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File: 415 KB, 1768x968, ari.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54518657 No.54518657 [Reply] [Original]

>Chainlink's "Pay up" program goes into effect
>FUD fags seethe and ramp up their mentally-ill posts
Top kek, we just keep on winning LINK bros.

>> No.54518692

kek just gonna refute it before the retards come in.

most of them say the other protocols are gonna create their own cheaper oracles. Easily refuted by looking at BTC. Yea, a bunch of other shitcoins that cloned btc are cheaper in fees too and a bunch but obviously btc still dominates the market. And yes btc is open source so kys you fucking mentally ill, do it for free, lower than janny life form faggots

>> No.54518928
File: 17 KB, 539x374, 1531186868974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>smallest denomination of LINK is called a Juel
>1 gorrilion Juels are 1 LINK

>> No.54518961

Le “fudders” permanently occupying space in your heads. You are weak, pathetic “men”. None of this bullshit makes the price go up, so why are you celebrating? You are cheering on the people scamming you. This is why you are relentlessly mocked as cuckolds. You will never attract a woman being such a pushover bitch.

>> No.54519021

the only ones ramping up here are the cultists. There are currently close to a half dozen of low effort "Pay up" threads, celebrating like they won(?) while the token price keeps floundering

>> No.54519347




Pay up!

>> No.54519395

one day people will be denominating their link stack in a denomination similar to satoshis, because 1 LINK would be worth a shit ton

normies will buy into LINK when 1000 link-satoshis = $10

>> No.54519512

>normies will buy into LINK when 1000 link-satoshis = $10
Are you sure? Because at that point 1 LINK would be worth 10 quadrillion dollars. And if that's the case, then I guarantee that I'm not selling.

>> No.54519758

they are called juels

>> No.54519873
File: 23 KB, 484x633, Juel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Ari's

>> No.54519882

>be link fag
>"this time it's totally gonna moon"
>be link
>flat line then dip

>> No.54520116
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Top buying bottom feeders with the unhinged seethe LMAO

>> No.54520201

>Easily refuted by looking at BTC. Yea, a bunch of other shitcoins that cloned btc are cheaper in fees too and a bunch but obviously btc still dominates the market.
That's because Bitcoin has some intangibles that are now impossible to replicate, namely the initial organic distribution and the true decentralization. Does Chainlink have some things that are impossible to replicate?

>> No.54520349
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>> No.54520364

I cant imagine another project that could upset people who supposedly dont own it as much as link does

>> No.54520410


>> No.54520530

based, fippybippy, /thread
fudfaggots have been eternally BTFO and will seethe and cry and kvetch and kill themselves.

>> No.54520582
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Yes, its called a network-effect. U can't copy 1000 oracle networks

>> No.54520585 [DELETED] 
File: 341 KB, 761x715, Token is needed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The token is needed.

>> No.54520619
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>> No.54520648

What made LINK great is that someone else was footing the bill. Now that advantage is gone and users will move elsewhere. That tactic only works if users can't easily switch, but the code can be trivially copied and adapted (see the BNB version, they even incorporated a change to rip out the extraneous token and replaced it with BNB). There is no network effect, projects generally just use a single piece of offchain data. They are giving competitors a massive head start by releasing their code under a permissive license. If there is a viable market, they'll get undercut on price. Uf there isn't, they'll push back the price hike and continue draining bagholder wallets to fund the ecosystem until they lose interest in the milking.

>> No.54520666

>organic distribution
Fucking lol

>> No.54520669

>Le “fudders” permanently occupying 46 pbtid in your threads

>> No.54520676

Absolutely, its over for chainlink, you should sell.

>> No.54520677

One way to undercut on price is to have lower overhead, e.g. by not burining money on conventions to communicate non-progress that could be a blog post or not having a huge hr department to curb the rampant sexism expressed in weekly remote video status update calls by bored engineers.

>> No.54520679

Kek I really really wish it WAS blackmailing, I'd laugh my ass off and rub their noses in it

>> No.54520692

please start saying how a 'decentralized' token having a CEO is actually a good thing

>> No.54520743

What made Link great is that it's the best Oracle made by the best team and basically you're a brown-skinned midwit and will have fun staying poor.

>> No.54520775

Bitcoin had a single head dev, ETH has a CEO, but of course when it's Link that's suddenly a bad thing.

>> No.54520791
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>What made LINK great is that someone else was footing the bill
No, what made Link great is that it was the only oracle that never had a single systemic failure.

>> No.54520795
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>> No.54520817

please explain how chainlink labs is any different than blockstream

>> No.54521358
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>> No.54522408

These cum-brained fudders will NEVER argue in good faith. You must understand this and then dissect each of their pathetic arguments with ease.

