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54512293 No.54512293 [Reply] [Original]

I'm scared that we will see global communism someday because America is now a tranny dystopia heading toward a technocratic feudalist surveillance state. Vaclav Havel is probably rolling in his grave.

>> No.54512335

>I'm scared
Stopped reading there
Fear is the mind killer
The gods of the valleys
Are Not
The Gods of the Hills

>> No.54512347

>i'm afraid a government controlled by people will own anything, a much worse situation than a government controlled by corporations owning everything.

>> No.54512361

fucking Jews man, this used to be a nice country

>> No.54512370

China isnt even real communism retarded nigger monkeys.

>> No.54512405

I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.

>> No.54513006
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>> No.54513132
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>Trannies = communism
Letting people transition is simply bringing American policy in line with a long and storied American tradition of letting people do as they please as long as they don't harm anybody else. Trannies = freedom

>> No.54513206

China is a lesser Satan compared to the JEWnited States of Weimerica.

>> No.54513210

>as long as they don't harm anybody

>> No.54513294

communism/capitalism is a false dichotomy just like republican/democrats. it's a big show
from time to time they have to turn the screw on the cattle as it gets arrogant and imagines itself free. then the screw inevitability gets to tight and the productivity drops because the illusion of freedom dies. so a small artifice gives the illusion of autonomy and the productivity explodes. and the circle restarts.
also if a big enough precent of the herd starts not complying a culling is needed. coincidentally with the use of over herds.

>> No.54514082

Yes. Cope and sneed

>> No.54514121

trannyism is an evil equivalent to isis and incompatible with democracy

>> No.54514412

she is projecting so hard

>> No.54514579

>a government controlled by people

>> No.54514844

Most blonds in the world are asians tho

>> No.54515039

American communism (equality) only exists so long as it's profitable. America is being looted, and the neo communists will only be around until our kike and free mason overlords have safely moved their money into China.

>> No.54515071

How did the communist shithole become a national socialist ethnostate while the capitalist utopia became a corporate communist hellscape?

>> No.54515080
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>controlled by people

>> No.54515102

I wish it was, the Soviet Union was ironically a million times more socially traditional than modern day America.

>> No.54515115

Yes because real communism doesn't exist.

>> No.54515117

Americans figured out how to profit off communism

>> No.54515130

Nothing is more capitalistic than a tranny. That's why they are so prevalent in Western capitalist countries.

>> No.54515216
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>> No.54515223

Could be worse, you could be living in China.

>> No.54515240

Most europeans are asians without the slant eyes

>> No.54515344

I’m okay with us losing global super power status. I prefer it if wokeness are the values we intend to export.
Im fine with china becoming number 1. modern america isnt worth fighting for if you are a white male, the elite have chosen to render you a hated minority in your own country.
I expect china to replace america economically, then some decades later militarily. The only thing America will have left is its stagnate culture, who knows how long that will last.

Unfortunately i do not see the western elite going quietly into that good night. They might launch a few nukes, maybe restart the draft, all to claw back some power.

>> No.54515383

nooo haha please don't fuck me out of existence noo ah help meee

>> No.54516326

A lot of the woke tranny bullshit is being pushed by elites being funded by the Chinese

>> No.54516359
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We're all going to be living in China if they win. Vote for Trump. I don't want to hear any grade school George Carlin blackpill nonsense. They wouldn't cheat if elections didn't matter.

>> No.54516385

This as well. Remember that Chinese consulate in Houston that was burning documents as the BLM riots broke out?

>> No.54516483

>They wouldn't cheat if elections didn't matter.

>> No.54516726

Based Chinese. This is like when the Russians promoted black pride 50 years ago. Tranny pride worldwide soon