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File: 355 KB, 1920x1440, silver-gold-bitcoin-3148822_1920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54501727 No.54501727 [Reply] [Original]

Poorfag here, I've got $10,000 and am trying to decide how to allocate it. At first I was thinking I'd just dca into bitcoin with it over the next couple of months, since we've run up pretty aggressively from the low and I figure there's some chop left. I pretty much know better than to shitcoin, but the casino is always enticing.
A few weeks ago I was thinking about just yield farming the shit out of OP ecosystem on Beefy, maybe try to stick to relative "blue chips", or even just go full USDC maxi. Without regulatory clarity, I'm sure these shitcoins will outpace everything again as usual.
I know it's not a ton of money, but it's a lot for me and this took well over a year of significant wagie grind to accumulate. Lately I've even been looking at maybe adding some physical silver to the mix, maybe just buy .25 btc and 100 oz silver outright. I expect that I'd at best break even against the premium paid in a few years, but shiny rocks do feel nice in the hand and mentally I could cope by calling it insurance on the bitcoin.
Not losing everything is important, but also making money is important. I have a new baby at home and so my ability to add new capital over the next couple of years is severely diminished.
I'm not buying chainlink or anything with inu in the name, and you're probably not going to convince me to buy your shitcoin unless there's a usdc pair with retarded apy somewhere.

>> No.54502774

Cool story, bro.

>> No.54503883
File: 154 KB, 886x548, donotredeem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like you already have a plan. What are you asking?

>> No.54503929

if bitcoin is so valuable, why is their logo displayed on a gold coin instead of the gold logo displayed on a bitcoin?

>> No.54504022

I have the same amt and staying in cash. I believe we’re headed towards a deflationary period. I would still dca into btc but have most savings in cash.

>> No.54504047
File: 3.09 MB, 218x228, 2179EEBF-7A17-4D94-B1AB-AEE0E015CC52.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>deflation is coming
are you a shill or just retarded? we all know the world is dumping the dollar and as they do they will all come back to usa

>> No.54504108

I’m definitely a retard. I’m going against popular opinion hoping to profit later. Maybe it is the ones who are shilling hyperinflation and telling you to spend are the ones who are wrong. If banks crash and everyone loses jobs then there’s going to be a shitload of cheap assets up for grabs.

>> No.54504627

All in Bitcoin . You can get 40 million sats