>> No.54522416

>chainlink labs being forced to buy an ad
>suddenly they are demanding users pay up
huh funny how that works. buy another ad.

>> No.54522485

I like how the fud from '17 or' 18 was like 2 man team vapourware now there are posts crying 'CHAINLINK WILL POTENTIALLY CHARGE TOO MUCH BECAUSE NO ONE ELSE CAN DO IT'

Just keep fudding the price to be honest that's the single fud point possible at this stage and even that has counters

>> No.54522493
File: 29 KB, 385x390, E19A4809-2EF4-44D6-BC1B-3782FDEB91DD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>for: 1 million
>against: 0

>> No.54522527
File: 197 KB, 821x1120, C9856296-0D91-4594-A428-5F44CA0A895F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We keep winning chainlink sisters

>> No.54522688

Everyone here owns it. This is why the exercise is pointless. You should spend less time being concerned about some trolls.

>> No.54522746

I guess I just saw them getting rekt with no comeback and got too excited

When we moon it will be glorious -they'll all vanish

>> No.54522760

2 moor weaks

>> No.54522825

Isn't it irresponsible to base your business or tech on stuff that is technically a "free trial"? If the crutch of your business relies on something that is subsidize, but as soon the "free trial" runs out and your business can't function or it isn't profitable then you should rethink things. A tale as old as time, my grandpa told me off a story how this guy who welded well worked for "free" for a week as a trial, then negotiated pay to which he was blown off. The company owner tried to go with cheaper guys but the quality was dogshit, complaints came by about shoddy welding. Then the owner renegotiated with the guy to pay him a little more than what he asked in the beginning.

It's beyond me why people are calling it "blackmail". The extensive grace period is over. Pay up.

>> No.54523013

>Are ya winning son!?

If youre winning, the scoreboard is broken. And yes as I said, the “fudders” live in your head. Because youre a weakling, a natural pussy, and you know it.

>> No.54523023

Heres my argument…open CMC, check price. Yeah thats right, stfu bitch

>> No.54523046

What's wrong with the price?

>> No.54523050
File: 270 KB, 1125x2436, 6451D53E-D83C-4852-A56A-6C5DBFFE6481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well said. It is bad business to give away your product for free. Youre essentially telling people you dont value yourself enough / have enough confidence in what youre doing that you need to give it away free to test the waters on interest. A very low T, beta move. But thats what you get from a sociology poetry major who’s obese in his 30s

>> No.54523082

Hey man no offense but I cant have a convo with a guy wearing a cuck cage. Please direct your comments at someone else. Lets just agree we dont see eye to eye on life

>> No.54523097
File: 6 KB, 225x225, monkascross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is a 'cuck cage'? Please leave your disgusting Godless fetishes out of this conversation, anon. Get help.

>> No.54523121

>trusting multi-billion dollar protocol value security to the cheaper chinese knock-off

If dev's do this then they will deserve their inevitable losses

>> No.54523127

I have 250LINK somebody already fucking tell me what am I in for? 1000 posts about link every day, fags saying its shit other fags saying its the standard. It cant be fucking both you fucking dip shit retards. Which is it then???

>> No.54523147

So hold on... should I buy more link like... right now?

>> No.54523151

Holy Fuck I have many Juels

>> No.54523156
File: 390 KB, 768x582, 34267432423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT pajeet Chainlink Labs shills spam /biz/ with their inorganic "pay up" meme

>> No.54523166
File: 120 KB, 1300x1390, 1680874975876423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54523170

they will in due time be worth 1000 dollars a piece, and maybe even later even more

>> No.54523188

I really really really like this image

>> No.54523225

The fudders also hold Link, anon. They want you to sell because they are bitter losers who bought the top and lost a lot of money, or they have been holding since 2017 and are furious that newfags can get onboard too.
Don't just hold, buy more. Get as much as you can possibly get. Do ANYTHING to get more Link. It's going to be worth tens of thousands of dollars per token in a few cycles.

>> No.54523262

Just look at how these subhumans scramble at being shown the harsh reality of having to PAY UP.

Meme magic is back boys. More effective than ever before :^)

>> No.54523283

neat posts everyone, but you're all going to need to


>> No.54523297
File: 566 KB, 428x692, 3265433287943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>goodmorning sirs please pay up the village oracle and token is very needed $1000 is coming soon sirs!

>> No.54523309

You WILL have to pay up, there's no other way

>> No.54523336
File: 773 KB, 2048x2048, 1680624953200099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really don't understand why people get so mad at the Link token doing exactly what it was intended to do. If you wanted to get rich quickly by gambling you should have just gone and played cards.

