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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54512063 No.54512063 [Reply] [Original]

Post ideas that you tried and failed at or never attempted due to lack of funding, lack of knowledge, time, etc.

>> No.54512396

A VPN you pay for with XMR with no subscription, you pay per hour/day/whatever. Was planning to have some way of proving that IP addresses aren't stored (except as hashes) involving blockchain, but I found out there are already blockchain based VPNs.

>> No.54512753

is there something those blockchain vpns aren't doing well? maybe you can see if there is a market for those issues, or you can FUD those issues to seem bigger than they are to create demand

>> No.54512767

Charging for blowjobs. I was building up a pro bono portfolio and then before i could monetize I had fully mentally converted to sissy cock lamprey and found myself incapable of sucking cock for free. I'm also a big chainlink holder.

>> No.54512958

conglomerate that specializes in "built to last" goods. like kitchen appliances that will last a lifetime, or pants that won't go threadbare in 6 months.

>> No.54513008
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A porn production company called "bnbpeek" with the hook being that it would be videos of couples "unknowingly" caught having sex on secret video cameras in airbnbs & shit like that. I feel like there would be a pretty big market for this, but I'm not really sure how pornography is monetized anymore except through onlyfans and it would take enough coordination to pull off that I don't wanna go through with it without at least an idea of how it would be monetized.

>> No.54513032

I hope you find a way to make this a reality anon. Wiser people are already starting to get world weary of the dredgery they find themselves forced to operate with, having items that don't give you more problems than you start with in present day is a fucking RARITY.

I DIDNT BUY A MOUSE JUST TO BE FORCED TO CREATE AN ACCOUNT TO MANAGE ON BOARD MEMORY. I DIDNT BUY A FUCKING COTTEN MATTRESS COVER TO DISCOVER ITS A POLYESTER BLEND, ILL KILL YOU. (Ive since discovered organic certification that really helps GOLS and OKETO-TEX, stuff like that even covers what they coat the materials with, which isn't always easy to find, but you'd have to find the specific one)

Perhaps something of a site that finds brands that are legitimately durable and made of good materials could be an mvp

>> No.54513052

Don't porn companies usually post previews on pornhub and similar sites with links to the main page to get the full video?

>> No.54513064

This calls for Just use Tor / Just use I2P.
It's free. You can't prove that logs aren't made anyways. Impossible.

>> No.54513067

Sounds like an amazing way to get sued.

>> No.54513085

Not a business but a tax system where young people don't pay taxes, gradually increasing starting at 30

>> No.54513153

yeah that's an excellent point. i was talking more about the quality of the products (disposable chinkshit) but needing an account or an active internet connection just to fucking use it is another massive annoyance.

>> No.54513230

I used a 3D printer to print small bongs. I sold a few of them and people really liked them because they were cheap and for some reason got you way higher than a glass bong. Then I learned about micro plastics and I didn’t really want to imbed super heated pls into people’s lungs so I never made it a full business.

>> No.54513243

Good on you, fuck the plastic. 10-15 years ago you could have made an absolute killing importing both glass and acrylic bongs from china and reselling domestically online with next day shipping though. I think people still do this with glass bongs, but the competition has become very fierce with how braindead easy importing and reselling has become if you are willing to invest time and money in it whereas in the past most people did not know about buying cheap from china directly.

>> No.54513253

oh sorry, i mean tobacco pipes and glass vases.

>> No.54513854

neat idea, incredibly illegal

>> No.54514892

just fake it like every other porno or "haunted house found footage" movie ever, retard.

>> No.54515958
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>3d printed bongs
>get you way higher than a glass bong
>for some reason
I hope this is bait

>> No.54516336

Monerize lateral 802.11* data streams as a cloud mesh network which allowed profit defined self directed packet pathways to maximize trunk network connectivity and minimize cellular network demand in areas with high wifi coverage. Each cx would set their own/buy sell parameters and then basically trade their home wifi to others for similar access. Your router would become a virtual marketplace/appliance. You would also be able to have a cash register function for people to trade you something as an IOU for future connectivity. Right now we have massive hard line backbones which could enable 5g+ speeds everywhere, but there is no mechanism to correctly allocate access because zero end users are empowered with a profit motive to do so.
>It was my trillion dollar idea.

>> No.54516529

Chatgpt, explain this to me as if I'm on the popular internet site 4chan's /biz/ board.

>> No.54516574

is this what Skycoin was doing?

>> No.54516632

Sounds great but who would need it?

