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54518729 No.54518729 [Reply] [Original]

Does the West need to normalize child labor in order to stay relevant?

>> No.54518764

They talk about labor shortage. But I can’t find a job. Are companies just bad at advertising or are they lying?

>> No.54518777

This is the future republicans want- a return to the Gilded Age.

>> No.54518786

Lower your expectations, zoomer. There's nothing wrong with working for $12 an hour.

>> No.54519111

Look at those kids working. They look so happy! This is what a bright future looks like. Glad we're leaving behind those grim, dark days of lazy millenials complaining about $7/hr!

>> No.54519131
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My life would of been so much better if I just didn't go to highschool and went straight into work. No 6 years of retarded time wasting and school politics. Could of made money and lived independently. School unironically is a scam for young men that sucks out their life force and demoralizes them.

>> No.54519186

Cool. An Epstein factory.

>> No.54519210
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>> No.54519216

Labor shortage for low paying wagie jobs. White collar ones are dwindling

>> No.54519225

Where is the "both" option

>> No.54519228
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could be worst sacrifice. see pic

>> No.54519238
File: 51 KB, 369x469, 68451681164861234375415615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don t worry. in the game they die and their parent eat them (frostpunk - only game approved by biz)

>> No.54519544

dear god...

>> No.54519695

Are you willing to work in a factory?

>> No.54519711
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>> No.54519815

Fuck off nigger. You are a nigger jew. Go ahead and work jew the moment you hear the word "work" your fingers curl and your back slouches and your nose points down.

>> No.54520005

Future of the West is an openly oligarchic 1% class presiding over a dystopian black and brown hellscape of neo-serfdom and child labor.
They already have this set up all across the world in fact, it's just easier logistically if they have it domestically too.

>> No.54520026

Pretending to try to hire Americans as a necessary prerequisite to hire foreigners

>> No.54520042
File: 41 KB, 1075x1030, img_1_1674288740044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying uni is at all useful
>implying he wouldn't have been free that much sooner by just working for it
>((("noooooo you have to go to our heckin indoctrination centers because... BECAUSE YOU JUST DO OK")))

>> No.54520060

unironically felt the same. no point in teaching crap that could've been found online, when you have interest, and forget in 2 years

>> No.54520065

*no interest

>> No.54520187

You're asking for too much, goy.

>> No.54520209

To put it a better way, white collar jobs are split into
>we can't find someone experienced to do this job, because we spent years not filling the entry level version and now there aren't enough people with that experience
>we hired pajeets at the entry level to save money, then voided their visas, now we can't find americans to do the mid-tier level of this job, wut do?
We're entering a society where things will only get worse because "cost saving measures" has lead to a lack of not talent but experience, boomers wouldn't hire millennials so millennials became streamers or uber drivers or freelancers. Now there is no one to replace boomie fatass and he's seething that lazy kids need to be less lazy.

>office job
>but it pays 16/hr, the same as mcdonalds, but requires a degree and 3 round interview
Why bother?

>shit job
>no one bothers to work because they haven't attempted to improve working conditions, pay only rose during covid and is now being scaled back in most places despite inflation being up

Their entire system is stuffing money in the pockets of jewish boomer 70yos and they wonder why the economy is stagnant.

>> No.54520227

yeh they fucked up hard never passing any of the knowledge and experience down to the youth. imports just don't get it or have it and it is becoming very apparent. Once the boomers truly do all retire, shit will hit the fan.

>> No.54520272


it’s could have, not could of