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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54527896 No.54527896 [Reply] [Original]

Thanks to $link fudders the staking lock up period dropped from 24 to 12 months.

And now thanks to link fudders Sergey starts to charge for pricefeeds.

Fudders 2 - 0 shills

Next goal of the fudders is a Fartcon line that won't rug next year.

>> No.54527992

the cuckold sycophants that refuse to question anything and just plug their ears and shout trust the plan are genetic dead ends anyway OP

>> No.54527995

People can easily build alternatives you know.

>> No.54528022

pay up... now.

>> No.54528034

People can easily build a team of engineers with 200+ years of combined experience in computer science and cryptography. It's so fucking easy. Chainlink is done bros.

>> No.54528084
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God I hope we stay cheap for one more month. Waiting on my GRT delegation to unlock so I can put it in LINK. I feel like this move of mine will make the coin moon, its too easy for the bogadoffs spirit to see coming.

>> No.54528146

Lmao. All the scientist are already working for CLL

>> No.54528172

there's good fud and bad fud
the problem with the sociopathic fud on CT is that it drives away many plebbitors who we want to buy our bags
the victories the fudders get now are pyrrhic and could be gained through good fud
also the lockup period change was likely due to node ops being pissed off, not you guys

>> No.54528413

Guess you forgot the whole 4chan fudding reddit from link saga and how it totally backfired.
>also the lockup period change was likely due to node ops being pissed off, not you guys
Total bullshit, the whole community was in uproar, while the paid advocates were doing damage control and trying to say that its actuslly a good thing.
>just lock up your money for 5 years guys!
Just face it the fudders have done more for the community the mindless white knight community parrots.
You could notice a distinct shift in the teams behaviour once the fud started rolling in, suddenly they are working more. Bad PR is devastating to companies.
The fudders lit a fire under the teams ass so they work harder.
The fudders let the team know the community is upset with them, that cant happen when everyone is sucking off sergey 24/7 and acting happy about every failure.

Chainlink will work harder when under every one if their tweets theres a bunch of comments making fun of their price
>lol $7

>> No.54528439

All. It. Does. Is. Get. Prices. I. Can. Look. Up. Prices. On. Google. For. Free.

>> No.54528450

Kek I thought you were serious until that last line. Nice one anon

>> No.54528507

What? I used
>lol $7
As an example of the type of stuff people post

>> No.54528519

This was not ironic?

>Chainlink will work harder when under every one if their tweets theres a bunch of comments making fun of their price

>> No.54528556

>chainlink will harder when under every one of their tweets theres a bunch of comments saying based sergey king please miss more self imposed deadlines while dumping on us and delivering nothing

>> No.54528560

No I dont mean it ironically.
If you were CL, wouldnt you feel more motivated to prove them wrong?

>> No.54528597

>Imagine thinking anyone thinks that
Fuddies fighing windmills and strawmen, as usual

>If you were CL, wouldnt you feel more motivated to prove them wrong?
Sure anon, as a wagie at a big corp I would definitely feel motivated to work harder when some disgruntled stock owners are kvetching about the stock price in the media

>> No.54528606

LOL this is the best cope yet, browncel fuddies blow out again. Might as well make it 3-0 OP

>> No.54528619

better get to bed wagie, shekelberg is gonna need you at your best for tomorrow, no excuses

>> No.54528627

This is 5 year old cope

>> No.54528658

I was illustrating my point with an example. Leave it to the Don Quichot of /biz/ to immediately spout one of his NEET platitudes.

>> No.54528671

go to bed wagie, sirgay is relying on your weekly wagie check
i retired in 2017 and will be sleeping in :)

>> No.54528694

Happy for you anon. Also feeling a bit sad realizing this is what retired anons have to look forward to, a long life of being a bitter sack of shit on your board of choice.

