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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54512915 No.54512915 [Reply] [Original]

I was always destined to be a fucking skeleton loser. 3 years of trying to bulk and failing every time I get close to the 58kg mark, something happens to my gut, every single damn time I get thrown off my diet, fall ill and lose my gains. Rinse and repeat. I'm done with working out man my genes were just destined to keep me down as a worthless skinny bitch. I will never have a muscular toned body that garners the respect of other people. That dream is dead man. I'm fucking done with working out and dieting.

>> No.54512923

Fucking hell I can't even post on the right board

>> No.54512934

made me check if i was on the wrong board.

>> No.54512957

I'm 58kg too

Who cares dude, skinny guys are actually shilled hard now, gym bros cope with their "gains" but the only people looking at them are other men and most of them are latent homos

>> No.54513002
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>> No.54513024

Shut the fuck up man no one respects your skeleton ass

>> No.54513036

you are a latent homosexual
women don't care about your gains
gym won't make you cuter
lifting weights won't get you laid

cope & seethe faggot

>> No.54513037

I like to climb. I lifted in college and got big, but found lifting boring and non rewarding later in life. I found climbing and fell in love.

Every time I get close to regularly pulling v8 boulders, I tear an A2 or two. Every fucking time for the last 5 years. Each time recovery takes me ~7 months and I have to start basically at square one again.

>> No.54513538

why don't you start eating dummy? I wish I was a skeleton, I'd eat IHOP, Friday's, Boston Market, Cheesecake Factory, McDonalds and Burger King every week then once I turned into a lardass I'd go to the gym.

>> No.54513587


Buy a food scale off Amazon and download my fitness pal. Majority of all hard gainers don’t track calories and underestimate what they ate in a day because they feel full. You’re either not autistically tracking calories (most likely) or you legit have a thyroid disease (very unlikely).

Most of the time people refuse to weigh their food because they don’t want to be made fun of in the household for using a food scale. That’s just fact in which case you were never meant to make it in the first place.

>> No.54513613

>my genes my genes wahh i was predestined to fail my genes


>> No.54513656

how can you guys be that thin this is not healthy? i am 5'6 and 52 kg ive lost alot of weight in the past year because of recovery from a surgery and my doctor has put me on a dietitian. you should be weighing more for a guy maybe you have a tapeworm or something

>> No.54513678

/bizfit/ is underrated
>tfw crabbing on OHP

>> No.54513695

is workout gains how people who are too stupid to make financial gains cope?

>> No.54513715

I'm a millionaire you dumb nigger making millions was easier than getting past 58 kilos of weight.

>> No.54513730

>8 Stone

>> No.54513746

yeah ok bud. keep spending 40 hours a week meal planning and picking up things and setting them down. it's definitely gonna help you retire early

>> No.54513749

118 pounds here

>> No.54513759


Workout gains can't be taxed and given to losers who never tried harder.

>> No.54513761
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I had same issue, 60kg 195cm. Lift weights 3 times a week and eat every time your body asks, don't just drink water. Made it to 65 so far, hope i will hit low 70s by the end of the month.

>> No.54513776

>type 1 doesn't exi-

>> No.54513782

Carnivore diet and lift heavy retard. Your bowel issues are because you’re eating poison. Now give me some money.

>> No.54513801

I'm the reverse version of you. Went from 115kg to 72kg for weight loss, then one 10day binge later im at 78kg (AFTER water loss, so 6kg purefat). Have been going up and down between 70kg and 80kg, one binge then months of dieting. It's hell

how I wish I was a skeleton king like you

>> No.54513887

Best thread on /biz/ right now.

>> No.54513907

Teach me your ways sempai 6kg per 10 days is insane.

>> No.54513913

God decided I needed a tiny penis or I would be too powerful.

>> No.54513931

Are you a holocaust survivor by any chance?

>> No.54513955

>how can you guys be that thin this is not healthy?
No shit its not healthy retard but thats because my health is fucked in the first place thanks to my shit genes. Imagine being blessed with a great digestive system, ability to gain and maintain weight and still posting on 4chan. Imagine having a fully functioning healthy gut and still posting on 4chan. You suckers are more pathetic than me.

>> No.54513960

I oscillate hardcore like this too.

I run a lot and try to not eat too much most days (>800 calorie deficit) but I had a 3 day weekend of binge eating and that reset 2 weeks worth of progress.

>> No.54513973

How tall are you?

>> No.54513996

Should have done SS and gomad.

>> No.54514032

Eating is the only thing that gives me pleasure. A "skill" that's hard to teach I guess

Godspeed fren, i just started a 750kcal/day deficit cut a few days ago.. a little over 100 days since last crazy binge now, my record is around 150 days since i started the weight loss 2.5 year s ago


>> No.54514136

Don't worry bro wait until your 30s. I was a skinny bitch too until I hit 30. Became flabby overnight and have no problem getting girls now.

>> No.54514224

you might have parasites like tape worms. seriously go get checked

>> No.54514240

>waaa waaa i cant gain weight

Just eat eggs, drink milk and quit whining you poof

>> No.54514245

The eating part was fine for me. The lifting part was the problem.
12 years of lifting and couldn't get over 120kg squat, people do that within their first few months.
Read and watched everything you can think of on form, I even think I could coach someone the squat very well.
Just gave up lifting in the end when I turned 35, fuck it.

>> No.54514253

What you pressing anon?
I just hit 70kg, its not amazing but im pleased

>> No.54514275


>> No.54514306

Go back to your containment board gym rat

>> No.54514324

>he's not /fit/biz/pol/ masterrace

>> No.54514351

I don't try to gain weight anymore but I went from 60kg to 78kg doing this : pit butter in everything. Raw butter. Eating a sandwich? Put 2 slice of butter in, making spaghetti? Put half a kilo of butter in. Eating a steak? Put 100 grams of butter on it and then dip some potatoes in the molten butter.

Make hot chocolate milk and put a big piece of butter in it.

Also eat 3 meals a day

Good luck fren.

>> No.54514374

This board is for making money not putting 10 lbs on your ass so you can get your boyfriend off faster you gay faggot

>> No.54514394

If you weight less than 70kg it's not even about gains anymore, you are either anorectic or a turbomanlet. Neither appeals to woman, nigger

>> No.54514406

Is this true? Seems like many guys grow into their frame and stop having that skinny boyish look into their 30s.

>> No.54514429

Did you have a proper plan for progressive overload? Did you actually follow it? I was struggling to bench 225 for the longest until I made a proper progression plan. Eventually I got to the point where I could do 225 for reps