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File: 21 KB, 450x291, D631CBD1-1EDC-4966-9F6D-EAACC0E5DF07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54522641 No.54522641 [Reply] [Original]

Damn I’ma fuck that nigga up gave me this fake ass shit

>> No.54522652

naw nigga i aint lookin, soon as i gotta take dat shit outtda plastiq that shit worth fiddy dolla less... ain nobody buyin dat outta plasiq gol...

>> No.54522656

no one even buys pms that aren’t from sov mints directly from reputable online dealers. keep copeing bitcoin maxis niggers

>> No.54522698

This fud will only scare Indians since they will never examine/crack their gold bars that they bought with their life savings. To westerners, this is not even a fud because it's well known already. This is a pro gold thread made by pro gold people.

>> No.54522723

>Not buying from a local, trusted, shop or one of the many large trusted online dealers


I bet your Rolex collection is from the guy down on the street corner, too.

>> No.54522915

It ain’t real wake up nigga. How I test my chains yts?

>> No.54522954

this anti gold campaign is diversity hire level retard lmao

jews are seriously awkward and cringe bros

>> No.54522967

Don’t buy the metals goys

>> No.54522981

Just sell it to your nigger friends for spot price

>> No.54522988

Jew P Morgans scared and desperate,

>> No.54523017
File: 39 KB, 656x679, pepe apu smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never expected my 5 dollar ebay nazi gold bar to be real gold