>> No.54516664

I bootstrapped it through 2 different corporate iterations. I even had an angel investor offer me 100k seed money but his partner wouldn't sign off on it because I lacked core competency (not a dev or engineer). I managed to get a proof of concept working and still have all of my business plans etc.
Basically: you set a sell price for access to your home broadband ISP. Any user willing to pay that price is tunneled through your router. The software runs on your laptop etc controlling connections etc. If you sell it for $1/gb which is a good deal here in leafland, you can then buy similar access from someone else. Since phones can hotspot, you can have lateral networks as well since the program seeks the cheapest path to data, including your own data plan if it is cheaper to do so over cellular.
Right now we have a ton of rf trunk access points (everyone owns home wifi) and complete cellular saturation as well. This a ridiculously inefficient means of allocating resources since only two parties can provide ISP access and neither are incentivized to improve lateral nodea since they need infinite subscriber growth. In an ideal world, all access points would be monetized by their owners as nodes within the larger cloud. Any data demand could then be routed automatically through the cloud, which is user maintained, and be filled for as little as possible. With this system ISP's don't need perpetual subscriber growth, they just need to improve existing trunk networks, and users can make quite a bit of money if they have routers situated in prime real estate.
I have no idea, I have never heard of Skycoin before in my life. This is about giving every single IoT user an equivalent profit motive to make the cloud as interconnected as possible.

>> No.54516682

Thanks. Anyone and anything which wants intelligent data path finding for the cheapest possible price at the greatest possible speed, while inheriting an equivalent profit motive to improve their local device interconnectivity so they have more cloud nodes to resell data access from.

>> No.54516745

>actual bizness thread

>> No.54516919

Skycoin was a project being worked on/shilled by Mcafee, and describes a similar thing, wherein a person would buy a “skyminer” which was essentially a home internet thingy ( unsure of details, likely they werent either), that would allow you to sell broadband to your peers. I mention this because what you are describing would likely function well with a cryptocurrency, as it involves peer to peer transactions, distributed database, need for privacy, etc. Your technology has implications that it would heavily disrupt existing infrastructures revenue models. Seems you say ISPs would like it , however. How much funding would you need and do you have a plan getting it to market?

>> No.54516937

E-commerce, lack of funding to run ads and buy stock. Trying to do YouTube automation now.

>> No.54516959

Any anons interested in learning more about what I invented, leave a proton mail itt and I can contact you when I have the time. I just read up on skycoin and there are no similarities whatsoever. My product was designed to be a simple app that was tied to MAC address, without any account required if you were a single device user, and that earned you real fiat currency which could be withdrawn directly into your banking system. It was not blockchain based and used a central ledger for settlement. You didn't need to participate if you didn't want to and you could stop broadcasting your ssid at anytime.
I know this can seem a little complicated for lurkers, but the principle is very simple - 802.11 is amateur radio which creates a literal electromagnetic cloud all around us. Lateral data flow is almost always faster than vertical flow because most ISP access points are super congested (public wifi for example) while there are billions of unique private ISP access points which cannot sell access because there is no market mechanism for them to do so. Thus, the most efficient path can be found within the cloud and users can have traffic directed laterally to low latency nodes using wifi networks as their cloud base layer, rather than AWS like most people call 'the cloud'. Wifi can easily handle the traffic volume, every single person in the world would have the ability to participate in the IoT (even without local ISP access since they could still bridge in a mesh network), and it would all be user defined and maintained without any new infrastructure being built.
>Behold my trillion dollar beauty - we keep the penny rounding on every transaction.

>> No.54517053

>Your technology has implications that it would heavily disrupt existing infrastructures revenue models. Seems you say ISPs would like it , however.
Thanks for your effort post. It is nice to meet interested people.
ISP' profit motives would remain as they are today but total network traffic could increase significantly since total network efficiency would be much, much higher. ISP's could charge a set fee to participants for enhanced data usage but most importantly they could massively reduce their cell tower infrastructure because most traffic would now be routed across domestic copper. They could also participate as direct sellers in monopolistic areas (airports, trains stations etc). At least that is how it would work here in Canada.
Money wise I don't know. I invented it because I worked for an ISP and saw how stuoid the network burdens were. But that was from the sales side and that is why nobody would fund it. The only people I could get onto my team were overseas and that made funding even harder. I had a monetary chicken/egg dilemma. I just like inventing things, I don't want to be the hotshot tech CEO.
Getting it to market would be as simple as releasing it in London or Toronto and then scaling it internationally. Since users would pay each other in real fiat, as soon as one region has genuine adoption then it would be easy to expand outwards. People like making money and feeling like their devices are working for them.

