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File: 158 KB, 988x1475, 1677913244226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54511422 No.54511422 [Reply] [Original]

Pay your fucking taxes.

>> No.54511426

This is blackmail

>> No.54511432

i'm self employed and haven't filled a tax form out in 2 years. UK govt. is too incompetent to realise. If they come for my money i'll gut them like fish

stay mad 77th

>> No.54511503
File: 220 KB, 589x617, Billions must snooze.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. Why should I pay taxes so the government can import immigrants to ethnically replace the white race. Literally working 1/3 of your life towards your own races extermination.

>> No.54511507

cant pay any if i didnt profit any

>> No.54511562
File: 195 KB, 1188x1078, IMG_20230331_013553_178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Indonesia 0.04%
Finally a good thing for being indog

>> No.54511608

Where they get these numbers?

>> No.54511624

This is actually wrong.

Short term capital gains taxes on Crypto in Australia is 50%

So if I buy $1,000,000 Bitcoin at $15,000 and it goes to $30,000 within <1 year, I made $1,000,000 so I owe $500,000.

>> No.54511673

Tell me you're retarded without telling me you're retarded.

>> No.54511697
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And it's 45% over $180,000, not 50%.

>> No.54511754
File: 8 KB, 649x177, 289876EE-593E-4AE6-901D-6C60ABD767BF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're on /biz/, you should be in the highest tax bracket

>> No.54512088
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Paying """crypto taxes"""" (within quotation marks as not a single crypto in existence has taxation built into its code) is entirely voluntary so why would anyone do it? Only explanation I can think of is if you're a christian and thus think any and all taxes are not only good but are actually divine (because "governments are of god" etc and should not be opposed), and so you're religiously obligated to comply... because... jews told you to, and you fear the wrath of yahweh the jewgod.

>> No.54512110

Finland ofc

>> No.54512129
File: 149 KB, 750x785, BE920763-3B95-4743-A627-53F0068B3367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked and based. I’ll amend my returns if they decide to start enforcing it. Until then I’m just waiting for the statue of limitations to run out

>> No.54512150

checked, makes sense, probably at least half of people who make up the percentages in the OP pic are Christians, the rest leftists and soƴboys and other kinds of cucks.

>> No.54512154

You don't pay taxes on crypto in the Netherlands.

>> No.54512162
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im a sovereign citizen

>> No.54512170


>> No.54512189

This list is meaningless. Which countries consider crypto-to-crypto as taxable event?
I wish I could pay bills with Monero. I also wish the tax agency wouldn't care about the car I bought while paying no taxes on any income.

>> No.54512263

It's 0% if you hold for more than a year in Germany.

>> No.54512288
File: 51 KB, 493x680, 1680713721668640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked and correct. How do we even calculate crypto taxes? US regulators can't tell me if crypto is a currency, security, or commodity.

>> No.54512377

are you retarded?

>> No.54512489

You are a complete fucking dumbass keklmaoeven

>> No.54512524

>quote with no source

>> No.54512580

What would I actually have to pay this (((tax))) for?

>> No.54512634

Luckily here in Germany I don't have to pay any taxes on any stock, or crypto asset that I was holding for longer than a year.

>> No.54512640


Union representing 35,000 CRA workers vote in favour of strike

Union members who work at the CRA will be in a legal strike position as of April 14. The strike could cause delays for Canadians filing their 2022 taxes by the May 1 deadline, Lars Jorgensen, the president of EJ Tax Service told CTV News Kitchener.

>> No.54512647

>What would I actually have to pay this (((tax))) for?

Weapons for the coke snorting Jewish comedian. Bailouts for banks. Gibs for the lazy and unproductive. For feds to arrest you over memes.

>> No.54512651

Also this. I know a guy who knows some people at the tax authority bureau here in Germany and he told me that as long as you're paying out less than 20k a year they don't give a single shit about that.

>> No.54512657

If you sell it.

>> No.54512662

No, I mean what is actually taxed here? Profits? Does that mean profits are taxed twice, capital gains tax and this crypto tax?

>> No.54512909

will I still pay taxes for hidden transactions from hidden addresses?

>> No.54512964
File: 64 KB, 960x578, 1627239482938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hiden. crypto. choose one

>> No.54513070 [DELETED] 

*completely naked*
*year piercing yell:*
*pisses 5 gallons on your thread's floor*
*grunting heavily:*
*runs out*

>> No.54513380

I think it means transactions not recorded on the blockchain like those from ZKP based platforms.

>> No.54513946

Its just a shitty tax consulting service, they have no way of knowing any stats and you are retarded in using them rather than a real tax lawyer with appropriate credentials of your respective country
Not even sure what the graph is trying to tell

>> No.54513961

Belgium: 0.00%
You can't sell for a year after your last purchase.

>> No.54513969

Nvm found the source document its a dude just trust me number
This fucksticks have access to neither government numbers or exchange numbers

>> No.54514794
File: 1.49 MB, 3264x3264, jew servants.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fake and gay quote, and even if he said that then it's bullshit

>> No.54514848
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>> No.54515323

Finland, ultimate cuck

>> No.54516087
File: 281 KB, 519x700, 1680176933498689.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So we need to be spending more tax money in Ukraine? I don't get it.

>> No.54516106
File: 293 KB, 1024x560, tax remindoor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54516125

Do I have to pay my taxes if I play on Stake?

>> No.54516232

You pay taxes when you withdraw don't worry you won't leave without getting wet.

>> No.54516236

lmao I just got an idea you can use on your local tax goons

>you owe this much in crypto trading tax
>ok, no problem what is your organizations wallet address
>pay them in shitcoins

lol get fucked

>> No.54516240

Is there any way to not pay taxes on Stake?

>> No.54516243

what are those fake as fuck numbers

>> No.54516248

Go to Dubai they have 0% fee on Crypto gambling platform like Stake. I guess! Dyor.