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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54510894 No.54510894 [Reply] [Original]

>americans will literally risk their entire economy for a slighter larger LARPmobile to impress their neighbours

Why are they like this?

>> No.54510906

Girls in the US literally care more about what car you drive than what place you live in. No bs
If you have a 2007 car, but a beautiful big house they will pass

>> No.54511075
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I hope they will succeed this time! Murica is the cancer of Earth, sadly nothing ever happens....

>> No.54511186

I have never met a female that gives a shit about cars. Unless you’re driving a literal Lamborghini or current/next year Mercedes it really doesn’t matter what you drive. Only men give a shit about anything less than luxury. I explained this to someone else on here who was thinking about getting a sporty new Honda Civic - the only people you’re going to attract with that are Puerto Rican men

>> No.54511196


>> No.54511393

thats strange. where I live no one cares about "nice cars" especially girls. I had a luxury bmw 420 shadowline mpack. (really nice car). no one cared. I sold it and now I don't have a car and i go by bike everywhere and just landed a new gf.

>> No.54512414

Paid off half my car and refinanced right before the rate hikes. I’m not upside down on it but I don’t think I can even get a shitty car for less than what I’m paying right now

>> No.54512426

bullshit, youre either not american, not white, or just retarded. or a combination

>> No.54512432

low IQ. my ex gf's low IQ mom has a 7 year loan at 13% interest on a 2016 jeep wrangler with 100k miles and a number of mechanical and electrical problems. she likely owes more than it's worth.

>> No.54512474

yea I owned a porsche 911, maserati gran turismo and audi s4, 95 toyota supra at different points . girls basically didnt give a shit. It was just 1+ point for you overall. It was a NEGATIVE if I basically ever mentioned anything cool about the car. so eventually i never even mentioned I had nice cars to women until I picked them up and they saw it. that was the only time it was positive.Sports cars are DUDE magnets... I had a toyota supra and got followed home/stalked by men for having a 25+ year old toyota...

>> No.54512534

idk but these car deal faggots are trying to sell cars that are a year or two old with 40k miles for 25k to 30K...like yeah fuck right off

>> No.54512570

if you don't have a car you don't really get to live in america. you may sleep in america you may have been born there but without a car you're not even a secondhand citizen you're just human garbage.

>> No.54512598
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the urban planning was designed to defeat humanity. the government has decided the ideal citizen is the automobile and soon we will all be replaced with robot cars, it's the only explanation that makes sense.

>> No.54512615
File: 762 KB, 1500x900, 2023_PriusPrime_XSE_Premium_GuardianGray_303-1500x900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I buy a 2023 Prius? I hardly drive, but need a car here and then, especially in the summer when it gets too hot. Also this car will simultaneously get the art hoes and college sorority girls going wild.

I have the cash, but cash spent on this, is cash not invested in crypto. What's the here /biz/ bros?

>> No.54512642

if women have never gone wild for you before they're not going to start now because you bought a prius. you will never have sex

>> No.54512660

>risk their entire economy
Every economic decisions is risky. Risk is baked in, its just assumed that with prudence the gains from good deals with exceed the losses from bad deals

>> No.54512996
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>> No.54513597


>> No.54513653

Try 60-80k miles for a car 5-7 years old. The auto market is still fucked and it’s going to stay this way for a while.

>> No.54513945

A girl last night told me she just got a brand new RAV4 @7% interest. I didn’t ask her what the loan terms were but JFC she got raked.
She prob makes like $40k/yr and also had student loan debt to boot.
I really don’t get it but whatever not my problem

>> No.54514629

If a girl wants you for what car you drive then your personality then she is going to take every dollar from you until your broke and move on to the next

>> No.54514698
File: 538 KB, 860x1137, 1629815226419.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does normies with a $1000 car payment mean? Even further recession slowdown as they are forced to default?

