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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54502809 No.54502809 [Reply] [Original]

Kadena Babena

Updates have been made to the Glexia KDA blockchain explorer. It should be about 40% faster now. Yes, the front end is the same as the shitty official explorer, but the back end is totally different.


Also, a petition has launched to remove Francesco Melpignano from the Kadena Ecosystem for unethical behavior.


Very exciting developments in the world of Kadena. What are you most excited about?

>> No.54502875

>no reddit post

>> No.54502900

Fuck you piece of shit trannies for shilling me this shit. You told me this was going 100.
I bought at $28 and dca'd all the way to $23.
Fuck you for ruining my life.
I hope this ecosystem dies and you trannies along with it.

>> No.54502909

> "let's get to 10"

so where were you when the same people shilled it to you all the months prior, when the price was less than $2?

>> No.54502977

>where were you
I was larping as a racist and a soiboi on pol

>> No.54503043
File: 6 KB, 225x225, download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who here will be signing the petition to remove Scamcesco?

This faggot scammer did more to hurt Kadena than any other single individual.

>> No.54503219

Make a reddit poll instead

>> No.54503266

>leddit spacing
>was probably the anon crying about jannies not doing their jobs last thread
did not read.
did not sell.
did not click.

>> No.54503271
File: 85 KB, 439x504, mc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know how to use Reddit. Maybe you could help me?

>> No.54503277

Took me 13 seconds to load. Lags the shit out of my browser.
JavaScript only. This is just a testament to how bad the original explorer is.

>> No.54503280
File: 54 KB, 786x932, 20230330_235114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bloody basterd, I was the one who he was saying needs to be jannied. Ignore the Reddit spacing for a second and just look at the content you faggots

>> No.54503348
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i think im aight thanks though
i'll reconsider if you reformat your cringe-post

>> No.54503372
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>> No.54503447
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>> No.54503480
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congratulations you have earned your place on nuwu's notepad / excel document
cant wait for her next monthly mental breakdown

>> No.54503500


>> No.54503511

no, kadena.

>> No.54503516
File: 364 KB, 703x1053, IMG_20230401_152624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-is that a good thing? Hope you're having a good day nuwu

>> No.54503567

are you ok retard

>> No.54503587 [DELETED] 

Of course it's not a good thing. It's not fun to be on the receiving side and I am sure it's not fun to be in her position either.
If a friend sends you links to 50 posts from 1-2 years ago to settle an argument that was held almost a year ago that everyone else has even acknowledged your point of view and moved on from, would you not be concerned?

>> No.54503607
File: 458 KB, 1200x1200, peek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally have no idea what you are talking about. I don't think I am who you think I am.

>> No.54503647 [DELETED] 

>I literally have no idea what you are talking about
I know who you are, but who you are is not relevant since my post is not about you. You have been absent for a year if you are confused.

>> No.54503656
File: 51 KB, 183x320, 1670607164571981.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey nuwu
here to remind you that;
racism doesn't exist
transphobia doesn't exist
homophobia doesn't exist
anti-semitism doesn't exist
I know you personally archive these posts because you previously linked to posts that weren't being archived on warosu, and wakarimasen is ded, no way to search on .moe

>> No.54503665 [DELETED] 

I don't type like her at all nor am I speaking from her PoV.

>> No.54503677

that's what I like to call a cool story bro

>> No.54503685
File: 29 KB, 316x300, 1680152082251330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone here is mentally ill

>> No.54503694

I'm as healthy as can be.

>> No.54503710

I know this isn't what you want to hear but this anger stage is where you should be going all in...

>> No.54503723

>nuwu doesn't have the energy to type like a faggot rn
its ok, take some benzodiazepine like you usually do and i'll forgive you

>> No.54503759

She's not here you fucking retard. Your reading comprehension is always bottom tier. It must be difficult to have sub 80 iq.

>> No.54503788
File: 114 KB, 275x200, 1674935138684278.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoah whoa
nuwu attacking my intellect already ?
yea, you're a fraud, can't believe I thought you were nuwu
baka my head
can you just take the benzos already, i'm getting bored

>> No.54503803
File: 69 KB, 447x438, 20210919_120149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just glad that I'm not part of this (this time) and or mentally ill. Yep livin the life.

>> No.54503804

Cute gif, but you're still a mongoloid.

>> No.54503815

I shouldn't bully the mentally disabled, they need their retard safespace.
I feel bad now, slightly.

>> No.54503833

Nice pink logo but what has been done in the kadena chain and why is proof of work superior to ethereums proof of stake

>> No.54503966
File: 80 KB, 730x752, 1663535381177144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PoS systems trend towards centralization of validation over time and are not suitable for world adoption. This is from the simple fact of compounding interest. PoW coins must be sold by miners to pay electric costs, most closely resembling a real commodity. PoW is more secure than PoS all else equal. There's tons of reasons but those are a few of the major ones

>> No.54504095

>.97 dollarinossssss
>bix nood muh mufuggin graph theory nigga
>solves dat trilemma n shiet

>> No.54504138
File: 227 KB, 746x577, 1679416450699180.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah that's great and all. Fakedex aka EckoDAO ruined Kadena. Kadena is still one of the best L1s, and it actually has patents behind it so it's not just a marketing gimmick entity that can be forked like so many other chains.

