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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.25 MB, 1439x3784, Screenshot_20230411_002454_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54544720 No.54544720 [Reply] [Original]

I own 1,000 ICP at a cost average of 3.80.
Also, this image makes linktards seethe.

>> No.54544785

Thoughts on poked bots?

>> No.54544786

Web3.0 doest factor int what Chainlink is doing

>> No.54544796

Pretty sure it's on the ICP roadmap to implement chainlink as an oracle solution in the future. The ICP will fail without a viable oracle solution.

>> No.54544798
File: 1.15 MB, 1432x2745, Screenshot_20230411_002907_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think you have it mixed up. It's not needed.

>> No.54544801

Team member is an absolute g with the highest integrity though concerned about the lack of decentralisation on the nns as we all should be

>> No.54544807

Nice larp but everyone on /biz/ is deep in the red

>> No.54544816
File: 173 KB, 1155x1200, 5EBEC981-8241-4005-9A36-C0E622E8242C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chainlink and Avalanche will crush the Piss Computer.
also you will never make it and kill yourself.

>> No.54544820

Only other thing I own in the ecosystem is 4.5 sns-1 tokens so I can't comment

>> No.54544827

Lol. The double spend roach chain hosted on Amazon Web Services (tm) shill is here.

>> No.54544906
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Look, the avalanche has already come down, the PissMachine however, is eternal...

>> No.54544969

That's fallacy you can't seriously believe tha Swift or any other major player will drop Chainlink for ICP.

>> No.54545014
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>send emails

>> No.54545163

Why wouldn't they use the superior technology? It's more cost effective and more secure.
We live in a capitalistic society. It will be latched onto because of those two simple facts

>> No.54545216

we've already had this discussion, if it was better, they'd be using it.

>> No.54545234

it did not exist when frameworks were being drawn up. it is also costly to move over to new infrastructure when the cost of investment is high due to the current interest rates.
it's only a matter of time until the superior, more cost effective, more secure product receives adoption in a capitalistic society.

>> No.54545256

Link at least pumped for 450x. You guys are getting fuuucked by the VC's endlessly dumping on your stupid head forever. Dont worry they have more tokens to unlock and dump on your stupid head for that forever dump. I wouldnt even touch your VC shitcoin for free.

>> No.54545265

link wasn't released right before a bear market and the token unlock schedule winds down at the end of the year
>muh price action
you're going to kill yourself when i'm proven right.

>> No.54545301

No one is going to touch your VC scam dump coin NO ONE. Arbitrum tried to do your shit and got their shit pushed in. You have no clout no hype no memes no traction no organic growth no userbase no product other than vc green paper injection to the team and the dump to you on the other side. Paper promises. There is no incentive to build ICP. Their team and owners are already paid for and enjoying the VC money ICP is just a hobby for them not essential for their survival no tokenomics is done because they are already paid for.

>> No.54545319
File: 21 KB, 1133x441, canisters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you're going to post FUD, post something that isn't easy to verify
if nobody was using it, canister deployments wouldn't be on a constant uptrend (during a violent bear market and restrictive monetary policy)
>no memes

>> No.54545375

Its not a fud you absolute moron. Let me guess they are saying oooh we have the best tech, we are gonna deploy x soon do this soon. You are getting played like a moron. Reality is you are married to their narrative, token is useless, carrot on a stick strategy like XRP and they sold those tokens to vc's for the pennies on the dollar. If the token was valuable VC's wouldnt be dumping on your head at the first opportunity would they ? They made the market for VC's before going public and now endlessly dumping on your head. Enjoy. Exit at the first pump if you are smart.

>> No.54545381

why would i be looking to sell when i'm already up more than 90% of baggies on /biz/?
>MUH VCs!!!
holy fuck get a new talking point
the unlocks are done after this year

>> No.54545457
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>Their team and owners are already paid for and enjoying the VC money ICP is just a hobby for them not essential

if Dfinity are scammers why did they hire the largest team in the world of the most knowledgeable cryptographers and develop the protocol for over 5 years before mainnet and token sale? it would have been much easier to spin up some dogshit eth fork (like avax) in a couple months and pay retarded 3rd worlders to shill it as the next big thing.

>> No.54546173
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tell idi emin, silicon valley developrs lazy all no work, tell this bastard benchod I lost 10k i got lequdiated, i will not cooperate with bastard project avalanche. tellin us to spam avalanche on cartoon board, every time he tweets he add coin to bastard project avalanche
tell him i fuck his bastard sister
losser coin avalanche

>> No.54546244

what is this benchod? why bug can take down idi emin benchod coin?
Why? why so easy broken? Very large sell order $20 you continue to cheat?
WHy bastard idi emin read us fairy tales? why?tell emin I bring his mother to court

>> No.54546280

Could would fugazi fuguzi, Link is the backbone of DEFI today with over 2000+ partners actually using the product they have built. Stablecoins work. Arbitrum bridge works. WETH works. if my grandmother had wheels she would have been a bike. Carrot on a stick. 5 years of team ''work'' to show nothing. No product no usage no tokenomics, No network. Words words words.

