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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54538858 No.54538858 [Reply] [Original]

>there are communists on a business and finance board

>> No.54538873


>> No.54538896

Gotta know the devil before killing it right ?

>> No.54538916
File: 633 KB, 1071x710, A749F468-13CA-4905-B648-5D654752B6C8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/cels are seething and crying now that people are waking up to their bullshit. The rightoids can’t even control the narrative on 4chan anymore, even with their pet jannies deleting any opposition and leaving their culture war garbage up

Right wing beliefs can only exist via conspiracy and mob censorship

>> No.54538920

Explain to me how cracking down on free market barbarism, eliminating the profit motive and abolishing private property wouldn't fix everything in society

pro tip: you can't

There's no reason to allow capital and its predatory nature to survive in the 21st century

>> No.54538940

Suicide. Now.

>> No.54538985

No, fuck you nigger

>> No.54538989
File: 69 KB, 600x404, FBC028A5-6118-4B36-845F-36CB0148934B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The pendulum is starting to swing left, and it’ll be more vicious and CUHRAZY than ever before. Millions of leftist zoomers will be eligible to vote in 2024 and your demographics will only continue to decline and become more and more delusional. Tick fucking tock rightfag.

Your game plan is to shit your pants and hope your enemies kill themselves. Our game plan is saving modern civilization from your vile clutches. Righty night :)

>> No.54538994

communism is like a childrens feel good fairy tale, but for adults. It's an economic "religion" that's defacto worse than Christianity because instead of acknowledging humans are flawed and power hungry from the outset, it tries to override this fact by saying everyone can work together if communism is just drilled into your head early enough
And that's not even where it ends. It's an inefficient system in general dictating things from the top down instead of the bottom up organically. Information barriers will always exist no matter how technology catching up. Shaniqua in an office "managing" things for the party lol. The worst part is communists don't even understand how fucked up and wrong about reality they are because they've filled their heads with so many wrong books they think they're "read" and "educated" when they're more fucked up than an uneducated person who just follows their own intuition.

>> No.54539008

why does expressvpn suck so much cock

>> No.54539028

Don't equate right wing to Trump and /pol/

>> No.54539031

you are retarded and detached from reality.
If humans where bees, ants or chinese than it would work but the moment people don't get rewarded for doing something it doesn't work.

Also that abolish private property is the most gay shit ever. Think of anything people can own, and lend it to people and see how quickly it gets wrecked when it is your turn to use it.

>> No.54539058

like this guy for example. There is no amount of reasoning you can do with an individual like this. They're likely overweight too, fucked up mentally or subpar genetically in some way, you can just instantrly tell by the way they type and the sort of rhetoric they adopt. Not only this but there is rarely an original thought, even the meme is just an inversion of right wing memes, only it doesn't work because leftists are actually generally mentally unstable, while you can't say the same about right wing personality types. Again their whole m.o. is denying reality

>> No.54539101
File: 278 KB, 1846x995, 100DE3D2-3927-4FF7-A808-8943C9F13F02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m 170 lb and I go to the gym and shoot guns fren.

What do right wingers look lik—oh.

Remember comrades, every accusation from a nazi sympathizing cockroach is a confession. Violent behavior, drug usage, grooming, etc

>> No.54539103

Under socialism humans get rewarded with quality public services, housing and education.
Something people in the capitalist imperial societies lack

>> No.54539113

ok i get all that, why the fuck should i go to work then?

>> No.54539121

He who does not work shall not eat, as it should be.

>> No.54539133

most communists are college students or younger, what little engagement with the real world is through safety pads, they can't make the connection between reality as they see it and actual machinations (people in action) behind it, instead their whole understanding is through books and blogs and tomes and it's compartmentalized from actual reality. That's why they spend so much time arguing on the internet and when they do appear in real life all they know how to do is protest. The closest they got to an irl political party was Bernie Sanders and that was just corporate socialism diet lite. When you picture these people picture a fat early 20something unshaven slovenly porn addict because in reality that's what they are

>> No.54539137

Because if you're not olds or disabled you have to, why wouldn't you go to work when you live in a functional society with all the public amenities one could desire?

>> No.54539146

ok, so you described wage slaving but with EVEN LESS freedom. you fucking retard

>> No.54539161

/pol/tards and commies are just two different flavors of schizo

>> No.54539163

you can but not with communism.

>> No.54539187


>> No.54539188
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>billions must starve