>> No.54504235

>>not a marketing gimmick
>480k tps
>infinite scalability
>stuart haber paid advisory role le satoshi whitepaper then fucked off
Kaddex was funded by.... your tranny foundation. Core members personally cashing out as they knowingly rug on their nonexistent community.

>> No.54504281

>>not suitable for world adoption
right... because the current financial infrastructure is a decentralized network ran by anonymous neets given free electricity gibs
fucking retard.

>> No.54504553
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>future financial infrastructure is a decentralized network ran by anonymous neets

>> No.54504831

480k tps was obviously lie, but there are no other more promising PoW scaling solutions than Kadena Chainweb. They patented math for the least skips for blockrope.

>> No.54505120

Please, don't write my nickname here. There are ideas associated with it that I want to share. I do not support viewpoints within this place. I won't read discussions, post anything, nor try contributing to Kadena anymore.

It takes 20~30 min to scan historical discussions in archives (archived.moe works fine). I do not save posts, not even screenshots, but I rarely forget things. I've only used archives as a last resort against entity openly priding themselves on the damages they've done to me while building narratives against me, since the latter is challenging to the mental health of mine. I only work on introverted stuff, regardless of social games, but INTJs are sensible and easily overwhelmed by chaotic obstructions.

>> No.54505442

>480k tps was obviously a lie
>untested "infinite scalability" isnt a lie
>chainweb isnt a lie
>kaddex isnt a lie
>le best L1 because we say so yet have nothing to show for ourselves isnt a lie
>core members committing grand scale fraud isnt a lie
>all alternatives bad and therefore kikedena good, it hasnt ever occurred to me that the technology simply hasnt been invented yet and i am on maximum bagholder copium damage control
devs openly lying is super bullish am i right sisters?!?!?!!
if it was so obvious why are you just now coming to this realization when you've used it to shill for the past 3 years?

>> No.54505632
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I actually was encouraging not using the 480k tps marketing nonsense in mid 2021.
Show me a more promising PoW chain, please. I would love to be able to leave Kadena but I don't see any other remotely competitive options

>> No.54505775
File: 233 KB, 2048x1638, C786EAAA-29AC-44C7-8B2E-1414296E2858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PoS can become more decentralised over time given the proper incentive structure. PoW can not.

>> No.54505821
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By the mechanics of compounding interest, you are wrong. Show me how you get around this? You can't align incentives differently bc PoS returns ARE the incentive structure for that consensus

>> No.54505880

>priding themselves on the damages they've done to me
The fact you think this was the case is really disappointing.

>> No.54505889

Fuck off scammers. Back to discord, paid trannies.

>> No.54505898

Lain is a fag and a paid shill.

>> No.54505911

This posters nickname is Nuwu.

>> No.54505980
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Where do I send the invoice? I haven't been getting proper compensation.

>> No.54506122

- PoS inflation being non-dilutive, compounding interests do not disproportionately inflate holders relative to market capitalization unless traders are irrational. Large pools have to sell bigger fraction of their staking rewards to acquire identical value against inflation over time, but the market shares remain unchanged (hence recommended use of rebase mechanisms in dApps to dodge number games)
- Bias minimizing voting schemes allow inclusive self-referential distribution of voting power
- Token-less PoS design are possible (i.e. n > 1 consensus-bound resources), conferring consensus transcendence over financial games. (There are caveats, such as the fact value isn't necessarily aligned with platform security)
- The scaling solution developed by Chainweb can be used in PoS through internal block subdivisions, but there are other approaches which are more flexible. In this context, PoW is merely a spam prevention mechanism outweighed by ZKP.
- Tragedy of the common will eventually pressure miners into aggressive extraction of value from their underlying platform. This sustain significant biases which can not be deliberatively attenuated unlike in PoS.
- Hyperbolically, if you believe violence solves everything then you need PoW. However it doesn't, even if it does.

>> No.54506131

Is lainchan radio dead?

>> No.54506137

Thank you for the response nonetheless.