>> No.54515119

used car prices should come down, lots of repos, people turning in cars they're upside down in. i can't imagine having a 1000 truck payment but lots of people do.

>> No.54515139

>I had a toyota supra and got followed home/stalked by men for having a 25+ year old toyota...
Based car autists.

>> No.54515159

American urban planning is a large part a result of niggers and finding ways to avoid them

>> No.54515166

This image cannot be real Lmaoooo

>> No.54515193

Why is his mouth open

>> No.54515196

Is showing your devotion to the god of this world, Lucifer the Satan, that important ?

>> No.54515203
File: 58 KB, 720x720, udj5wXGtWQ6P3J.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cus they are low IQ plebs who spend more time thinking about niggers and trannies than their own finances

>> No.54515217

Weak jaw from carbohydrates and goybean oil

>> No.54515447

if a girl told you to jump off a bridge would you?

>> No.54515476

Pussy isn’t even that good

>> No.54515489

>taking out a loan for a car
>not buying a $3k used shitbox and putting $1k into it so it'll run for another 5-10 years

>> No.54515527

I hope this image is published in the history books on Covid 19

>> No.54515613

For some reason I'm dumb enough not to know that rate hikes applied to loans outside of mortgages. That being said I never use credit and I have no debt. But yea wageslave normies LOVE MAXING out their income by literally financing everything to the point where they're living paycheck to paycheck. Like you're a dude making 70k a year after taxes and you still somehow find a way to max out your finances to the point where you're still living paycheck to paycheck just for more material bullshit.

>> No.54515654

Nahhh I was watching some autistic urban planning youtube videos and the US is designed this way on purpose yes, but for different reasons. Making it inconvinent, uneffecient and just straight up unpleasasnt to go anywhere except by car incentivises car ownership. This helps sort of artifically pump money into the capitalist system. You have to pay for a car, you have to pay for gas, you have to pay for insurance, you have to pay for maintenance, money money money money. Now multiply these expenses by nearly every household in America and that's a lot of money. If half the people just walked, biked and took public transit the (((MARKETS))) would be negatively effected.

>> No.54515669

the 3k shitboxes aren't what they used to be, those cars are just about scrap now. but, certainly can find stuff for 5-6k. I have over 400k on my toyota shitbox.

>> No.54515688

ITT: incels driving 30 year old rusting shitboxes

>> No.54515722

This is some next level lunacy kek

>> No.54515759

My brother hired a new guy. Guy is in his 40s and is a entry level retail job. Always worked physical/manual labor jobs so retail he thinks he super important and trys to play boss to the other coworkers. Gets paid $18 an hour. Guy buys a brand new base model 2023 chevy tahoe and has like a $1200 monthly payment. Dude has a wife (works food delivery part time) and 3 kids. They have a house that he inherited from his parents that passed away, so he lucked out there. Old house thats in bad condition, but a house is a house. Guy ended up taking a home equity loan for 150k to fix up the home. Had shitty credit so his inlaws had to cosign (they thought it was a good idea to fix up the house). As you can imagine, the interest rate is super high since he has terrible credit. He ends up not fixing up the house and uses money to pay off the new car (WTF) and then buy another project truck and car to work on (race car and show car). Both were nice years ago but doesnt run and need lots of work. Also buys a motorcycle too (baka). Apparently this is common amongst his friends and doesn't think he did anything wrong. He thinks he's a financial guru for refinancing his house to pay for cars/hobbies.

>> No.54515869

The interest rate on the equity loan is almost guaranteed to be lower than taking a loan to buy anything else he did with the money. That’s the only positive the guy pulled, the rest is absolutely bonkers choices. None of those purchases were wise

>> No.54515894

one of my buddies told me he knows a guy that got a reverse mortgage on a house he inherited to buy a new F150. Also multiple kids with a fat mexican woman. the world is really weird.

>> No.54515907

What are you European?

Bitches honestly don’t care about sit unless it’s 3 things
