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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 439 KB, 750x834, 16221528-9301-4D0B-90B9-07C76B3E7B3B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54532318 No.54532318 [Reply] [Original]

Any other UK people get a food box from the mosque?

they came round on last night with one, mainly rice, and some hummus and other stuff pretty glad of it because we were down to half a tin of beans and 5 slices of bread

>> No.54532333

Is the UK third world now?

>> No.54532341

Nah they still have food security through social safety nets. Give it another 2-3 years before they’re truly 3rd world

>> No.54532352

at least we have free healthcare and dont have guns everywhere. plus we're over 90% white in some areas like rural wales or the shetland islands. also we have higher wages than most eastern european countries like portugal

>> No.54532354

You are not as smart as you think.

>> No.54532361

>eastern european countries like portugal
kek, based troll

>> No.54532406

have fun getting shot by a gun toting cop on your way to pay $5 million to have a gastric band fitted you fat cunt

>> No.54532440


I’m Australian and as bad as our cuntry is the UK looks way more depressing.

>> No.54532453

And the Britishers just let these mongrels in. Sad isn't it?

>> No.54532460

Globohomo paid content thread

Google "Rotherham gangs"

>> No.54532461

Nigger your healthcare isn't free. You pay taxes for it. Mine is also better than yours. You may not have guns because you cuckolds gave them up but that's not gonna stop Jamal and Abdul from throwing acid on you and stabbing your limey ass. They'll get away with it too because your justice system is even worse than ours is.

>> No.54532488

You have a multitude of problems and boasts about the only possible solution.
Good luck defending yourself from the paki hordes with a butter knife.

>> No.54532493

its completely free. when i broke my leg the free ambulance picked me up after a 6 hour wait and took me to the free hospital where a free doctor who qualified in pakistan got round to seeing me the next day and they made an appointment for 4 weeks time to fix the leg. its gone a bit numb and purple but im sure id rather have the free healthcare than pay half a billion dollars for a packet of asprin

>> No.54532501
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>6 hour wait

Yuropoors find this acceptable. Lmfao

>> No.54532513

>imagine thinking ambulances can just turn up everywhere instantly

i suppose in america ambulances just show up in 3 hours like some kind of science fiction do they? your pulling me leg mate

>> No.54532519
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oi bruv u gut ur postin on 4chin, tv, and free muslim slop loicense? jolly good that sharia i think i'll eat some beans n white bread fore i get fooken bottled

>> No.54532536

the TV license is a myth, you dont have to pay it just put the TV in a back room and have heavy black curtains drawn so they police cant see you watching it. they only come round 3 times a year to check the living room and if they dont see it there they probably wont check the other rooms

>> No.54532546
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oi bruv u yanks is all fat n ugly here in the isles we is beau'ful n smart yea

so what if our pm is a jeet and london's mayor is a jeet we are NOT third world terrorist attacks are part n parcel of livin in the fooken UK ye

>> No.54532559
File: 176 KB, 1056x1421, FmNt-t-WYAANaA1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is the United "Kingd*m" so fucking funny? Ol' blighty is starving while the fat Americans tuck in rich.

>> No.54532572

they're all on welfare, they don't do anything except build ultra luxury cars for arabs and chinks and talk about that time they were a world power

>> No.54532578

I've been living off free food handouts. There are places in some cities which give away supermarket food which is about to go off, but honestly they're still good for the whole week. It's not bad stuff either. M&S, CO-OP etc. There are some weeks where I get like £200 worth of food so I just put the money I would have spent on food into crypto.

>> No.54532586

The UK has a gigantic personal debt crisis. Why do you think "can't pay we'll take it away" is such a huge show?