>> No.54517076

spacial office 4107 @ proton . me

>> No.54517135

Startup costs.
>bee keeping/honey sales
Insufficient knowledge plus I’m allergic
>only fans
I’m a guy.
>porn website
No money in it, unless you sell user data. and reputable advertisers are impossible to find, so no ad rev

I’m down to just a few options
>electronics recycling/gold recovery
This one is almost impossible to turn profitable beyond maybe 2-4% without a large scale operation with a procurement system
>residential/commercial cleaning
Think power washing, junk/waste removal, and maybe landscaping

>> No.54517197

>Startup costs.
Get a SBA Loan.
>>bee keeping/honey sales
>Insufficient knowledge plus I’m allergic
>>only fans
>I’m a guy.
If you're a young guy market yourself to older women/cougars reliving their glory days
>>porn website
>No money in it, unless you sell user data. and reputable advertisers are impossible to find, so no ad rev
>I’m down to just a few options
>>electronics recycling/gold recovery
>This one is almost impossible to turn profitable beyond maybe 2-4% without a large scale operation with a procurement system
Maybe you can do this adjacently if you start a cash for gold store or something, maybe but you're right, it would require a decent sized operation
It ain't easy.
>>residential/commercial cleaning
>Think power washing, junk/waste removal, and maybe landscaping
This one is probably your best bet with the least amount of investment needed depending on the size of the cleaning business. Although, depending on your city, there may be a lot of competition. If so, you may need to market yourself as the one who gets the job done right and collect information on how other landscapers shit the bed on their yard or something.

>> No.54517220


>> No.54517235

What about security implications? I can envision the average first wave of consumers/participants to be people who know about technology but who dont have an in depth understanding of internet service. If someones device is comprimised, and someone else routes their traffic through that device, can the content of the request or response be determined by the hacker? Can one determine the content if they are a provider? This is important to put in laymans terms as well, esp if you want to sell to governments (you mentioned city infrastructure being providers) who do not have tech savvy in their job requirements, but rather have “be paranoid about privacy” in their requirements. What are the system’s pressure points, security wise?

>> No.54517258

I sent you an email with the lean canvas. Lets talk that way.

>> No.54517269

nacho warmer

>> No.54517281

cosplay store that worked with some of the people responsible for the costumes in the movies themselves.
but not just stuff like superheroes also more realistic movies or series, like oh dress like Don Draper or driveguy, it wouldn't be limited to just things that they used in the movies it'd also be wardrobe suggestions based off of these movies where stylists could work together to try and imagine what each character would dress like influenced by what they already wore in the movies
but then it would be limited by the amount of characters people care enough about to want to dress like

>> No.54517511


Plants inside of antique vessels. I would thrift old pottery, water jugs, buckets, literally any old vessel that I could get for a dollar and put a plant in it.

Sellt the plants to hipsters for 5x-10x the cost of materials as, upcycled.

>> No.54518682

LiDAR real estate for virtual walkthroughs.
Basically automated by a big company that already does this

>> No.54518725
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God knows the list is too long for me. One was an app to help friends find times to hangout despite busy schedules. Inventing some writing tools. Amazon FBA, shopify dropshipping, freelance web design/ux design. Freelance graphic design + logos. Game design. Selling 3D printed items. It's really hard for me being a one man army. I have a lot of health problems so a partner in crime or a small team would help so much. I despise the idea of working for someone else. I really want to make it bros.

>> No.54518859

Well thanks for the explanation but there is still lots I don't understand and I'm not going to waste your time asking a hundred questions. I imagine ISPs wouldn't like it because it would just mean more traffic through fewer customers. Also aren't there serious issues with security? It's like leaving your WiFi open right? Again I don't know anything about this so don't feel the need to explain it to me.

>> No.54518890

Fucking Riley is that you??? Damn that's an old /biz/ meme.

>> No.54518989

yeah nice idea mr internet efficiency, but the ISPs are big and evil, if they see their users pimping out their broadband plans, the terms will change. Don't for a second think comcast will let millions of people extract personal profit from a service they buy. They'll make it against customer ToS and/or just offer the service directly, themselves.
There's no way you can win unless the ISP is totally blind to the traffic they're handling which, we know the system won't allow to happen. Nice idea, technically feasible, politically impossible.

