything. You know full well Bitcoin is going to be 6 figures in 18-24 months. Start DCA entering now and enjoy your future riches

>> No.54545994

>complaining that he made 150K in a few months

Touch grass you fucking loser. That's enough money to keep a girl happy for a decent amount of time. Oh wait, I forgot, you're a FAG! KYS!

>> No.54546026

Fucking demoralizing faggot complaining of having 500k. I hope you lose that money to understand how good you have it in such shitty economic times. It's the only way retards like you learn anything.

>> No.54546047

>not neetcel or gibsmaxxing
wym is banging out here breh

>> No.54546074

>You know full well Bitcoin is going to be 6 figures in 18-24 months
I don't know that but I would definitely DCA if we get back to low 20ks

I have been trying to get a girlfriend to spoil with money because there is really no other way I would keep a woman unless she could use me, unfortunately my efforts have not paid off yet. I don't make it past a second date.

I don't know why you see it as demoralization, every third /biz/ anon had 500k+ in the bull run, I was just one of the lucky ones who took profits. Also my life hasn't materially changed in any significant manner from when I was low 5 figs, so having 6 figures or low 7 figures is the same as having low 5 figures in terms of lifestyle. Make a slew of bad investments and you're back to zero. $7m+ is where you can say you have a comfortable cushion. I'm assuming you are an American like me.

>> No.54546102
File: 39 KB, 640x480, C43ACC19-03A9-4A3F-A265-E541C50512D2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think of all the baggies who hodled GME, BBBY, DOGE, SHIB, LUNC, LINK, ICP etc. well past their ATHs and are now fucked. Never regret taking profit, this “diamond hands never sell hold forever” shit is Reddit cancer and why retail loses money time after time.

>> No.54546128

You will definitely have a chance to get back in around 24-25k ish before 40k imo. I also think btc could retest the lows before the next bullrun

>> No.54546526

the problem with you is that you are collecting dollars. you need to switch to the mindset of collecting bitcoin. or you might end up paying $1M for one bitcoin a decade down the line. and that's all you can afford

>> No.54546728

stock being a nigger

You made a nearly 25% gain in a few months
Now take your gains and get into short term treasures ETF + TIPS ETF

You can convert your crypto gains into risk free annualized gains probably of 30% or so while you wait for the big one to hit. When it does you're completely liquid bc short term treasury ETF's are basically risk free returns, and you can buy whatever bottom you feel like

>> No.54546842
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Don't worry, bitcoin is eventually going to zero

>> No.54546852

>stay out goyim, trading bad

>> No.54546865

And before you post again as some sort of faggot "haha gotcha", post a screen shot of your portfolio

>> No.54547135

I barely have 1k. Seeing you complain about having 500k is infuriating.

>> No.54547149

Cry about it
I'm upset I only have 360k
It's all relative. I used to only have $3k in this shitty market, I thought I was gonna lose it all

>> No.54547164

why are you sad during a crab and accumulation year. go outside.

>> No.54547167

don't swing your entire stash at once and have a backup plan in case your plan fails so you're at least still in the game. it involves sacrificing some profit to decrease risk but its more sustainable then swinging your entire stash on every trade which always fails at some point taking your entire stash with it.

>> No.54547206

I bought in at 20k and still haven't sold, and didn't need to time the bottom to beat you

>> No.54547250

The difference is that I can survive on that 360k anywhere in the world. But somehow you still think you need more?

>> No.54547300

Same, sold at the top during 2022 but haven't bought back yet. I have $800k usdt (my entire net worth) on the sideline and I'm just watching the price go up every single day.

>> No.54549038

>I don't know that but I would definitely DCA if we get back to low 20ks
Holy fuck you are greedy.
DCA now, your profits will only be 30% less you dumb fuck. Or open a leveraged long with liquidation at 19k and wait since its never going below 20k ever again

>> No.54549073

Boomer take

Anons with this same view sold BTC back in 2015 because they were in profit

HODL chads have been winning since 2013, a bad year makes no difference in the big picture. You either believe in what you hold or you’re a gambler

>> No.54549181

you had chances to buy back in, you got greedy apparently.