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5453417 No.5453417 [Reply] [Original]

My mother hates money. I trade now for a month and told my parents about it. My father is okay with it but my mother tells me how retarded this is, that I'm greedy, the direction I take in my life is wrong etc. How to deal with this? I can't interact with her normally and knowing how she thinks about what I'm doing. I can remember how she was against my interest in computer technology and she told me not to pursue this. She said that I will be in front of a computer the whole day and I won't have any social interaction blah blah. I study now computer science. It's just that it seems like the most things I have or had an interest in she is or was against it. Probably this board here is not the right one to ask but today she said to me again that it doesn't matter how rich I will get with stupid bitcoins, I could be the richest man in the world but I lack of giving something from myself to other people. This sounds like I'm a sociopath but I try to never think negatively about other ppl or harm them etc. I just want my peace. How should I solve the problem with my mum?

>> No.5453431

Get a job and move out you freeloading fuck

>> No.5453437

IDK brah.

Im just into crypto so I can afford a hooker and a new truck.

>> No.5453462

Just fuck her good for one last time and go live on your pown you stupid pajeet

>> No.5453478

I mean if you want to give gains to your family in the future then surely you're not that selfish? Can she really say you have nothing to give to other people if you plan to share your wealth one day?

>> No.5453481

>>5453417 fuck that bitch, who the fuck cares, do your shit you fucking retard.

Do you need your mommy? Fuck off

>> No.5453483

>told my parents about it

It's time to kill yourself.

>> No.5453495

Put a positive social spin on crypto. say it's to save people from central bankers and give them personal liberty. Show her the pineapple fund and tell her you'd donate a bit to charity if you went to the moon.

Also tell her she's a bitch for telling you how to live your life

>> No.5453499

The more shit you get the better you are doing. Continue, iron hands is not only a crypto term. It goes in life in general.

If people shit on you, that means you're doing something right.

>> No.5453509

she doesn't hate money. She just hates the pursuit of wealth. Money is a trick the elites play to get you chasing shit you don't need. They know humans are greedy. People who chase the nigger rich lifestyle end up miserable and alone.
Tell her it is only money but you enjoy it (its a passion, I have much more I want to do in life) and she will stfu once she realises your goals in life do not involve money.

If all you want from lie is money then you are a fucking jew and she is right to hate you, she will probably divorce your dad soon because he is clearly an idiot for supporting you if that is how you are coming across. They probably haven't had sex in years and are only together now 'for the kids sake'.

tl;dr; only dickheads talk about money. Tell ehr about the tech behind what you are investing in and how it will save humanity from the banks if we follow the decentralised path satoshi laid out for us and as long as we avoid shit like iota, xrp, bcash and other centralised (((globalists))) coins.

>> No.5453516

I learned it the hard way. I think I will confront her. I know that she loves me but she is probably strongly attached to some imaginations of how I should live my life. I dunno

>> No.5453518

Tell her that crypto saves lives in Venezuela. It's literally the only way they can get certain medicines imported because their currency is so fucked

>> No.5453547

every decision in my life that I made contrary to my mom's conscerns and protests made my life much better

not even kidding

>> No.5453555
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Ignore these comments, I'm in the exact same position. My mother has always supported me but is extremely liberal, shit with money and idealogical in her views about 'being a nice person'. I made the mistake of spilling the beans about how I've made a shit ton of money essentially taking it away from morons on Bittrex. She sees that trading genuinely makes me happy, it's not some neurotic compulsion. But she doesn't care, she'd rather I go and volunteer with orphans. It's a fucking pisstake, I want to retire at 50 and be a nice, generous person who spends his days reading books and growing pot. What the fuck is wrong with boomers

>> No.5453567

You're right and I understand her too. I do it for 2 things; for the idea of taking away the power of the richest (banks), and I do it for earning money too.

>> No.5453644

I don't even want to be rich ffs. I want to have enough money to retire early and live up to my ideological ideas. Fight against corruption or taking part in politics or helping the poorest out etc. Cryptos got my interest because I love computer science and technology and I believe that crypto-tech will change the world. But she acts like I'm a jew and want to get billions and spend nothing

>> No.5453709

so explain that to her and if she doesn't accept it tell her politely to fuck off? Or just move out and don't communicate with her about it. Only reason I'm moaning is because I'm home for xmas. A studio apartment will save your sanity

>> No.5453911

>Fight against corruption or taking part in politics or helping the poorest out
fuck off you nigger

>> No.5454020

She made you into a little toything to release her frustration on.

The content of what she is saying doesn't matter. It's designed to hurt you. To make you immobile enough so that she won't lose you.

Check out 'narcissistic mothers' on youtube.

>> No.5454284
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>She made you into a little toything to release her frustration on.
>The content of what she is saying doesn't matter. It's designed to hurt you. To make you immobile enough so that she won't lose you.

same here

>> No.5454324


> crypto
> money

>> No.5455198

>a woman knowing better than a man

Ha, these larps are creative.

>> No.5455327
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>mfw my parents encouraged me to get into crypto
>mfw my mom and dad gave me money to buy even more and are interested in the technology behind it
Feels good to have generation X parents.

>> No.5455441

OP you made a mistake by telling your mum about. My family doesnt know I am in crypto. Just downplay it, like it is some hobby and you are getting bored with it anyway.