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54512353 No.54512353 [Reply] [Original]

These constant gold bar threads threads are lulzy... Buy gold. And XRP.

>> No.54512416
File: 132 KB, 866x628, silver-100 year chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no thanks, I'll pass

>> No.54512418

Gee whizz that's a mighty fine proposition Hunter
You spelled BTC wrong but other than that, not a bad thread for a crackhead.

>> No.54512425

This anon knows. Gold and xrp, the new backbones of global finance

>> No.54512443

Massive scaling and energy problem. Btc will still have it's place tho but it's not for payments and commerce

>> No.54512450

fpbp /thread

>> No.54512475

>lack imagination
>lack information
Lackers slow you down. Just say no to lackers.

>> No.54512484

PMG trannies need to all be ranged.
GO make another fucking board you stupid faggots infact there's one for you /pol/

>> No.54512488

TRIPS ID, Suck it trannies.

>> No.54512559

he's still right about btc. it will go up massively but it will ultimately fall short of it's goal

>> No.54512773

>he doesn't know

Anon, all fiat currencies eventually become worthless. It's inevitable.
If you scorn precious metals I hope for your family's sake your at least investing in other things like real estate and physical resources.

>> No.54512783
File: 436 KB, 836x802, 556356365.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anon, all fiat currencies eventually become worthless.
I know, that's why I hold Bitcoin and not a bag of rocks

>> No.54513888


Uhh this chart says it's at the bottom and is going to skyrocket.

>> No.54514090


I believe in trips

>> No.54514251
File: 3.00 MB, 854x480, CRIPPLE ARMY.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buy gold. And XRP.

>> No.54515831


Yea. Gold and XRP. Is that confusing you?

>> No.54515908

>They are terrified of retail investors buying precious metals
>That's why the institutions they own are selling them

Every few years this happens. The price of precious metals spikes, there is a mass shilling campaign to sell boomers gold and silver, then the price crashes due to obvious manipulation. Then they buy back in and get ready for the next round of rugpulling a few years to a decade later. All the while charging fees that eat up most of the difference in spot price on precious metals so even the people who profited from price fluctuation lose half of what they made to fees.

>> No.54515991


The global economy is about to collapse the way it was about to and should have back in 2008.

No more tools in the toolbox to get us out of it. When gold and silver moon this time they're not coming back down. Very likely we (The U.S., EU) will be forced back onto gold standard and entirely new monetary system. Could be other options but we're at the end of the road here.

>> No.54517222
File: 409 KB, 2778x1284, 46545B30-3E61-4DDE-8079-579C0E9295B3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chart looks like Xrp. Never going to see ath again

>> No.54517236

Whabout silver?

>> No.54517264

Is that why I keep seeing the “I just cut my gold bar in half is this normal?” Threads over and over?

>> No.54517378


Old crypto whalefags know what's happening and also know there's no chance in hell crypto will hold up against precious metals when real cracks in the economy and collapse start happening imminently this summer.

Cryptos too new, too much fraud bs, too susceptible to crash to nothing and have every fiat on/ramp outlawed by governments.

So they're here trying to pre-emptive fud metals and damage control with pathetic threads before crypto crashes to shit with the rest of the market... Except metals.

>> No.54517396

ok fed

>> No.54517433

Lul.. sorry cryptofag but ur fucked.

>> No.54517518

Tech illiterate retard

>> No.54518280



>> No.54518409

My last tx with BTC took 43 minutes and cost $27.

>> No.54518420

Is this why countries like russia and China buy gold?

>> No.54518446

All countries do dumbass

>> No.54518448

Liar or your last txn was in 2017.

>> No.54519053

3 months ago.
Post a recent tx if yours is faster and cheaper.

>> No.54519086

I just bought silver rounds with the last remaining credit on my credit cards before I default. Thanks jpow

>> No.54519209


^ this man bends the universe to his will and not the other way around.

>> No.54519491

I regularly have txns that get confirmed on the next block for under 1$ in fees.

>> No.54519568
File: 54 KB, 500x500, 1553197421662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't wield BTC, gold, silver, liquid cash and land all at the same time

>> No.54519678

why did you pick XRP to pair with gold? You should have mentioned BTC instead. I would have personally bought NXRA though.