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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54529084 No.54529084 [Reply] [Original]

David Sacks: This is amazing news, guys! We've saved Silicon Valley Bank!

Jason Calacanis: Yes! It's a great day for us and for the tech industry.

Bill Ackman: I'm so glad we were able to come together and find a solution.

Twitter user 1: Are you serious right now? You're celebrating saving a bank that went under because of its own poor financial decisions?

Twitter user 2: And the fact that taxpayers are the ones who have to bail you out is despicable.

David Sacks: Look, we understand that this situation is less than ideal. But we had to take action to prevent a ripple effect throughout the industry.

Jason Calacanis: And the government did what it had to do to prevent a complete financial collapse.

Bill Ackman: We're not celebrating the bailout itself, but the fact that we were able to find a solution that keeps Silicon Valley Bank afloat and prevents further damage.

Twitter user 3: You three are some of the richest people in the world, and yet you're happy to let taxpayers foot the bill for your mistakes.

Twitter user 2: It's time for the wealthy to start taking responsibility for their actions instead of expecting the rest of us to clean up their mess.

David Sacks: We understand the frustration, and we're not trying to avoid accountability. But we have to consider the bigger picture and what's best for the economy as a whole.

Jason Calacanis: We'll continue to work towards finding solutions that benefit everyone, not just the wealthy.

Bill Ackman: And we'll make sure that Silicon Valley Bank operates with greater responsibility moving forward.

Twitter user 1: Spare us the empty promises and take responsibility for the damage you've caused.

Twitter user 3: This is why we need stricter regulations and oversight on the banking industry.

>> No.54529104

>we have to consider the bigger picture and what's best for the economy as a whole.
should have thought of that before you fucked up

>> No.54529698

well, let me just play the devil's advocate here and say that these industry leaders deserve to be compensated fairly for the work they do, keeping our economy running and helping build a better world for us all. bankers and CEOs aren't the enemy- they're american heroes. they are the perfect representation of the american dream.

>> No.54529703

Arrest David Sacks and Bill ACK-man

>> No.54529884

This is a particularly bad twitter bait thread but
>this is why we need stricter regulations and oversight
By this did he mean sowing bankers into sacks with snakes and throwing them into rivers? Because the banking industry is regulated as shit, especially (((self-regulation))) from people who take the revolving door in and out of government anyway (like Yellen and Summers)

>> No.54529894
File: 116 KB, 600x435, 64D9E80D-6FE0-4E3D-8C10-C0C9AF233BD7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Because 90% of tech bros are just frauds who outsource work to real tech bros at a fraction of the pay.

>> No.54530079

Who is us? Fuck off poorfag

>> No.54530525

Do you REALLY have to ask, anon? You know exactly why they're going to get away with it.

>> No.54530536

Cool it with the antisemitism

>> No.54530780

yeah because being legacy harvard doing an arts degree and instantly getitng in bulge bracket bank based on pedigree of name and connections is the american dream.
yeeah it is an american dream bc u have to be asleep to believe it applies to the average person

>> No.54531574

>Bill Ackman
>Bachelor of Arts degree magna cum laude in Social Studies from Harvard College.
>thesis was "Scaling the Ivy Wall: the Jewish and Asian American Experience in Harvard Admissions."
> founded the investment firm Gotham Partners with fellow Harvard graduate David P. Berkowitz.
>Ackman has said that he admires short sellers such as Carson Block of Muddy Waters Capital and Andrew Left of Citron Research
>Ackman has given to charitable causes such as the Center for Jewish History

>> No.54531918
File: 118 KB, 1024x741, 1680475508015231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54533562

>Literally advocating for the devil