>> No.54523362
File: 16 KB, 151x166, 1586640728464.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>comparing a ERC-20 token to bitcoin
>bitcoin dev can be dead at this point. the blockchain is immortal
>if sergay dies, chainshit is over because its a literal company that minted a token to pay employees

>> No.54523394

O rly so it will be #1 crypto and overtake BtC with trillions in market cap?

>> No.54523448

Pretty much. It's going to be the standard transaction layer for ALL data in the future. Go ahead and try to price that up. It's a silly amount of money.

>> No.54523466
File: 488 KB, 426x754, LINK-ETH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54523497


>> No.54523498

Eth is in trouble anon its too expensive. Im never using this blockchain again after having to pay a lot to transfer my sand from exchange to ledger. Xrp costs 1c per transaction I make and eth charged me like 5 fucking dollars. How can anyone use this shit?

>> No.54523501
File: 158 KB, 1006x1300, IMG_4485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A whole lotta words. Will not save you from PAYING UP.

>> No.54523526

Why link and why not xrp? Alot of anons here believe xrp is the standard and will be worth thousands... should i acuum both just in case?

>> No.54523544
File: 124 KB, 1360x1475, F29E192C-87CA-4BB8-83C9-FBF57006544D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wanted to tag you anon my mistake

>> No.54523553

XRP has terrible tokenomics and a myriad of other issues. Even still it has a different usecase within the same concept. I don't think it's a terrible idea to hold XRP just because it's going to go up nearing the end of the lawsuit but really I don't think it's worth it especially when compared to Chainlink. I am not going to try and discuss the merits and demerits of XRP, though, anon, as I will freely admit I lack the knowledge to give a proper account of it.

>> No.54523562


>> No.54523614

Yea I also lack the knowledge for both link and xrp I try to do my own research but a lot of stuff just goes over my head desu. Thats why I lurk here and read what anons talk about in plain english. But its not helping anon, so many different opinions. From one extreme to the other no in between. According ti biz everything will either got to the fucking moon or straight to 0. I really dont know why people here just shit on each other instead of trying to have a productive conversation much like we are at the moment. I hope we make it anon, im tired

>> No.54523692

>trying to have a productive conversation much like we are at the moment.
We used to do this but as I said a load of bitter freaks got together and decided to ruin it. Do yourself a favour, anon, check the archives. 2018, 2019. You will learn far more about Link. But just look around you and judge what you see, do the Linkies look bitter and angry, or do they seem rational? What about the fudders, do they seem to be rational, sane, sober people or are they, on the whole, unhappy, weird, intransigent, deceitful idiots? It won't take long, just take a moment in every thread to see which side seems sensible.
Link has underperformed, no doubt. Thank your lucky stars and take advantage of it. I can't promise it won't be the best performer this cycle but if it crypto is still here in 5 years than Chainlink will be worth a silly, silly, silly amount of money. Don't over think it anon they control the entire market and are basically about to be THE token that Swift and all banks use to transact data and money the world over.
Good luck anon.

>> No.54523695
File: 253 KB, 1280x1280, thelegend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright let's say i believe you
everything is going well and all the FUD is either paid or done by mentally ill trannies

so when is the price going up?

>> No.54523758

Thanks man. Thanks for taking the time. I will go check the archives. Maybe I will buy some more link just in case put it on my ledger and forget about it. Thankfully im not poor, my family is well off and I wont miss a couple of grand if worse comes to worse. I wish you all the best anon, take care!

>> No.54523805
File: 17 KB, 428x424, 1628825427215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like this post

>> No.54525011

How does $250,000 by eoy 2026 sound?

>> No.54525058

shoulda been 6 gorgillion…

>> No.54525602
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>> No.54525770

>>comparing a ERC-20 token to bitcoin
Of course.
Otherwise it's a double standard.

>>bitcoin dev can be dead at this point
Satoshi was replaced by Blockstream. And he was the only known active dev for many years before he disappeared.
And I'm pretty sure Vitalik isn't dead yet.

>> No.54525774
File: 493 KB, 574x604, 324786234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when is the price going up?
in 2 more weeks

>> No.54525935

Are you really too stupid to see that your memes are causing anons to associate LINK fudders with cuckold BBC fetishists? I imagine it's the exact opposite effect of what you are trying to accomplish with these weird as fuck images.