>> No.54532598

no it’s because half of the 3rd world live in the uk

>> No.54532601
File: 11 KB, 236x350, b3b04b41b47455cdcb216ef1e88b8bfc--llama-face-llama-llama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like a llama riddled with Xanax and botox I'm dead

>> No.54532616

this made me kek a bit

>> No.54532626

pretty cool. you can also get free food if you go to a sikh temple

>> No.54532630

>it's totally free
>*lose 50% of my paycheck each week*


>> No.54532644
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Nigel Higgenbottom here showin u how to watch TV widout a loicense, real life hack innt m8

our healfcare is sooooo good my teeth are still fucked m8 the dentist was from new delhi

>> No.54532647

my mom had to wait 18 hours and ended up discharging herself because she would have had to wait another god knows how many hours for the doctor to give her the ok after treatment

>> No.54532675

3rd world that has trannies
>tfw visited thread that an anon live with tranny on pol
I'm glad I'm bot white

>> No.54532704

>goblin faggot shaved his eyebrows
He cute

>> No.54532729

Bruh i tried to get a fucking checkup on my teeth and they said i cant for 6.5 months.
Years ago when i had an injury and needed physio the NHS had me on a 4.5 month waiting list. If you know anything about injuries you know they need physical therapy ASAP.
Both times had to go private.

Lived in Japan and you have to pay 30% of everything unless you are literally poverty, but got seen to immediately and employers often cover a load of stuff.

Nhs isnt something to behold its a fucking cult/religious weapon used by the government. Go out and scream thanks to the sky with your pots and pans and “do it for them”.

>> No.54532758
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Smells like bullshit or you're brown, I got a dental appointment for the very next week when I last called

>> No.54532773

Good for you. I live west of London. You will experience it eventually. Or the pain in the ass of a GP appointment usually a week or more in advance required for a booking

>> No.54532782
File: 266 KB, 1200x1200, rajeshsfave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh well that makes sense then. You know you actually have to pay into the NHS in order to be able to use it, it's not free for literally everyone. Those 6 months were probably to give you enough time to have paid enough national insurance to be able to use it Rajesh

>> No.54532818

2.6th world

>> No.54532834

>at least we have free healthcare
It's not free and it's also fucking terrible, have fun waiting eight months to see a specialist for five minutes before they rush you out the door.
>t. cripple who's been in and out of rnhs and had to put up with their shitty negligent staff for twenty years

>> No.54532840

Well obviously thats what NI is. What the fuck you talking about?

The NHS is functionally bankrupt and only exists in current form as a political tool.
They should start charging like Japan does at minimum. 30% of the cost, and have some kind of model for the most expensive treatments like organ transplants and heart sergery etc be substantially reduced rather than fucking everything.

>> No.54532860

>I borrowed 500 pounds and they expect 1800 back
That sure as shit isn’t a bank loan or a credit card

>> No.54532874
File: 113 KB, 661x894, jap healthcare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese healthcare quality is overall pretty poor you dense fuck, what other stupid ideas do you have?

>> No.54532911

you're just a kremlin shill bot. go and suck off putin

>> No.54532936

Its better than the UK by far lol. Thats how fucking bad the NHS is.
There are a lot of shitty clinics in Japan. The ting is you can go to any. They bill the government the other 70% of the bill. If you go to the local 80 year old GPs run down clinic you will get a bad service but absolutely nothing stops you actually going to a better place.

In the UK, if you need to see a GP you have to wait 1-2 weeks and unless you go private you have no choice going elsewhere unless you register and change to a new GP office all the a very crappy rushed service

>> No.54532973
File: 40 KB, 688x277, jap healthcare 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's really fucking not and it's ironic you're suggesting the NHS is not financially viable when the very system you're suggest we copy is also having that same issue. You really don't know what you're talking about.

I'm an oldfag but one memory I vividly have of a trip to Japan was when my travel partner got injured and required hospitalisation. We got to the hospital and got turned away because it was closed. A hospital fucking CLOSED because it was out of hours and we had to come back the next day. Japanese healthcare is a fucking joke.

>> No.54533046

Kek yeah that happens. It’s ridiculous but the system in general is better than the UK. There is a lot i hate about Japan. I lived there for 6 years, and its why im back in the UK. However their healthcare system is genuinely better than the pos NHS. When the hospital os “closed” there are easy options to find a nearby place that will help you but as a tourist without Japanese it will probably not happen.

