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54541678 No.54541678 [Reply] [Original]

What are the ramifications of this?

>> No.54541736

Some fags will complain that poor retards should just rent, they can't handle a house ( they can't ).
Some fags will complain that it will just make prices go ever higher ( it will ).
Some fags will complain that it's a ploy by the jews to destroy you, your family, your Nation ( it is ).

All in all, a lot of fags will complain, but no one will start literally murdering jews and solve the problem (me included).

>> No.54541766

>let me just give you money for your future work
i fucking hate kikes

>> No.54541801
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>> No.54541815

>Califags, shitlibs by requirement, scoring 211k
>still employed
that's a bottom gamble, let's see if it works out for the kike banks
expect mother of all financial nukes otherwise

>> No.54541856

>Just buy more houses goyim

And then the price goes up, and you go more into debt...
Government and libtards failing basic economics
200k combined income is "moderate" huh

>> No.54541869


>> No.54541884
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>magat is unable to comprehend a world beyond his 15k/yr+food stamps existence

Many such cases. Sad!

>> No.54541908
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>> No.54541957
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the person proposing this should kill themselves.
it also reeks of desperation.

>> No.54542564

>There's a supply shortage?
>Let's increase demand!
your brain on California

>> No.54542584

Homeowners still gonna be eating. That said it's golden handcuffs. My friends and I will never be able to move.

>> No.54542628
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>What are the ramifications of this?

house prices will go up and everyone will become for of a debt slave, unless you are some type of privileged jew, or white or strives to be a jew.

>> No.54542683

They are desperate to prop up the market.

>> No.54542852

government in australia does this shit all the time. kept our house prices over inflated and always going up for decades. here is is all about 'first home buyers' and giving them grants or no deposit loans or what California are doing. get even more first home buyer gibs if it is a new building. we got stamp duty here which is a % fee of the total of the transaction instead of land taxes, typically 20k plus on top of the house price. waiving that fee is another one they do.

>> No.54543524

I always find it hilarious when lefties use trailer parks as an own. People who live in trailer parks are the poor working class, the very people they claim to want to help, yet they constantly mock them for living in the only housing they can afford.

>> No.54543648

lefties don't like the poor, they just hate the rich

>> No.54543705

Exactly. They're not in the club and can't handle that fact

>> No.54543803

if anyone is wondering, they only had 300M for this program, and it was all reserved within 1-2 days.

>> No.54543822

Americans will do anything to not build more housing. Why is this, is it mental illness?

>> No.54543865

They want to maintain value for the current homeowners who donate to their parties. It's also near impossible due to local regulations.

This said even if they started now inflation has hit labor and materials so hard you are still gonna spend $400K+ just to build a property.

Shit is fucked.

>> No.54544877 [DELETED] 


>> No.54544908

The end product of this is going to be great depression level bubble bursting. That is if we aren't already getting one soon.

>> No.54544950 [DELETED] 
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>the government is taking a loan of printed money the goyim will pay back with taxes taken from their income so you can give it to goyim so they can take another loan of printed money they'll pay back with income over their entire working life
>this is being done just to increase the price of housing and necessitate even larger loans for any goyim who wants a home

>> No.54545037
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>the government is taking a loan of printed money from banks
>the government will pay the banks for their loan with taxes taken from the income of goyim
>they took this loan from the banks so they can loan it to goyim
>the goyim will pay the government for the loan with their income
>the goyim took this loan from the government to enable them to take an even larger loan of printed money from banks
>the goyim will pay back the larger loan to banks with income over their entire working life
>the government is doing this to increase the price of housing and necessitate even larger loans from banks for any goyim who wants a home
Did I miss anything?

>> No.54545053

Progressive politicians get to use it as a speaking point to their retarded electorate.

California continues to see ballooning real estate prices because it has the best weather/views in the country.

>> No.54545064

Anybody living in California earning less than $200k is a peasant retard. All the middle class Whites left decades ago. Yeah you’ll find some rednecks in the mountains and Central Valley, but most of them end up addicted to meth or heroin. That spic/mutt peasant demographic is what keeps California afloat and all the elites who do earn $200k like the corrupt system the way it is

>> No.54545066
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What are the implications of Hispanics taking over California? They barely outperform Black-Americans.

>21% of all births in California are white
>700k people left the state in the past 2 years, most of them being young white people
>the only people replacing them are Hispanic

Are people really just going to pretend that every ethnicity is equal and it's just a coincidence when California collapses? The few productive humans in that state aren't going to want to pay for the insane cost of living AND subsidize brain-dead retards, they'll just leave.

>> No.54545075
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>According to a rough calculation using federal data, the average teacher’s salary in 1959 in the Pacific region was more than $5,200 annually (just shy of the national average of $5,306). At that time, the average home in California cost $12,788. At the then-standard 5.7 percent interest rate, the mortgage would cost $59 a month, with a $2,557 down payment. If your monthly pay was $433 before taxes, $59 a month wasn’t just doable, it was also within the widely accepted definition of sustainable, defined as paying a third of your monthly income for housing. Adjusted for today’s dollars, that’s a $109,419 home paid for with a salary of $44,493.
cali needs more illegals if it wants to survive

>> No.54545083

Republican retards super angry they just paid $380,000 in their republican shithole state. Cry Maga baggies

>> No.54545114

Those people will inflate flyover states and kick the methheads out west.
If places like FL and TX want to survive, they need to impose 50% tax on new residents from CA or NY

>> No.54545128

You missed the part where I already have 20% down ready, the state puts up an additional 20% and my monthly payments are considerably less, allowing my to pay off the mortgage quickly. I am not obligated to pay back the state until time of sale, at which point they take 20% equity, or I may pay off the state mortgage with the additional savings I am accruing with a significantly lower monthly. Responsible buyers can use this program to slingshot themselves into wealth. By the state's definition of "First time buyer" you can leverage this to buy a new property every 7 years.

>> No.54545133

When you say housing do you mean europoor commie blocks? Because Jew York is building plenty of those.

>> No.54545246
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>California Policy Center
>"Conservative" and "Libertarian" think tank
>Capitalizes "black" but not "White"

>> No.54547384

nothing, really. they're letting you think the mortgage is 0%, but it isn't.
they're talking about financing the down payment and closing costs. it's something poor people do all the time.

>> No.54547970

This is why California is planning on taxing retirement income even if you leave the state.