>> No.54528700

Not some wagie, if you were sergey and this was your project, you telling me you wouldnt care how your passion project was viewed by your community? I think sergey cares about his companies public image, thats why they are starting to address these criticisms

>> No.54528739

now now wagie, passive aggressiveness will raise your blood pressure and make it hard to get your needed sleep
don't forget to tip your boss for giving you off easter sunday but don't tip over 20%, sirgay needs the other 80%!

>> No.54528791

That is a very naive view anon. You think it is a good idea to give credence to what a bunch of bitter, deranged and frustrated people on the internet have to say about your work? This holds true even for people that "merely" produce media like books, films or tv series. Just imagine how much worse it gets when there is money involved. So no, even if Sergey would read some Twitter tards spamming "lmao $7", I don't think it would motivate him much. Especially if you consider what his actual motivations for creating Chainlink are.

>> No.54528813

This. The price can be 1 cent, or 1 trillion dollars. It makes no difference in the long run. 1 Link=1 Link.

>> No.54528828

how do we fud the token into actually being needed linkbros?

>> No.54528844

Weve been saying token not needed in hopes that sergey will prove us wrong :(

>> No.54528858

you didn't think that through did you?
imagine the price is 1 cent and sergey has 500 million tokens to left to dump at that price
he now has 5 million usd worth of tokens left to dump and he will run throught that in a feed bag or two

>> No.54528888

didn't read your fud. 1 link will always be worth 1 link, that's all that matters in the long run.

>> No.54528913

you read that all and can't think of anything to say
because you're dumb =)

>> No.54528924

The people saying that being frustrated and deranged, is not relevent when what they are saying is actually true. The tokenomics for example are objectively shit and broken. I dont think any crypto project wants to be seen as the shitcoin that never pumps, you cant build a flourishing community around something that nobody gains from.

ETH and BTC gained such a large passionate community exactly because of the bullish price action, which attracted a lot of people around them and made people enthusiastic to build around, since theres a lot of money around it.

Chainlink has lost like 80% of its enthusiastic community since 2020 when it was the talk of the town.
And i guarantee that sergey probably lurks on twitter/biz and reads some fud

>> No.54528926

I may be dumb but I hold 5000 LINK tokens and know for a certainty I'll make it.

>> No.54528934

you are very poor too
my condolences

>> No.54528979

ok, what should I do? Sell my LINK? I'm locked into staking for at least the next 6 months.

>> No.54528988

Should we sell our chainlink stocks, sir?

Please respond

>> No.54528999

>I dont think any crypto project wants to be seen as the shitcoin that never pumps, you cant build a flourishing community around something that nobody gains from.
To Sergey & Co, it doesn't really matter. These guys know they are building next level technology and couldn't care less what some bagholders think. You think Vitalik cared when ETH was relentlessly bullied for being a "double digit shitcoin" after dropping to $80 from $1400? He minted the tokens for $0.30 lol, and was not in it for the money anyway being an autistic cypherpunk. What these guys do care about though, is what developers think. ETH is the biggest L1 because it has the biggest developer base. Chainlink has been simping to developers for years, and is building an impressive knowledge base. Again, these are the people they care about. Not frogs on Twitter posting "lmao $7".

Don't forget: Tokens pump because of speculation. Chainlink and its team have done their best to stifle speculation since Chainlink's inception, and /biz/ played right into their hand by keeping Reddit out. That is the way it is, and it will take a good few pumps against the market before normies start paying attention again.

>> No.54529001

hold it if you want and I hope you get great returns
just know that sergey doesn't give a shit about you and has never given a reason to think otherwise, the fudders are right in at least 1 regard, he sees you as nothing but an inconvenience and if he can make money off then he will
but I truly do hope you make it anon, not even joking

>> No.54529011

This has to be the biggest midwit take, post your hand now, let me see the curry stains on your brown fingers.

>> No.54529017

>?just know that sergey doesn't give a shit about you and has never given a reason to think otherwise, the fudders are right in at least 1 regard, he sees you as nothing but an inconvenience and if he can make money off then he will
I didn't know this. I am only hearing this now for the firs time. How can I get in touch with him to talk about this things. I am getting seriously concerned reading your posts.

