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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54536180 No.54536180 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.54536196


>> No.54536199

kys anime poster

>> No.54536329

kys frog poster

>> No.54536866

Is this financial advice?

>> No.54536935
File: 424 KB, 1462x2462, OP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The 1D Stoch RSI was bottomed.

>> No.54536946
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Anime and frog posters hating each other is the second most successful jewish divisive trick.
The first being white american and europeans thinking they hate each other

>> No.54536974

I wish I could smush my face into that meaty shaved cartoon pussy

>> No.54537088
File: 3.71 MB, 2032x2641, 1674238936912802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/a/ used to be 100% okay with frogs several years ago. Curiously back then (say 5-7 years ago and earlier) it was also less retarded and anons on average posted about better anime. Now look at it; zero tolerance for any frogs (even frogs in anime style), you get instantly banned for even a single little frog (even for picrel), regardless of the content of your post, and guess what? today /a/ is total garbage: most threads are about absolutely cancerous normalfaggot anime, almost never anything interesting or good is discussed, and the board is utterly flooded with trannies, and the trannies are protected; anti-tranny posts are promptly deleted and hidden, see for example:


Let /a/ stand an example of what happens when you let the jews defrog a board, it turns into total shit and gets flooded with trannies and normalfaggots.

>> No.54537167


>> No.54537168

with "and hidden" I meant they go so far as deleting any posts that mention or reference the already deleted posts, to hide the fact that the posts were deleted. It's pathetic, their jannies are constantly watching threads to protect trannies and just calling a tranny out for posting some pro-tranny gets you banned.

Oh and of course, unsurprisingly, cats from plebbit are 100% allowed. A frog? instant ban. Real life cats saved from plebbit? post as many as you like.

>> No.54537193

Its a shonenshitter general now so I'm just there to shitpost Cuckren and Denji

>> No.54537208

They're gonna dump on friday because more bad news is coming.

>> No.54537284

but i shorted already

>> No.54537420

Well, you probably shouldn't have. If you haven't realized how manipulated crypto is then you are about to find out.

>> No.54538643

TA will litteraly tell you, that on a daily objective, BTC has to reach 32700 before anything.

But well, magical lines are never right

>> No.54538679

>muh RSI

>> No.54538688
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Imagine not investing in GokuTheHerocoin

I hope a diseased Indian shits directly into your mouth tranny faggot

>> No.54539598

in your expert opinion, ehm,
when should i buy bitcoin?
>in the past when it was lower
no because by that logic you should have bought when btc was <$10
Bitch, i still have btc lying around from when it was $300. Thats rite ho, don't be tryin to school my white ass when you in the presence of a WHALE who just sat down to eat...

sorry, what were you saying?
sorry, i was talking to myself. I'm schizophrenic. what were you saying?

>> No.54539729

CPI numbers come out tomorrow.

>> No.54539878

why do you think we need news? the next halving is right around the corner so there's pretty much no reason not to DCA until then

>> No.54540976

eth update in a few days midwits think crypto will crash instead we're getting a megapump