>> No.54546284

why cradaba benchod game stealing my money?

every single action (start game, pause game, attack, close game requires $1 avalanche transaction fee?

>> No.54546286

and i bought agix at 2ct. seethe and dilate

>> No.54546311

Trash take.
https queries to centralized web 2.0 servers is not cryptographic truth. will it work well enough for some cases sure but info from centralized web.2.0 is always correct until someone has the motive and money (ex. rating agencies)
if anything ICP and chainlink will be symbiotic. ICP would allow chainlink to cheaply and easily digest much more information

>> No.54546320
File: 108 KB, 1200x1200, 0_21690242-7739531-image-m-35_1575247241389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why you selling benchod defi fairy tale
why jeff benzos own your link?

Hedera bridge hacked

Ethereum bridge hacked

Harmony bridge hacked

Avalanche bridge hacked

BNB bridge hacked

Polygon bridge hacked

Solana bridge hacked

Arbitrum bridge Sybil attacked, some benchod found huge vulnerability in arb bridge

>> No.54546337

Look at the bright side ICP cant get hacked because there is no one using it. Why ? Because they have no product.

>> No.54546368
File: 62 KB, 900x578, habsburg-jaw-of-charles-ii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blame your benchod mother for raising such a ignorant bastard child why you tell me fairy tales about no product? kinic.io
real multi chain interoperability is here bastard benchod

>> No.54546421

Seethe more. Is this what they come up with after 5 years of hard work and hundreds of millions on VC money. Search engines were invented 25 years ago. IT DOESNT EVEN WORK. Shows 3 results and some random ass numbers and a LOGIN PAGE. Login page on a web3.

>> No.54546765

insolent bastard adulterer, may lord vishnu cast dark magic upon your sons and may he confuse your sons may your sons think they are daughters
Listen madachod, web2 apps don't have smart contracts enabled, not real web3 you bastard adulterer. This is the start of real web3 benchod and you are missing out bastard

>> No.54546790

>6pbtid on an allegedly irrelevant token thread

>> No.54546977

What an absolutely splendid chin. If you don't mind me saying so of coarse.

>> No.54547048

The internet computer is the best tech in crypto, by far, and will be a top 3 coin within 3 years. This is an internet computer computational certainty.

>> No.54547114

You understand that's centralized right?

>> No.54547196

Icp really is the best tech in crypto. The best tech will win in the end. Everything else is dinosaur tech. One look at what they were building on ICP, the 3d games, the dapps, was all it took for me to dump all my bags and go all in. Then I started reading and now I put a percentage of every paycheck in. Icp is the foundation upon which web 3 shall be built.

>> No.54547476


>> No.54547652

He doesn't care. That's how retarded pee baggies are

>> No.54547764
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if only you knew how comfy things really are.

>> No.54547907
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>> No.54547937

I took a massive shit in the hotel lobby toilet, and also bought 1k ICP on kraken.
It stinks.
Where are the link marines to lap it up?
Clean it up jannuel!

>> No.54547992

Coping avax baggie

>> No.54548025
File: 26 KB, 639x344, 148811885206958001706878714885636174848.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're the one coping, son.

>> No.54548579

stay poor turkroach. avax is a joke compared to icp. not even any websites hosted on avax. its just an aws dependent shitchain just like many others..

>> No.54548626

I've never bought avax. Keep deflecting. Reminder dom has more control over icp than bezos does over amazon. Have fun in your 80iq echo chamber

>> No.54548920

Thankyou will do. We have our own social platforms, and we’re making fun of you over there in the open chats. Enjoy your pseudo intellectualism and hubris

>> No.54548978

His picture's >>54548025 filename is literally in OpenChat's filename format. This nigger is obviously LARPing.

>> No.54549405


by "directly" we really mean via a canister.

ᵃnᵈ ᵇʸ "ᶜᵃnᶦˢᵗᵉʳ" ʷᵉ ʳᵉᵃˡˡʸ ᵐᵉᵃn ʲᵘˢᵗ ᵃ ᶜᵉnᵗʳᵃˡᶦᶻᵉᵈ ᵒʳᵃᶜˡᵉ

>> No.54549431

I'm a Linkie and I don't even know what that image is. Don't care either.

>> No.54549452

Based and pisspilled

>> No.54549571

I know you're all morons because I spent over a year using the apps, reading the forums, following the "development". It's not even crypto and the only response is that it doesn't matter or only pedos use crypto lol. In two years you're still gonna be talking about ftx and "when adoption comes..." and Dom will still be doing all his communications through Twitter, YouTube, and the legal system.

