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54542360 No.54542360 [Reply] [Original]

Parabolic candle coming around 2am cst.
About 7 hours from now give or take.

There amount of shorts that's going to liquidate will bring 2021 levels of parabolic activity, next 30k plateau will bring 31k within the hour watch.

>> No.54542366

>36k is the next stop
What do you mean stop?

>> No.54542375

Next 2-3 days of crabbing.
Stop like as in stop moving as in the thing your brains doing currently.

>> No.54542379

I;m buying champagne if this happens.

>> No.54542385

I'm a nocoiner kek just make predictions because I find life insanely boring.
Get your shit on ice buddy.

>> No.54542449

Told you niggers.
>t. only anon who gives real alpha here anymore.
Sadly being out of investments also makes it much easier to predict movement, when there's zero emotion it's quite readable.

>> No.54542662

Get your order ready nigger.

>> No.54542790

nigger farts

>> No.54542813

why be a nocoiner when you can predict and profit from it? also, what will life be like when i can predict it all

>> No.54542919

Nigger farts indeed.
I didn't used to be a nocoiner but I had a mental breakdown in 2022.
Not just a "oh whiny my life sucks"
Like a stepped outside my body and tried my best to get murdered for 16 days straight then woke up.

Being intelligent/prophetic isn't all it's cracked up to be.
Also life is just gonna get worse for most people but doesn't take a prophet to see that.

>> No.54543341

Yo nice
you’re among social outcasts here anon, let off some steam

>> No.54544484

Meh nobody likes me anyway I'm an outcast among outcasts.

>> No.54544507
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4 hours left. Checking in. Nocoiner here with popcorn just in case of a happening either way.

>> No.54544522

Harambe was the lucky one, he made it truly.