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54509738 No.54509738 [Reply] [Original]

My mom is not my biological mom, she kidnapped me when I was a baby.

>> No.54509746

Go back to bed sweetie.

>> No.54509808

why didn't she kidnap a winner instead?

>> No.54509858

Then go find your biological mom. Give your dna to all the available DNA tracking services and see if there's a match across their DB.

>> No.54509861

does she treat you well?

technically he won the sperm race, and his dad at least had sex. which is better than 99% of the societal rejects that come here.

>> No.54509950

I do not see any point now, plus, I was told that she was a drug addict.
Yes, I have always been her priority.

>> No.54509956

>tfw one of the 99 percent of anons whose dad never had sex
>tfw lost the sperm race

>> No.54509962

yes same dear,,, but ngl this village much nicer then mumbai

>> No.54509970

you should coom inside her then

>> No.54510008

how did you find out OP? and what are the legal ramifications of this? i'm asking because i genuinely have this weird memory and suspicion of the same thing happening to me, but i can't tell if it's mental illness.

>> No.54510058

Kidnap and rape her. Reverse psychology.

>> No.54510085

unironically same. it's hard trying to piece things together

>> No.54510102

The zoomer all think they are Harry Potter. Sadly they haven't graduated to Toadvine.

>> No.54510140

>one shot at life
>born a spermracelet

>> No.54510163

i should add - how the fuck is this even possible? can someone just kidnap a kid and then adopt them? how do you get the same last name as your kidnappers?

>> No.54510178

She could easily be lying so you accept her as your mother.

>> No.54510252

the abducting 'parent' can discredit your original. just think of all the ways it's possible for someone to lose custody, now imagine a determined, possibly envious, psychopath abusing the system to take advantage of those methods

>> No.54510276

i'm pretty sure it's illegal to take a kid even if you're "saving" them. you'd get charged for kidnapping and social services would investigate the real parent before placing them into the state care system.

>> No.54510328

Why would a woman kidnap a baby from a good loving mom? That makes no sense. Why not just get your own baby if that is the only thing you want?

>> No.54510360

not if the system has declared the abducter your new legal guardian after their successful smear campaign when you're two years old and she has a knife to your back as you sit on her lap in front of the police who are questioning you as the sole witness which one hurt you, your mother or the one with the knife. you are really giving the system too much credit when it is comprised entirely by fallible people who react strongly to sensitive subjects rather than keeping a level head. it makes sense but would have saved me from a lot of hurt

>> No.54510370

because she had a miscarriage and is insane from the grief, refusing it all to the point of accusing her sister of abducting her baby. or perhaps she is simply infertile and jealous. in my case it was a miscarriage though

>> No.54510386

Do you profit from this?

>> No.54510394

if your mom is that psycho, how'd you find out?

>> No.54510420

i got too high on weed/wax and started remembering things. i wish that was the worst of it

>> No.54510430

>t. it was revealed to me in a dream

>> No.54510443

it was a one time high that's allowed a floodgate to lift. i was in a crowded place and people noticed my body language. at first i gave them BS about understanding the universe but that was a layer of cope i used as a child. things have been steadily coming back to me for over a year now. at first i was near panicking 24/7, but i've found resolve in my pain and am trying to figure out how to help the world. nice of you to come through to try to shit on this though

>> No.54510466

Anon if you only remember these things because of drugs you should live as if you don't remember them. Your drug experiences are valid but unless there is some material evidence of this you should question it.

>> No.54510475

Kek can you imagine how bad her luck is?
>Can't have kids of her own for some reason
>Commits one the most evil acts possible, stealing a child
>Basically guaranteeing her place in depths of hell
>Even after all that, she ends up with OP instead of someone like Henry Cavill.
Imagine rotting in hell for eternity FOR OP
Holy kek

>> No.54510488

i have evidence. this is much bigger than the abduction, even if that was fake none of the other stuff is. i'm talking about the first decade of my LIFE that i always just overlooked as "eh i never did much as a kid, just played vidya really" but no. there was a whole lot of bad shit between the gaps that i remember now. i'm not here looking for help, i'm here to try to help who needs it.

anons, you don't know what you don't know. just keep an open mind and breathe, you can get through it.

>> No.54510506

If you have evidence then why is it that when asked how you know you said you remembered it while high?

>> No.54510512

because that is when i initially remembered. i have been piecing everything together ever since with more coming back to me over time. the process is just as important as the end in cases like this

>> No.54510533

i have never had to smoke again to remember more. i tried to again a little after the initial event to blend in but as soon as i got high i felt more suicidal than i ever had imagined possible. just in my head saying "kill yourself" to the point it was dizzying. i would like to try again once i'm more confident in my mental state, because i don't want to be ruled by fear, although i don't want to recreationally smoke anymore anyway since that saps my motivation.

>> No.54510558

Yeah, don't smoke again. It's sending you to hell. What is the evidence you discovered that has led you to believe this?

>> No.54510572

doctored birth certificates and asking my father who she has told me my whole life "ran away"

>> No.54510581

she took custody legally through the process i described earlier, but he also believed her and was a shitty father in that at that point was enlisted and lost touch with her. upon reaching out to me while i was a child apparently i didn't want to talk to him, but again i was coerced to say this because as he described the situation i remembered my half of it

>> No.54510633

i can't bring this up with anyone this directly involved in my life because it is going to cause such a severe backlash and i lack the foundation to weather the storm. if i'm able to get away from her and take my siblings with me i would feel more confident in opening up about it, but this has been a very isolating year for me. Luckily i found my gf a year before these revelations so we had some groundwork laid and i trust her to speak to about these things, she has been very patient and always listens. i feel really bad about burdening her with these stories but it helps a lot to get it out. It's ironic you mention this sending me to hell because this actually helped me develop my relationship with Christ and see where He helped me during the chapters I had forgotten, truly miraculous moments when i thought for sure i would die. i don't want to describe anything in detail because this is the internet but i'm sure you can already guess the general idea

>> No.54510644

>99% of people here were never born