>> No.54549869

>reeeeee crypto is only narrowly defined by some autistic 4chan incel who gets to make up his own definitions that suit his narrative

>> No.54549935

pls catpirate sers... think of my bags. ICP will gongo. ICP is a great decentralized cloud compute platform that uses blockchain technology to solve the trilemma. wag me

>> No.54549976

lol. I hold both, you are delusional if you think Chanlink isn't needed.

>> No.54549986

3digit iq

>> No.54550062

define crypto then

>> No.54550151
File: 530 KB, 675x685, project not needed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> you are delusional if you think Chanlink isn't needed.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Oh, poor poor little linktard it is you who is delusional. Oracles may be necessary on an inferior dinosaur tech chain like ethereum. sure. But the internet computer completely mogs ethereum, and every other blockchain, in every conceivable way. "oracle services are directly integrated into the Internet Computer" right from the gate. From the ground up. With Direct HTTPS outcalls ICP needs no third party oracle service.

i know i know. You've put so much time and effort and energy and money into the chainlink project. But unfortunately, it's just completely irrelevent now. Don't feel bad most of crypto has been made irrelevent by the internet computer. read it and weep you stinky linky. straight from the horses mouth. There's even some picture slideshows to dumb it down even further so mouth breathers like you can follow along. Oracles. Not. Needed. Chainlink. Not. Needed.
Seethe. Cope. Dilate.


and for the rest of you be sure to save this link as this will undoubtedly come up again. An entire army of seething linktards, who's bags are now completely irrelevent. How very unfortunate.... for them.

>> No.54550185

>> Sees pic
>> "Internet Computer canisters can now directly make HTTPS outcalls to ANY data source without using oracles.

Holy shit, linktards BTFO.

>> No.54550375

>i hold link and am completely unaware my token has been made completely useless by tech that exists and is being used right now
the absolute state

>> No.54550430

Doesn't it worry you that basically almost 100 million ICP was created per year?
Sure the marketcap right now is pretty low compared to the likes of whatever is in the Top 10, but that stat alone reeks of hyperinflation.

>> No.54550447

vc unlocks are winding down this year, was probably deliberate

>> No.54550450

token unlocks are winding down, and ICP can become deflationary if it receives widespread adoption

>> No.54550461

When can I start running an ICP node? I was told over a year ago that it'd be soon.
It's decentralized. right?

>> No.54550481

once more nodes are required
doesn't makes sense to spin up and pay out node providers when they aren't needed at the moment

>> No.54550549
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>it's not even crypto
imagine caring if something is crypto or not. when i dump my big charged piss canisters on your head at the top of this run you're gonna love the smell of it.
>crypto is only trading shitcoins
no retard ICP came in and BTFO'd every single retarded chain out there. they pushed the boundaries of crypto being only shitcoins. you can have the full internet in crypto now.

>> No.54551887

i don't see how icp will replace web 2.0. the technology itself is interesting, but a lot of devs are already biased against crypto and would never adopt icp on principle alone. it can become it's own little niche in web 3.0, but i don't think it will become king. most projects are already too heavily invested in the current defi stack to switch over to yet another tech stack. i think the next bullrun will be about defi projects cementing their market position within the smart contrat/chainlink world. icp can only become big if it offers something that makes people want to go there. nobody is going to sign up for a simple facebook, youtube, twitter clone. and most crypto people seem to be okay with smart contracts and oracles. maybe that changes with the first popular dapp on icp that can't be replicated elsewhere.

>> No.54552727

you're stuck in summer 2019. icp is everything but a niche. it can and will replace the full internet stack. whether it be social media, gaming, defi, art, real estate, banking, logistics, etc. literally anything can be built and hosted on icp with direct web3 capabilities. its going to start slow as more and more devs flow into the ecosystem until you get a quantum leap and icp jumps into top 3 like ethereum did when it started its run from $80 to $1.2k

>> No.54552748

Post VC token unlock schedule. VC paypig.

>> No.54552913

It really could jump back up to 3 digits at anytime. That's why I'm busting my balls to accumulate as much as possible at these levels. My goal is 100k icp. Every $10 it goes up would be a million in value. Not too far off now.