>> No.54526201

All the pay up money goes to sergay in either dollars or tokens of onboarded projects, none of it captures value for the token
At this point you are cheering on that the half billionaire who took your money to start up is gonna become a full billionaire on your expense
This is not something to be happy about and certainly not something to start doing his marketing for free

Keep up harassing the team to unlock tokenomics 2 we had them on the ropes and squirming but one move like this and everyone is back to being unpaid pr employees
If the past 6 months thought us anything its our fudding in the normiesphere had power and only our attacks can change the team for our benefit
You are being left behind you morons

>> No.54526385

>we had them on the ropes and squirming
>If the past 6 months thought us anything its our fudding in the normiesphere had power and only our attacks can change the team for our benefit
Straight up delusion.

>> No.54526454

It got the lockup period on staking cut in half
And all the community advocated were squirming as if their lives depended on it
The delusion is making free pr for the team before the token captures value>>54526385

>> No.54526617

Discussing a project on this shithole of a website is not "making free pr". Shitting on your favorite crypto on this shithole of a website is not making anyone at Chainlink HQ squirm, you delusional baggie.

>> No.54526724
File: 1.99 MB, 369x271, D5D91E53-ACF1-45FA-A5A3-6F272301EBC3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pay Up is the new Pool’s Closed. We all know how that ended.
None of this shit affects the price. The smugness of literal bagholders never ceases to crack me up. Losers to a man

>> No.54526736

>We all know how that ended.
With the pool being closed, and you not being in it, of course.

>> No.54526859
File: 16 KB, 425x425, 1670529077006100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pool’s Closed.
>With the pool being closed, and you not being in it
kek fucking based and rekt.

>> No.54526923

all the baggies crying about fud don't understand that nobody would even give link a second thought if it wasn't relentlessly shilled on biz. the worst part of it is it's not even shilling by the team for exit liquidity but bagholders and their poverty safe space.

no alt has ever recovered from this type of sentiment. it just shows an incredibly low buyer to bagholder ratio, something all dying alts eventually reach.

>> No.54526983
File: 290 KB, 1620x610, 1681075850253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who would of guessed that the link cucks have a findom fetish. They are obsessed with being financially dominated and abused. Now they are trying to push their sick fetish on other people. Just because you love paying all of your money to a fat dominatrix, doesnt mean the rest of crypto agrees with it. Get help. Linkcucks are below even the e thot simps, at least simps get nudes while linkcucks only get humiliation and a fat glutton rubbing his luxury meals into their faces.

>> No.54527021

all the froposters on twitter are doing a great job of trashing the sentiment regarding the token
you need to fuck off back to linknigger twitter and post more bend the knee frog memes like a good lil muhween
that's an order muhween

>> No.54527069

>can tell me in detail what is happening on Twitter
>tells me to go back to Twitter
That's rich. Why don't YOU go back to Twitter, dumb faggot?

>> No.54527285

I was in the same positions as you are. The archives are going to be a bit difficult to go through. I'm a new fag as well that started buying up like crazy after the luna collapse. It took me a while to truly understand the importance of Chainlink and once I did everything made sense. I don't want to spoonfeed you too much but an anon collected a bunch of images from this board years ago and put it in the collage. Not everything is here but this is a good start. Please do your research before listening to any of the fud. Most of them hold link. Good luck anon

>> No.54527300
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>> No.54527496

This thread is now /lsg/

>> No.54527677

>Pay Up is the new Pool’s Closed
You're telling me this new one is going to make them all seethe until their hair falls off? Say no more senpai.

Fucking kek

>> No.54527704

Price of Chainlink -0.73%

>> No.54527732

kek this really riles them up

>> No.54527771

The fudders hold LINK anon but they've held for a very long time, they want to gatekeep it from others is my thoughts.
Why let someone else come in on the precipice of greatness without the long wait they've endured

>> No.54527818

it literally doesnt matter, can you fucks stop talking about the new shit going on with link when the price literally never goes up?

>> No.54527843
File: 23 KB, 487x458, nolinker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can you fucks stop talking about the new shit going on with link

>> No.54527852


>> No.54527874

My first foray into crypto began 1 month ago I sold $80k of Amazon stock and put it into chainlink. I guess those guys you talk about try to put guys like me off? I bought on a tip from a respected crypto owner. Kinda excited about the project and looking forward to it earning for me. Will stake these ASAP.

>> No.54527880
File: 587 KB, 604x675, sam hyde laughing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54527892

im not even mad, i literally want to invest in link but i dont see the point. no matter what cool new development happens it always stays right where it is in value. the 1k eoy just doesnt seem likely man.

>> No.54527952

You can't wait a few years to hold someone with is going to do hundreds of thousands of percent gains?

>> No.54528031

but theres no guarantee of that. your guy seems like a fat scamming fuck. for all we know this shit will never go live.

