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54526242 No.54526242 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone tried following the directions in this book? What does 4chan think of this book, and any suggestions on how to make it work better for you/me/us so we can get out of the hellhole that is poverty?

>> No.54526275

the best way to get out of poverty is to sell a book about how to get out of poverty

>> No.54526360
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I too seek answers about this book OP

I also am interested in learning about whether the book "Early Retirement Extreme" by Jacob Lund Fisker is a meme too.

>> No.54526435
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dude, I love this. I'm just so tired nowadays, I don't feel like I have the energy to do anything. Coffee doesn't pep me up like it used to, even when I quit for a few days.

Speaking of which, I wish I could go to a gym where I could scream and yell while I do my reps and not have people stare.

>> No.54526445

This book was published a long time ago, I think in the 30s or 40s. I barely started this book, and the book mentions quite a few people that got rich by using this book as a guide

>> No.54526477

I've read it. I did not find it worthwhile. If you are seeking motivation I recommend this video:


Also watch this one about the history of money. It makes the steps to take pretty damn obvious:

>> No.54526497

That's the same video twice

>> No.54526514

I never read the ERE book but I used to read his blog and it's good stuff. The book is like a boring textbook supposedly. I'd check out the main posts on his blog.

>> No.54526652

I've seen this video before, and as much as I like it's informative and creative style, I'm looking for insight and help with this book and or stuff that's similar, not a motivational video on how to take down central banking.

I do understand that in order to achieve any semblance of prosperity for general society to build up a middle class again, and one that isn't insanely skewed to the rich getting richer, the central banks and usury must be done away with, but in the meantime I would like help and or insight on how best to make this book work for me.

What I've garnered from this book and other articles broaching this topic, is that creativity must be used to find a product or service that the world needs or doesn't know that it needs yet.

I would also like to mention that in order for me to get anywhere, I need money to trademark, copyright and patent anything, and to go through lawyers that do that I need thousands of dollars, probably about 5-10k to start.

>> No.54526675
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Thank you anon, I will check the blog posts out.

>> No.54527174

most shitty worthlessbook ever. i wish i didn't buy it

>> No.54527199

note read psychocybernetics and prometheus rising if this is the path youd like to go down.

if you just want to learn about money read rich dad poor dad and intelligent investor and then r/personalfinance

>> No.54527234

oh and if you want to learn marketing/how to sell things then read the boron letters. don't just read it online you'll never finish it. print it out or try to find a printed copy.

>> No.54527867

I do have the book, it's a heavy read but I do enjoy it once a year. Starts with explaining the ideas, then lifestyle changes then formulas.

The book in short, it's about lifestyle changes and it takes it from a environmental angle too. Of consuming less to help the planet, which in turn also helps you retire cause you don't need to buy as much. Like one bit he mentions doesn't buy milk cause he never uses it all, how he decided to live in a RV as was cheaper and cause didn't have much possensions with his girlfriend. (He and the gf has later brought in Chicago, the blog and forums show)

Also goes into getting rid of your car for biking and walking.

If want me to find something in the book, let me know as I see it on my shelf as typing this.

The blog is just repeats as he stopped that, but the forums you can find Jacob's more recent stuff and other followers of his

>> No.54527900

honestly i do think this is one of the first steps to success and wealth- changing your mindset. i prefer listening to this:


but its all the same manifestation stuff. its not magic, its attitude. and when you look at peoples attitude all around, it doesn't surprise me that they stay poor

>> No.54528359

Right on target, anon

>> No.54528383

This book is my Bible. I listen the audio book several times a year. I've gone through it over 70 times, as well as listened to Napoleon Hills "Rare Lecture" series, which can be found on Youtube.

This is the single most important book I have ever read. I recommend this book to people all the time whenever people ask me how I do what I do and live the lifestyleI do. My lifestyle is: I work if/whenever I want, I have enough money for anything I need, I eat whatever I want, and I am beholden to absolutely nobody except myself.

If you have heard of the book "The Secret", then you should know that it was Think and Grow Rich which was the original source text of The Secret.

I purchase and give out copies of this book to people several times a year. It's the least I can do to give back to what this book has done for me. On countless occassions those who I have given this book to come back to me after reading it and say it changed their life, and I tell them to read it 4 more times. It's layered and written in a way which builds upon itself as it impresses itself on your Psyche.

If this book is in your arsenal, you will become a wizard.

>> No.54528457
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checked my dude,

when you say mindset, what do you mean specifically in regards to this? Do you mean having a rich mindset? A can-do mindset? Everything is an opportunity mindset? Or a "everything can be monetized" mindset?

>> No.54528485

Thanks for the insight. I figure that the people in the above part of the thread that say this book is hogwash, I'm assuming are either jewish or don't want competitors in their field because they used that book to launch themselves to financial freedom.