>> No.54553037
File: 54 KB, 379x604, 324BACAB-0851-4A22-A01C-AAF96466D26A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only fun and comfy project out there.
- DApps have not to worry about bloated entanglements of oracles, APIs, data networks, rollups, sequencers, trusted bridges, randomness beacons, nor their respective multi-layered inharmonious consensus schemes.
- Perfectly suitable for consequential metaverse and MMO games. Fast finality on a single layer greatly simplifies the development of valuable applications, whether PoW manichean holders like it or not, since layer 2 solutions inherently increase centralisation and the surface exposed to points of failure.
- Flexible substrate allows future frameworks developed on it to overcome the shortcomings of Wasm regarding safety and composition. The eco-system may adopt pure and functional concepts beyond platform primitives while preserving the full potential of Turing computational structures.
- The community is diverse and inclusive. There are some bigots, but they are much easier to ignore than the ones in PoW circles. And they don’t threaten you.
- While PoW platforms disintegrate billions in resources and energy to sustain the illusion of scarcity on some fungible NFT, PoS spends investment funds into actually useful services unlocking the full combined potential of AI + collective intelligence in civilisation.
- Other platforms will ironically unironically be hosted on the IC, due to monopolised competitive advantages of web3 cloud services over traditional. All available alternatives misunderstand the metaphysics of decentralization and will always be a wrapper around more efficient systems like AWS or ICP itself.
- If inclusive accountability is deemed necessary, it may be trivially provided by ZKP execution environments within canisters or subnets. This is actually not important since value comes from intelligence, not decentralization-coated feudalism.
- The NNS dynamics strongly disincentive volatile speculation. Sell pressure from VCs benefits decentralization of supply and governance.
- Cute authentic community

>> No.54553071
File: 556 KB, 1125x1473, F957A9CF-3EB6-4FD2-8877-223231CD1CAE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54553273

i'll gladly remain a VC paypig as long as they let me accumulate at these levels. you'll be scraping a year from now to buy 1 single pee canister that will act as digital oil.
expect things to move quickly once a chain opens up and you have money flowing in from other chains it'll go like the wind. zero gas fees is what every poorfag in crypto is looking for. ICP is going to eat a big chunk of ethereums marketshare and BSC (pancakeswap) degens are going to switch over as well

>> No.54553341

Kill yourself you retarded stupid autistic aspie dumb faggot nigger inbred mongrel retorted worthless useless pathetic no-life retarded nigger jew KIKE

Kill yourself.

>> No.54553674

>Nice inhouse oracles you have there
>would be a shame ... if the price feeds were ... altered

Tards just dont understand how CRITICAL and HARD proper oracles are

>> No.54553783

alter binance ssl certificate from binance.com right, but some oracles ran by potheads in a basement on behalf of chainlink, those cannot be altered. lmao

>> No.54553799

Lacroix is a confirmed faggot, gay as pride month

>> No.54553969

The nodes reach consensus on the responses after transformation functions are applied. Provided such parameters are sound, truthworthiness arises from the full economical mass and reputation inertia of the platform itself. In contrast, alternatives are based on procedures with narrower financial scopes and equilibrium. ICP has implemented industry-leading oracle solutions in a short time. The feature will allow the platform to host applications with practical and smooth on-boarding experiences for average web2 users, pioneering the exponential utility of smart-contracts.

Please be mindful. Incitement to suicide and discriminatory hate speech are legally reprehensible, and may cause serious psychological damage to others.

>> No.54554009
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>> No.54554264

And you are a confirmed subhuman subsaharan ape tier retorted nigger kike, retarded as shit

>> No.54554284

It will cause serious psychological damage to your whore's mother flexible neverending bottomless rectal hole

>> No.54554310

if you idiots aren't buying ICP you're 100% on-chain retarded

>> No.54554337

At web speed

>> No.54554447
File: 55 KB, 591x600, 0085693F-2F8D-4E48-972D-13949B92EE25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for the response nonetheless.

>> No.54554778

I don't know lads, considering https://icscan.io/neuron it would be a retarded move to even put a tiny bit of your dick in this for at least the next 12 months, I'm not going to fund early adopters to dump on me.

>> No.54554809

This in no way solves the oracle problem, you people are tech illiterate.

>> No.54554847

>no reading comprehension or cope

>> No.54554884
File: 264 KB, 535x938, ruokayquantlets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you built the components to do the aggregation and sign the data? There is a lot more to it than making an API call. Prior to chainlink you could build a simple oracle in a weekend for a chain, this isn't really much different and isn't solving anything on its own.

>> No.54554984
File: 270 KB, 2600x704, 22E3EB36-FA16-4E20-B828-B8319E1A4053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought icp was using chainlink. Picrel

>> No.54555024

Icy (IC) is literally single-handedly going to make ICP relevant.

I know none of you retards will have a clue what I’m talking about.

>> No.54555071

that's simply part of consuming every other blockchain, which ICP will do

>> No.54555102

Chainlink isn’t a blockchain

>> No.54555321

it’s a scam sirs

>> No.54555474

I really appreciate you sharing this, thank you. I'd love to hear your thoughts on SNS1 if you cared to share

>> No.54555535

icpcoins .com is going to be under control of SNS1 holders when feasible
it'll be CMC on ICP

>> No.54555553

Yes it is. Don’t buy any.