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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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54536822 No.54536822 [Reply] [Original]

Fed print going brrrrrr and quantitative easing by $300bn

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mCaP4xm0MPg [Embed]

basically printing money again and inflating assets

>> No.54537021

there is no way pic related is accurate. i need a source. i find it hard to believe they are printing nearly 3x more than they were during covid.

>> No.54537083
File: 396 KB, 1170x1672, 9680E1B6-53F1-4875-87F5-2C97578EE40E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not printing, those are the FED's emergency lending programs

>> No.54537148

Explain this to me like I'm not a jew

>> No.54537165

Banks borrow money from the FED when they are in trouble (i.e. when they don't have money, read: fractional reserve banking, and need it to avoid a bank run)

It's a last minute bandaid basically

>> No.54537236

>the federal reserve creates new money out of thin air and borrows it out to banks
>"ackshually that's not printing"
The fucking state of this board

>> No.54537258
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Who cares? Let them print. Their world of fake monies and fake and closed markets is ending at the very moment that our world of free and open markets is being born.

Energy, liquidity and power are never destroyed -- they simply shift from one place to another. We would do well to remember this as the curtains finally draw on the tired, feeble, low-energy boomer institutions who have tried hard to assert total control over the lives of young, dexterous and high energy people. They have feasted on our energy for the last three years, but their hands are no longer strong enough to hold it. It will now return to the young and adroit in a spectacular way, just as it was stolen from us in an instant in March 2020.

The boomer world order can no longer afford to service this incredible energy debt it owes to the young and capable. The creative energy of this civilization will return to those young and motivated enough to use it properly; the great scales will finally be rebalanced. Welcome to the Age of Aquarius.

>> No.54537271

So the fed had that money already printed and sitting around?

>> No.54537296

No they created it and it needs to go back to the fed to disappear

>> No.54537303

The economy HAS been slowing even worse than when everything was shut down.. it would make sense they would need to print more or fake liquidity from soemwhere.

>> No.54537313
File: 65 KB, 625x617, 5231341342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not gonna go back is it

>> No.54537337

>Welcome to the Age of Aquarius
Feels good. But we are not there, yet. There still is a retrograde back into the old system, a reset, due.

>> No.54537340

No, it’s just a ledger entry. It even makes its way into crypto. Like when they send Ukraine money and they launder it through FTX.

>> No.54537350

the FED creates the money out of thin air and loans it out with interest to the banks that request it.

In the end none of this matters because the government bails out the banks anyways

>> No.54537369

The banks can't pay the fed back without a bullrun so they can exit their positions and dump their bags. Yeah it's probably not going back ever.
Western civilization will go to zero if it goes back to the fed

>> No.54537370

The banks will pay back the loan with interest to the FED who will then destroy said money.
It's not equivalent to QE

>> No.54537401

How are the banks going to do that?

>> No.54537436

By loaning people/institutions money at a higher interest rate
It's all a big scam I get it, the banks that fail to do so get bailed out anyways

>> No.54537522

They're not loaning money out to people like me though. They denying my mortgage application despite how perfectly I've got my economy set up

>> No.54537540

>look at the thumbnail
>see some onions chink

yeah not watching that nigga

>> No.54537566
File: 77 KB, 1000x1000, 320948239048902384.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hurr you know that everything is a scam right? >Hurr hurr.
Yes and I really don't give a fuck. Number go up, please.

>> No.54537584
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I think we're right on the edge. I think 2020-23 was the retrograde you speak of (as our tired nation states and social structures reverted to their barbaric 20th century modes of mass coercion and cynical disdain for individual life).

I think AGI will be the catalyst; I think at that point the average person will finally be shocked into the realization that his world is fundamentally different than it was before and that we've entered completely new civilizational territory. I'd be surprised if it hasn't already been achieved in some capacity. I think knowing this was coming, the old order was given 3 years to initiate their "great reset", but there was so much infighting and so many conflicting vested interests that it all fell apart. These low energy aristocrats have spent the last three years telling us all about the massive technological changes that are right on the horizon while they bickered for pieces of the pie behind the scenes. What they've forgotten is that massive technological change is ALWAYS accompanied by a change in the location of power in a society. They've missed such a fundamental aspect of their own big chess game; we see that these elderly, well-fed tyrants possess shamefully weak minds. Their world-view is retarded, but we're used to that by now in clown world.

I think now that old money (banks/funds and governments) have blown their chance to do this their way, we'll see new money enter to clean up the mess. The "great reset" will happen as AGI changes the way power and money work in our world, but it will be happening on our terms and not theirs. I think the adults are coming back into the room as we speak, and I think we're going to see some shit in the coming weeks/months. But I also think that the minds I interact with here are probably the best prepared for this new world of any market participants. I for one greet Aquarius with the anchor of hope resting on my heart, and so I fear nothing.

>> No.54537660

based /biz/ star traders
i posted about age of Aquarius a week ago and got no replies

>> No.54537710

Many of us feel it coming in our hearts, and it puts a smile on my face to be participating in it with you guys. Be seeing you around, anon. We're all here forever.

>> No.54537735

The discount window cannot just be summarized as "printing." Or rather, "money printing" does not ONLY occur through the discount window. Discount window usage is 3x higher right now, yes, but what do you call "money printing?" Is it QE? Is it 0% interest rates? Is it backstopping the balance sheets of failed banks beyond the FDIC amount? In reality it is all of these things, and they might not be happening proportionally at all times. So you are correct, "money printing" right now is nowhere near where it was with the covid lockdowns. But discount window usage is a unique indicator that banks are getting strained harder now than they were 3 years ago. This is why you should gain a deep understanding of how fed macroeconomics works beyond "money printer go brrr"