>> No.54529018

How do you faggots stay on top of every little thing regarding chainlink? I have 7k staked and I don't know shit about anything regarding the project except something about functions coming out recently...

>> No.54529022

because they get paid to post here

>> No.54529025

The Chainlinks are doing fine my basterd.

>> No.54529052

go back to the clu discord simone

>> No.54529095

noice bait mate

>> No.54529182

Imagine what happens if link implements a burning mechanism thanks to the fudders.
total defeat!

>> No.54529688
File: 80 KB, 652x774, 1669060860127440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is probably the funniest and most delusional fudfag cope I have ever seen.

Sergey switching to "pay up" mode has been the writing on the wall for years now while the network grew and defi become completely dependent on link. Nothing you have spammed on here ever mattered or done anything but (maybe) scare a newfag or two out of buying for a week until they realized link was the only asset being treated like that, which would make the more intelligent ones look into and buy it. On twitter the team just ignores or blocks the low iq ct moonboy nigger spam - because no one with a brain takes that seriously either.

Youve wasted thousands of hours of your life fudding an asset you sold at a loss / gambled away on bancor. Cope and seethe all you want, but youll either kill yourself or be killed off by some bored, rich psycho post singularity because you're a lower form of life than an unpaid internet janitor and nothing of value would be lost.

>> No.54530597
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Dont start crying again

>> No.54530617

lol $7
all we have to say is lol $7
lol $7
lol $7

>> No.54531622

>t.2018 retard

>> No.54531711

>fudders 30 - 0 shills
>entire defi has bent the knee
>ccip bringing unparalleled cryptospace growth
>token needed beyond any doubt, used to secure trillions
>cbdcs mainstream, using chainlink for interopability
>chainlink dominance is undisputed
>link price: $12

>> No.54531744

Token not needed
Retailers not needed

>> No.54531749

>wall of cope

>> No.54532060

Delegated staking is based anon. Although mine is metastaking for RIDE and Egld, I wouldn't mind bagging some Link with the part of the profits before putting the rest in my restaurant.

>> No.54532712

wall of facts, actually
fudcucks are a lower form of life than unpaid internet janitors and a lot of them are probably gonna get v& and killed off post singularity

>> No.54532759

The guy from CL who did the q&a the other week said he and the team read the twitter comments. And for some reason that makes you furious. They also shortened staking lockup period due to community pushback, which incenses you even further.

My theory is spineless cowards like you hate it when others dont toe the line of your pacificist pushover approach. Basically crabs in a bucket mentality. Sad

>> No.54532792

>a lot of them are probably gonna get v& and killed off post singularity
I'm pretty sure the less retarded ones know that they're literally fudding for their lives at this point but it's just not going to work.

>> No.54533660

wtf how are smart contracts posting on /biz/

>> No.54534299
File: 670 KB, 1284x1865, 29250708-93DC-48DA-BF11-64F0607A354F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to go back you Twitter nigger scumbag.

>> No.54535747

Why are you on twitter?

>> No.54536265

So what does
>lol $7
contribute to the team compared to feedback from devs and nodeops?

>> No.54536457

Better yet, you can just Google the price yourself lmao

>> No.54537053
File: 666 KB, 634x636, 342678423423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From a psychiatric perspective the word "cuckold" triggers Link marines so much because subconsciously they know it's their true nature. Imagine holding a premined erc-20 token with terrible tokenomics for 6 years hoping to make it just to see your pathetic bags getting outperformed by the entire market while you stake your measly tokens for bond tier gains (4% APY). The cherry on top of the cake is Sergey who stringed along the community while he made $500 million by dumping on gullible retail investors like you. The cuckold nature of the Link marine is an undeniable reality. As with every cult pointing out the truth is often uncomfortable for the cult members. But the truth is....Link marines are simply cuckolds.

>> No.54537096

So why arent you selling your oracle services to big banks?