>> No.54519249

it's ok cris, keep trying

>> No.54519294

Bluetooth luggage that follows you around without having to carry it

>> No.54519366

AI service that takes customer-provided photos, texts, voicemails, etc. of a specific person and uses a combination of AI technologies to provide video calls with something that looks, sounds, and speaks like that person. The business model would be a pay by the minute service with the expectation that people would use it to "talk" to their dead loved ones.

The technology isn't quite there yet but it will be in a year or two. Decided it was too evil to go through with, but someone else will do it sooner or later. I fully expect to see news articles about boomers who lost tens of thousands of dollars by spending all day "talking" to their dead husbands/wives.

>> No.54519386

Real doll brothel

>> No.54519463

what is it with incels and overly technologically complex or embarassingly depraved business ideas?

>> No.54519478

Maybe? Idk it seems like 90% of the videos on pornhub I see are full vids

I wouldn't actually be filming people without their knowledge you goofballs

>> No.54519487

facebook already invented this but haven't publicized their work

>> No.54519494

Opening PC cafes in poor areas in the US near congregation/shopping centers that already cater to the lower or lower-middle classes.

Fucking Gamestop

>> No.54519495

Vending machine that sells alcohol

>> No.54519500

I was never really into smoking weed but some friends asked if I could make him one and it kind of took off from there. Was selling them out of my dorm in college. Probably could have figured out a way to print with silicone or something so people weren’t inhaling plastic but my printer broke close to graduation and I just never picked it back up.
Could have been the plastic fumes for sure. I had glass stems for them and they didn’t seem to get too warm but I just didn’t want to take that risk of anyone getting sick. I guess at least I learned I’m not Jewish.

>> No.54519519

Finger licken chicken

>> No.54519641


>> No.54520999

I'm in the same boat, but now I'm at the point where I'm willing to start hiring freelancers to help me out. I figure if I'm okay with losing $500 in crypto each year, and losing $2,000+ in options trading, I may as well spend it on freelancers that can help me attempt to build something that I have a bit more control over.
Good luck anon, we will both make it.

>> No.54521775

Sm 2 2 84 @ proton

>> No.54521806

I thought running a steakhouse in India would be a good idea since there would be no competition but then I remembered how I didn't want to deal with poos.

>> No.54522186
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About 10-12 years ago I had the idea for a relatively simple website that would list all of your social media accounts on one page. Basically Linktree before Linktree. I would have liked to pursued the idea, since it seemed straightforward compared to bonified social media or e-commerce sites, but I had zero technical skills and was busy with school.

>> No.54523201

An NFT that shows off how much the tokens in your wallet are worth. since NFT's are all about showing wealth why not have one that updates itself according to your wallet value

>> No.54523446

Does anyone wake up in the middle of the night we genius business ideas but then forget them shortly after or what you wrote down post-waking up is just nonsense?

>> No.54523845

Except the battery, motor, electronics will be so large, you only get half the space to pack your stuff into. Plus the incovinience of having to charge the thing

>> No.54524465

some off the top of my mind thoughts
>advertise to home owners not renters
>has to be the opposite of fast fashion for clothing
>obviously works against resales
>if the products last forever but the customer doesn't need it anymore, your store could buy back the product refurbish and resell it

>> No.54524677

It's why I keep a journal nearby

>> No.54526412
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Movie Buddy. An app where you pick a showing and location and it matches you with a buddy that you can go see a movie with. Feel free to take this idea. I'm not gonna do anything with it.

>> No.54526773

I was watching the million dollar comeback series on YouTube and one of the business this guy made that for him a few hundred thousand dollars was just buying coffee in bulk from distributors. He would label it as his own and market it and sell online.

I considered going to the local African cafes in my city who have connections to import fresh bulk coffee from like Rwanda and selling it online like this guy did.

>> No.54526902

It could work without you being sued. You employ porn stars then you brand your videos being spyed upon, amatuer etc

>> No.54528426

Atomic Abortions Insurance Agency - international travel abortion insurance, started it up, wrote company marketing, operations material, failed to secure enough funding to get it off the ground.

Herblutions - your herb solution outfitter. made about $180k off it during the "herbal incense" hype. paypal ended up banning me for life on their shitty service (fuck elon musk) and i had to shut down.

World Injury Nexus - started it up to compete with WEB MD as a kind of decentralized global clinical forum but didnt realize that doctors really dont give a shit about helping people for free, they do it to get PAID. website failed.

TOSE.ME - The Other Search Engine. Me - failed for obvious reasons. never compete with google.