>> No.54528071

>Just keep fudding the price to be honest that's the single fud point possible at this stage and even that has counters

Right if the FUDDERS claim their "efforts" are creating change then by all means FUD the price


>> No.54528094


It was more like a gang giving out the first hit of smack for free. Now the neighborhood is hooked and no on else that the good shit

>> No.54528201
File: 1.85 MB, 4649x2546, GIMMEMYMONEYIWANTMYMONEY2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54528223


ETH also had a 90% correction against USD. BTC has done nearly the same as well. Its pretty typical to see 85-90% corrections in crypto.

>> No.54528347


>> No.54528350

ETH went from $1400 to $80. That is a 94% drop. Chainlink would need to dump to $3.18 to experience a similar drop dollar wise. Fuddies don't like to be reminded about that.

>> No.54528400
File: 15 KB, 400x400, nazarov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your guy seems like a fat scamming fuck
He's lovely. He's trustworthy, knowledgeable, driven, passionate and intelligent. I hold Chainlink because Sergey is the epitome of a world class CEO - equal parts visionary and leader. He's achieved more in, and for, this space than anybody but Satoshi and perhaps Vitalik, but unlike Satoshi he is continuing to innovate and drive smart contracts and cryptography forward at a breakneck pace, and unlike Vitalik he's not a disgusting faggot who is content (and proud) to be so.
I'd say you couldn't measure up to even a single percent of what he is going to accomplish during his life but that's an incredibly easy statement and so I'll redraw the lines and say instead that there's almost nobody alive today that will manage it.
There are a lot of things said about Chainlink on this board that aren't true, lots of lies, slander and bitter bullshit, but the worst of it is that Sergey has ever betrayed us or that he's not the highly competent future trillionaire that we all know him to be. I understand why it's done, he's the figurehead and so like any good figurehead he's also the lightning rod. He takes a lot of hits, and yet he takes them with quiet dignity and humility and keeps working to make the world a better, freer, more trustless place.
The fudders aren't fit to clean his metaphorical boots. They should feel fortunate at all to know who he is before the rest of the world. That they are wasting this opportunity is a statement to their inability to see beyond their own abhorrent nature. So be it.

>> No.54528729

that pic is old, he's ugly fat and jaded now, not to mention scammy.

>> No.54528735
File: 591 KB, 736x981, 1681087675749.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pay up paypigs. Sergei is waiting for that paycheck

>> No.54528756

The person who made this pic must be unbelievably based, holy fuck, this is the best meme I'll see all year. Thank god for Bulgarians.

>> No.54529078

This man has a debilitating addiction to pornography.

>> No.54529307
File: 45 KB, 534x1152, onlytokenneeded.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go ahead and fork chainlink, let us know how you get on.

>> No.54529379


>eth moons in 2 years
>2030 Link price: $8.50

>duuuuuuuuuuude smartcon ‘31 is gonna rock guyssthhh

>fantasizes about all male yacht party

You know how I know youre gay

>> No.54529472
File: 135 KB, 1024x722, 1678235692691924m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a quintillion, ackshually.

>> No.54530482

Nice post, dude. What are some of the other successful oracles I could be using instead? I'm considering emailing Swift a list of alternatives.

>> No.54530827

Based utility bizfags. What's a make-it stash? Let me add it to my AR, SYLO and FLUX bag for the long term.

>> No.54530870

It makes me uncomfortable how everything relates back to his cuck fetish.

>> No.54530979

Chainlink is a cuckold ring token

>> No.54531932

>he didn't sell at $50

>> No.54531975
File: 815 KB, 736x734, 1675946510989610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked and based

>> No.54532743

Checked and based. Beautifully written, Anon.

>> No.54532830

>DUUUUUUUUUUUUDEEE Chainlink only did a x500 from ICO!
>that is nothing compared to eth bro!
>duuuuuuuuude what do you mean half the board participated in the LINK ICO while virtually no one here participated in the ETH ICO??
>Look at the numbers duuuuuuuuuude!
Show timestamped ETH ICO wallet or fuck off
>You know how I know youre gay
You probably think that because you are a huge faggot yourself, dudeposter.

>> No.54532956

Dudeposter is the most gay faggot I've seen fudding link. How gay do you have to be to come up with those sentences? Holy shit

>> No.54532961

He definitely enjoys anime

>> No.54533840

>Let me add it to my AR, SYLO and FLUX bag for the long
All normie bags
Fucking jump on the biggest trend, LSDs and RWAs. Making use of Altcoinistdao reviews and cmc to find hot gems desu

>> No.54533944

ITT: extreme bagholder cope