Japan healthcare system is better than the UK, while their financial services are utter third world dog shit. That said the UK has one of if not the best financial services(and government services ease of use) in the world imo. Most brits never lived abroad and dont appreciate it enough

>> No.54533055

with no details provided im going to say you're a fucking gay boomer and you went to a clinic not a hospital. have you tried turning up at a GP surgery in england after closing time and been given medical care? LOL

>> No.54533165

>Free healthcare

I'm asking non sarcastically, how good is your "free" healthcare? We also have "free" healthcare in my country, but I still pay for a private one because in case shit happens, I want to be in a cozy place with a good tv and not sharing my room with other sick people.

>> No.54533212

Wait so are there so many Muslims in UK that as they do their pilgrimage for Ramadan through the undersea tunnel that goes straight to they devour all food in each city like ants devouring a corpse until noting is left? Yay diversity!

>> No.54533232

Portugal here, we're poorer than Poland dude that's a shit brag

>> No.54533335
File: 209 KB, 680x763, 1620509099416.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im not supposed to say this but if you've seen any KOY threads lately then it's a massive cover up operation by the Islam to try and convert people. They get their dollars directly from their local mosques and they are all forced to wear those little hats if they want the shekels. Yeah you lose your individualism and betray your god, but at least you get some money right?
>T. KOYO investor

>> No.54533457
File: 87 KB, 634x679, 24876594-8015559-image-a-1_1582022288379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 year long waiting list for something that takes a few weeks in America. It's fucking garbage

>> No.54534756

supreme bait

>> No.54534802

One of the richest countries on earth economy booming Im on holiday there now I dont get these weird demoralization threads I think its russian glowies desu. Im moving here as soon as I can its fucking lit here

>> No.54534810

>plus we're over 90% white in some areas like rural wales or the shetland islands.
The US is 100% white in some places genius. Overall demographics will eventually bleed into your little "safe zones," that's what is important, not the fact that some small locale is still (mainly) white.

>> No.54534937
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The government used your taxes to pay them more for that rice and hummus than it cost them to buy it from some wholesaler with inventory that was about to go unsold due to price gouging lol

>> No.54535196

>Im moving here as soon as I can
yay 1 more paki to go with the millions already here

>> No.54535257

Always was.
>london was known as the city of filth back in the 1800s with human feces and raw sewage in the rivers and disgusting frogs everywhere spreading diseases
>filled with immigrants and foreign workers

>> No.54535271

>disgusting frogs everywhere spreading diseases
sounds like /biz/

>> No.54535316

I think the joke was that he considered poortugal eastern because you're so poor. His entire post reads like a desperate plea

>> No.54535545

You pay over 60% of your income for your """free""" social programs via taxation on every fucking thing. Also being a no guns means your are cucked and forever a slave to the state with no means to fight back.

>> No.54535606

You pay $6 in taxes alone on every gallon of gasoline. You get taxed on the displacement of the engine annually. A yearly fucking tax on the amount of liters in your engine. Its not economically viable to drive anything bigger than a 2.0L due to taxation. You being robbed blind you dunce.

>> No.54536171

Yes. Soggy Argentina

>> No.54536241

If the leader was hitler you would be praising the taxation even though he also supported zionism, lmao

>> No.54536294
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that's mediocre bait but it's still easter here so have a (You) in the name of jesus.

>> No.54536687

>muh religious charities
yeah ok, its just a grift to try to get more subscribers who might pay later similar to mr beast. charity is only legitimate if its anonymous. everything else is advertising. tax the churches.

>> No.54537104

har har har yeah good one mate

>> No.54537159

>it's a massive cover up operation by the Islam to try and convert people. They get their dollars directly from their local mosques
how nefarious you stupid ass christcuck

>> No.54537471

>at least we have free healthcare and dont have guns everywhere.
No such thing as free and not having guns is not positive.

>> No.54537567

>Japanese healthcare quality is overall pretty poor you dense fuck
I doubt that the country with the highest life expectancy has poor healthcare

>> No.54537698

they also have the lowest obesity and homicide rates in the world

>> No.54537778
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Frogs? on /biz/? I simply do not believe you

>> No.54537796
File: 130 KB, 660x603, asian woman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They also have the best asian women. You should move there immediately