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54530874 No.54530874 [Reply] [Original]

I hold Link, Avax, and Rose.
I'm selling my Rose. I just had a realization the other day that Rose can only go up in speculative value (ie. not fundamental value) - there's no actual value accrual unlike Link, and no scarcity mechanism unlike Avax.
What I mean is that even if the project becomes extremely popular, and it's processing plenty of transactions a day. it has almost no bearing on the token price. I'm out. Just have to wait for the tokens to unstake now.

>> No.54530880 [DELETED] 


>> No.54530926

I'm not shilling the other 2 tokens btw (this is a Rose thread afterall), I am just using them to demonstrate how Rose itself is an unreliable investment.

>Trying to tokenize the world
>Projects spin up their own subnets
>Almost infinite subnets can/will be made, each locking up at least 2000 AVAX, thus making AVAX increasingly scarce with each new subnet
>Subnets have a chance to burn AVAX for gas/tx fees, and all mainnet txs definitely burn AVAX for gas/tx fees. This also increasingly makes AVAX scarce.
>Each validator locks up 2000 AVAX. There can be almost infinite validators. Thus AVAX becomes more scarce again.

Rose is limited to 120 validators, each locking up variable amounts of tokens. This makes the token somewhat more scarce but not increasingly scarce. Node operators are paid tx fees, some of which will be distributed to stakers thus the token has some inherent value but IMO this is too weak alone - the only way this token will get a pump is from speculation: do you really want to rely solely on speculation when other projects have actual fundamental value accrual methods? I won't bother explaining Chainlink's value accrual mechanism but it's highly unique for the crypto space.

>> No.54531000

Its most logical to buy as much AVAX as possible.

>Stake AVAX
>use AVAX staking rewards and accumulate LINK and buy shitcoins like ROSE for gambling

>> No.54531014

What is the point of this post? Do you need someone to tell you you’re right? The entire protocol requires ROSE tokens to function for gas fees. It has the same exact use as Ethereum, except has a capped token supply instead of infinite.

The problem with it, and AVAX by the way, is they are dead chains that nobody cares to build on. Outside of that I’d say Oasis is a fundamentally more interesting protocol with more potential thanks to its privacy focus and better architecture, and also has not had a run yet so more likely to in the future. And LINK is its own special breed of hell. It has usage but the token is quite literally right now not needed, maybe that will change in the future.

But yes, you are right. Go sell. You should sell all your ROSE, I think that’s really the smartest idea.

>> No.54531028

>and AVAX by the way, is they are dead chains that nobody cares to build on
besides some of the biggest corporations on the planet. dumb nigger.

>> No.54531029

>What is the point of this post? Do you need someone to tell you you’re right?
Unironically yes, or at least tell me if I'm wrong if I am. This post is intended to facilitate discussion as to whether or not my reasoning is right. If I'm right, then me and other anons can jump ship with our new knowledge. If I'm wrong, me and other anons will hold.

>> No.54531045

Tone down the racism thanks

>> No.54531051

kill yourself you fucking nigger

>> No.54531091

Well, he just told you why he feels you're wrong. What do you think about the points made? Namely, that compared to ETH which increased based on price purely based on adoption and speculation AND while having an uncapped token supply. Whereas ROSE has not yet had a huge "run" in terms of adoption/profitability (relative to other notable tokens) AND has a capped finite number of tokens that will ever exist. Along with their niche being privacy focus, etc.--which may or may not ever result in adoption. Who knows. But I think this anon's answer addressed your question well.

>> No.54531136

Cool cool when the Meta and Equifax stuff actually results in price action for ROSE then I’m considering it as dead as Avalanche. Sorry.

>> No.54531149

He said why it's wrong to sell, but he also said it's a "dead chain that nobody cares to build on".
>that compared to ETH which increased based on price purely based on adoption and speculation
I feel like ETH price is mostly speculation, and only achieved this level because it's got that first-mover advantage which gave it massive adoption. Rose doesn't have first-mover advatange, hoping that it pumps on speculation is like a lottery gamble.

>> No.54531174

>besides some of the biggest corporations on the planet. dumb nigger.
If you think the "partnership" with amazon means that amazon actually uses AVAX that means BMW and Meta are using ROSE you absolute retard. Agree with this anon >>54531014

Both of them are ghost chains no one uses, but ROSE has more interesting tech. I still hold some AVAX but very small part of my folio

>> No.54531206

>with amazon means that amazon actually uses AVAX
yes they have to stake AVAX to run Subnets.
dumb nigger.

>> No.54532523
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subtle rose FUD thread
just bought more ranjeet

>> No.54532741
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Everything will pump in the next bullrun. It doesn't matter one fucking bit if it's a ghostchain. The only thing is that everything else will pump 100x while rose pumps only 5-10x. You picked a losing horse. It's the same as picking REQ instead of link in 2017.

>> No.54532980

It's not "subtle" you fucking schizo retard. I outright propose in the OP that it's not a worthwhile investment.

>> No.54533127

Thanks for playing

>> No.54533722

Oh the daily low effort - low iq FUD thread is up again i see. Thanks! That makes me bullish. Im thinking of buying more ROSE!

>> No.54534119

Care to dispel anything I said?