Do you have any tips on how I should utilize the book? Like have a notepad and take notes as I go along? Was there anything in particular that helped you implement the things you wanted to do in that book? I have ideas that I've been told are good to go, I just need money for trademark, copyright and patent lawyers so that my ideas are not stolen from me via giant corporations, or that I can sue them successfully in the future if they steal from me.

>> No.54528705

My recommendation for the ways to utilize this book is to NOT think about it in terms of money, but in terms of success. Money tends to come with success, but there are many fields of life which one can be successful in without money.

I think two of the most critical compenents of the philosophy are: Determination and Personal Faith. Those two things are the cornerstones of the philosophy. In short, what that means is: determination to set a goal and stick with it, and faith in your abilities to get it accomplished, no matter how daunting the task. There's an element to the philosophy in treating life like a game, and that anything that comes your way is able to be overcome.

I don't recommend looking at it or tracking progress in terms of typical milestones. As an example that isn't that far fetched, you could have a goal for a piece of land with a house, and everything you do is in pursuit of this goal, and then one day you have an emergency in which you MUST spend your money that was being used to save up for your land, and then a few months later someone comes around and gives you the deed to a plot of land exactly like the one you wanted.

There's an element of recognition that life is fucking crazy and sometimes enexplainable. Have a plan, but never be to bull headed to change course when a better opportunity to accomplish your goals presents itself.

On of my favorite quotes from the Rare Lectures series is: The best way to solve a problem that you are stuck on is to stop where you are and begin to help someone else on a problem they are stuck on, that you can help them through. When you do that, the solution to your own problem makes itself apparent, or the problem gets out of your way almost like magic. I have countless examples of crazy things like that which have happened in my life where I speak from experience at this point. Also those who I've given the book to who have read it through and applied the pricinples had the same experienecs.

>> No.54528824
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This is far superior, and the audio version is PURE kino.

>> No.54529206

you should look into HPTA imbalance

some things that could help: fresh garden veggies, quality multi vitamin, 15min+ sun light daily, sea moss gel

>> No.54529252

This is the book that started off all the self help books I believe so it's a good book to use. It basically teaches you to eat, breathe and sleep whatever your passion is

>> No.54529402

all is mind. all is mental. right now you have an "inquisitive" mindset. typical of someone lost or confused, you have been lead to a path. will you walk it?

>> No.54529435
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>doesnt drop the kybalion


>> No.54529448

I had so many thoughts about this book that I compiled them and made a book titled 'What I think about Think and Grow Rich (pt1)'. Part 2 is coming out later this year and includes more thoughts and reflections on thoughts I printed in pt.1, including additional bonus thoughts and a look ahead to thoughts i plan to include in pt.3, due for release at a later date.

>> No.54529475

thanks, saved

>> No.54529919

Read and internalize the fifteen rules of this book on Wikipedia. Not worth reading the whole thing.

>> No.54530101

all self help is an scam shit for idiots including financial self help.

>> No.54530320

Earl's voice is like listening to an old v8 exhaust at idle.
Supremely /comfy/

>> No.54530341

the shit works. not that I found success. but i do notice approaching people more charismatically even when faking it does deliver a more positive outlook and opens doors. if you're someone that has the entrepreneurial spirit, you might get something out of it. (tho there are likely more complete books about this subject, and you probably dont need to read this just to get the core message out of it) but i'm just bluntly not ambitious at anything and the idea of working 12-16hours a day to have a successful business disgusts me. and i also hate interacting with people. even if i did it's essentially manipulation which is gross.

tl;dr it's just a guide about being more successful when networking. you don't need to read a book for this.

>> No.54530365

Maximum Achievement - Brian Tracy

>> No.54532213

I have read psychocybernetics and just now ordered prometheus rising. Thanks anon.

>> No.54533096

It's not bad but couldn't finish it due to it's intolerable amount of protestant bullshit. It should be called Think, Work, Work, Work, Work, Work, Work Some More and Grow Rich.

>> No.54533678

Just read a summary of the book. It seems pretty based.
I think there is a lot to be said for re-focusing your mental energy towards what it is you want to do. Most people's biggest hangup is that they get so caught up in talking about what they want to do that they never actually take a step. If you just keep taking steps you'll get to whatever goal it is.

>> No.54534369


Thank you for posting this.

>> No.54534788

>shills get rich off of retards

>> No.54535291


>> No.54535445

Sex Transmutation is the most valuable piece in the book. NoFap before it even became things back in the 30’s - 40’s

>> No.54535572
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Its a good book but if you read it you will end up with a need for more precise and helpful economic view than just... low level self help shit. It's the same with rich dad and all those best selling books, are they eye opening? sure. Do they offer real advice? hell no.
Thanks to this i got into crypto and now im the proud owner of 30k on XOR and a credit card so, you take the good with the bad

>> No.54535717

Jesus Christ am I really on /biz? Together we figured out that Chainlink is our way out and you lot are reading stupid books like this?
Come on, fuck that. Just buy Link and stop being faggots.

>> No.54535856

something something pearls before swine