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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.27 MB, 1534x1258, us dollar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54537451 No.54537451 [Reply] [Original]

The dollar is dying. we need to stop BRICS.

>> No.54537464

>experts say
Holy fucking shit, sell everything now

>> No.54537477

experts are right here amerilard, as a europoor I couldn't be happier

>> No.54537487

fbi have now identified support for the dollar as being racially-motivated violent extremism.

>> No.54537488

>experts say
>studies suggest
>inside sources

>> No.54537498

I'm european too, this feels too good to be true tbqh
The collapse of the US is something we've all dreamt of

>> No.54537532

Only all out war can save the dollar and filthy eurotrash will help because USA owns europe.

>> No.54537543

you wish lmao

>> No.54537550

it's over

>> No.54537587

>most of its value
>most of
Is this an IQ test for putin's cock suckers?

>> No.54537624
File: 791 KB, 875x993, 54E734D9-9D87-4CE1-8743-87DD363E5DDE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So to be a bit serious, how does /biz/ think this will play out? I suppose USD will start coming back in as countries begin to dump it (maybe already happening?) and this may start a (small?) bull run?
From what I understand this will hurt the investment sector in the US as they will have less places to invest out their dollars.
Finally, also from what I understand the USA produces large amounts of food and could easily “survive” on its own and shouldn’t need to rely on any imports

>> No.54537627

Dollar is papper it cant die coz its never live ok

>> No.54537687

I'm the aforementioned investment manager, it's true

>> No.54537722

There’s a lot more to a modern economy than foodstuffs

>> No.54537733

macron says eu are team china and wants to dump dollars

>> No.54537773
File: 50 KB, 785x396, dollar-denominated-debt-bis-total.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've wondered about this, does the US dollar actually lose value in case it seizes to be "the world reserve currency"?
If you look at a chart over % of international trade done in dollars, or global debt issued in dollars, both charts significantly fluctuate over time and this fluctuation doesn't appear to have any correlation with DXY.

>> No.54537815

Naw, usd will still be the dominant currency but its ability print money and have other countries pick up the bill will be greatly diminished and it's ability to commit financial terrorism on other countries will be limited. For Americans it means endless amounts of stagflation

>> No.54537851
File: 111 KB, 1292x622, DXY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suppose any correlation could be masked by various things, e.g. DXY strengthening, people avoid taking new dollar denominated loans bc it will be harder to pay back if your national currency continue to fall against the dollar, like the Latin American debt crisis. In such a case there would be an inverse correlation between global dollar dominance and DXY, which could hide a positive correlation between dollar strength and dollar domination.
if that makes sense?

>> No.54537895

All the parts in farm equipment are made of imported parts, and there is no such thing as even a USA made drill bit. If there is a tool made in America it’s made with imported metals, it’s a serious problem.

>> No.54538389

The collapse of the US would lead to the collapse of Europe.

>> No.54538442

>If there is a tool made in America it’s made with imported metals
That's true everywhere. China makes everything out of imported metals and fuel, same as Europe, Australia, Mexico etc.

>> No.54538460

lmao no

>> No.54539387

hasn't the dollar lost 'most of it's value' in the last 100 years anyway?
how much more could it lose?

>> No.54539445
File: 127 KB, 1041x784, Main_players_for_international_trade_in_goods,_2021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Europe makes more stuff whether you like it or not.
We export way more than the US and almost none of it is raw materials meanwhile half of US exports are energy (oil mostly) and another 25% airplanes and cars.
This graph doesn't account for international trade either which is huge as Germany, Italy, Spain and France export a lot to each other, more than to the external countries and way more than US inter state trade.
Our industry isn't what it used to be but it's in way better shape. Remember most of what's in China today was relocated there from the US after 1970's, european industries relocated way less things and almost none of the very high tech stuff. Europe still makes most of its cars, machinery and pharmaceuticals in Europe for instance.

>> No.54539496

who's we? as a nonburger, the dollar failing is good for me