Die For A Message - lawyer told me never to launch it. it was supposed to be a kind of adsense revenue generated website to where people who intended fully on killing themselves (dr assisted suicide advocacy) would have the opportunity to "forever have your last words hosted to the world" and the users would upload their final messages, vid, text, images, and site jannies would pin their obituaries/news articles to their deaths. lawyer told me i'd do prison time if i launched it.

handful of crypto startups and a failed wine import/export business i spent a year in argentina business networking to start. failed to secure $220k in capital to get it off the ground.

now the only thing i do is buy just one specific crypto that is barely in the top 200.

>> No.54528442
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forgot to sign the message.

>> No.54528449

Hes saying it would be fake, people aren't really fucking their step sisters in porn dude

>> No.54528610

>lawyer told me i'd do prison time if i launched it.
How does one afford a lawyer to pitch business ideas to? I've always wanted someone to ask questions about that with, but I imagine they charge like $1,000/hour for something like that right?
Also that would've been a neat idea.

>> No.54528677

criminal defense attorney. yea its like $300/hr for me and ive ran all kinds of ideas by him over the years. i had this criminal background social network i was trying to launch called Jacketbook where i engineered a criminal simulation publicity stunt bc getting the news to report on you is FREE marketing. whole thing failed though because i couldnt afford the access to these massive public records databases. lawyer also said the site would have been "borderline illegal bc u cant make someone pay for access to their own account on your website if its generated from public records" etc etc long long story.

>> No.54528686

also meant to clarify that the term "jacket" in the prison systems refers to someones criminal background.

>> No.54528767

Not as bad as I thought, but still pretty expensive. My wagiebux can't afford that right now.

>> No.54528867

i cant afford it either on my wagie budget.
not now at least. back when i actually had money i could tho.
PS. just buy RSR

>> No.54528949

you'd be assasinated

>> No.54528995

Tried shitty droppshipping only bc that's when I first heard about it. Thought I was doing Ads wrong and shit but realized the business model was shit. Why go to a dingy website when there's amazon.

>> No.54529013

Same here, then I realized I would need to build brand or an audience first before my shitty chinese cups would get any sort of attention.

>> No.54529050

amazon except only goods made in the US from raw materials also only made in the US

>> No.54529328

a restaurant that only serves peanut butter and jelly sandwiches

>> No.54529452

I don't know why someone hasn't made a runescape blockchain.

Create a limited supply of resources. e.g. log token supply 71 trillion. As each item is used in say a potion the token is "burnt" and available for placement on any node throughout the game. This created a supply and demand market, supply goes up as consumables are consumed. This can be expanded greatly.

Then instead of a $20 month membership you just apply to play with your own node. Embrace the gold farmer by enabling them to allow players to rent out nodes. Hopefully the rental exchange is more valuable than farming wood and selling it.

There might be some concerns over monopolies but the entire game would have burn mechanisms throughout. I would even put a interest rate on bank deposits over 1% of total supply starting at 0.001% loss a day and going to 0.1% loss per day if you have the maximum (49% supply of total wood).

Things like that. The market would probably have a 10% fee too. But it could work. The game just needs to be fun and really focus on benefitting the player through consumables to trigger the economic cycle of production.

You would have to prune the block-chain yearly to hold a lot of data but it's not so important for a game to have the entire history on every node. Leaderboard systems could benefit from this also.

If someone wants to front the capitol I am happy to design and program the whole thing but I need servers to test with to make sure it works on launch and I need artists so it doesn't take me 5 years to do everything myself. Oh and lastly I need to learn how to setup multiplayer which is like the last thing I need to learn.

Anyway, It'll never happen for me so good luck if anyone steals it.

>> No.54529530

I had an idea for 3D jewellery NFT brand. I'd use grasshopper in rhino to create an algorhythmic shape and then use that to design the final piece. The only problem was that I wanted to do a 360 visualisation and each frame had to be rendered individually because my computer isn't too powerful and each render took about 20 minutes. I almost completed the first one but then the crypto market crashed and I decided to focus on other things. I might pick it up and finish it then try and pitch the concept to some NFT based crypto projects. Definitely could be a winner but needs backing and to be honest I don't even know if NFT's still make any money.

>> No.54529552

Don't you love it when it happens

>> No.54529630

lol I bought some skycoin just before McAfee got the logo tattooed on him but I was too noob to sell. instead I sold it later at a loss. memories.
I don’t have any business ideas i just came to post this