>> No.54506147

nuwu nuwu nuwu nuwu nuwu nuwu nuwu nuwu nuwu nuwu nuwu nuwu nuwu nuwu nuwu nuwu nuwu nuwu nuwu nuwu nuwu nuwu nuwu nuwu
nuwu nuwu nuwu nuwu nuwu nuwu
nuwu nuwu nuwu nuwu nuwu nuwu
nuwu nuwu nuwu nuwu nuwu nuwu
nuwu nuwu nuwu nuwu nuwu nuwu nuwu nuwu nuwu nuwu nuwu nuwu
nuwu nuwu nuwu nuwu nuwu nuwu
nuwu nuwu nuwu nuwu nuwu nuwu nuwu nuwu nuwu nuwu nuwu nuwu
nuwu nuwu nuwu nuwu nuwu nuwu
nuwu nuwu nuwu nuwu nuwu nuwu nuwu nuwu nuwu nuwu nuwu nuwu
nuwu nuwu nuwu nuwu nuwu nuwu
nuwu nuwu nuwu nuwu nuwu nuwu nuwu nuwu nuwu nuwu nuwu nuwu
nuwu nuwu nuwu nuwu nuwu nuwu
nuwu nuwu nuwu nuwu nuwu nuwu nuwu nuwu nuwu nuwu nuwu nuwu
nuwu nuwu nuwu nuwu nuwu nuwu
she mad heheeheh
cant tell me what to do gg

>> No.54506165
File: 768 KB, 1079x1151, Screenshot_20230306_074427_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are her radio DJ days done forever?

>> No.54506172
File: 17 KB, 240x351, 62B6EEA9-7BD9-49E1-BF67-A9CF09BA8A62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

K-kill myself

>> No.54506201

juwu hahahaha
jew-u ahhaahhaahahhaahha

>> No.54506205
File: 611 KB, 1079x1170, Screenshot_20230302_082625_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She toured the all over retrofuture.

>> No.54506245
File: 603 KB, 1079x1228, Screenshot_20230310_215506_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will she be bak?

>> No.54506248

whole lotta jew shit nigga
whole lotta dat jew shit nigga
blap blap whole jew shit nigga
blap blap
jew shit nigger
whole lotta

jewish cats dawg
shit dawg u my nigger dog
whole lotta nigger jew shit faggot
whole lotta dat israel njgger
hole lot of
mein kampft shit nigger
an entire lot of that, shoah shit, my niggers.

>> No.54506330

I don't really understand why you say rational traders will prevent an outcome where stakers get an ever increasing share of non-dillutive staking rewards just from the simple way that interest compounds.

>> No.54506402

This goes hard af, I don't agree with the messaging but for some reason I could hear it being sand by sixnine

>> No.54506996

holy shit it's actually back to sub $1
what is your excuse for still not selling?

>> No.54507083
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>Buy high sell low
If you believed in the potential this would probably be the time to buy desu. That being said the current inflation rate is too high for me, I like kadena but buying a token with a 30% inflation rate and subsequently needing 30% yearly growth just to break even is retarded. There's much better tokens to buy in that respect.

>> No.54507175

>much better tokens to buy
name them.
there isnt a single greater altcoin than kadena at the moment.
we have yet to see this bear market's innovations

>> No.54507181

Why should we? Even if you're right and this is the best one, why does it matter being the best when no one even cares?

>> No.54507253

>why should we report the truth whilst claiming to be in it for the tech but void everything and continue lying to lure in more retards with big shiny number
intellectual dishonesty pajeetary
you don't even have 100 tps, it's fucking hysterical

>> No.54508030
File: 29 KB, 355x373, asa eyebrow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still no better PoW coin posted

I will take that as concession

>> No.54508039

Never use any character from Aria to start a Kadena thread on /biz/ again or I will write a series of letters to the SEC about Kadena

>> No.54508061

Do it, that will force them to change their ways

>> No.54508073

Heavy bags ser? Did u fill it with the poo you scooped from the street?

>> No.54508142
File: 418 KB, 1366x768, akari wave grey right.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its actually both a Yuru Yuri and an Aria image. It is quite nice.

What are you favorite anime fren

>> No.54508281

Mizunashi Akari
hmm....different but fits my preferences.
Not that I have anything against YY. But I like Aria and it doesn't get much love these days...

>> No.54508367
File: 293 KB, 1378x2039, 1679432189031697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aria is magical. Have you read the manga while listening to the soundtrack?

Take this rare Namori-drawn Akari

>> No.54508417

I tried watching Aria but my dopamine receptors are so unbelievably blown out I get myself to watch more than two episodes.

>> No.54508480

I have not done that. But it's definitely something I need to do, and sounds like a great idea.
>Take this rare Namori-drawn Akari
Very nice. Thank you.
I watched it all in VR a few times(just on a regular video player app, not any specific version tailored to VR or anything).
Maybe the novelty of that experience helps get over the initial resistance to make it 'click' and get hooked?

>> No.54508515

>Maybe the novelty of that experience helps
I want to hijack this part of your post because I like it and it reminds me of a video I watched once. It's this one https://youtu.be/MFGKc69RN7c
I watched the vr version and when he made it look like you're in a theater with the dune worm I was very impressed and instantly agreed with his point.

Basically his point is that to watch some types of media people are required to watch it on a big screen and since most don't have one at home and don't go to the cinema, VR could be used to fix that.

>> No.54508635
File: 138 KB, 509x510, 1680181999968332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make sure you get "Aria the Masterpiece". I think the most seeded copy on nyaa was labeled "the Masterpiece" but actually isn't. Another copy on there is correct though. The linework is incredibly intricate on many of the pages so you really want that higher quality version.