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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54496254 No.54496254 [Reply] [Original]

>B.S. in Electrical Engineering
>A dogshit hourly wage of 28 dollars, sit all day at a piece of shit Dell being a CADchimp
>6 figures in debt, just to live in a fucking apartment with roommates in boston next to dopeheads
>All the while some 70 iq mississippi retard can go work in oil, makes 70k just sitting on his ass and changing the drill with similar retards once in a while
Engineering is a nothing but a scam, you're better off being a codejeet or a sister fucking hick oil driller

>> No.54496302

Why don't you do it then if it's so easy/painless/convenient?

>> No.54496328
File: 27 KB, 565x543, EuGOl4dU0AISjGP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BS in criminal justice
>got job in cybersecurity which was kind of unrelated to my degree
>make close to 80k now with only 2 years in the field
>do maybe like an hour and a half of actual work per day

>> No.54496331

>be me, drop out of. 4 colleges, 0 debt
>spend twenties following jam bands getting higher than you can imagine
>get married to hot blonde girl with and mfa from an ivy lesgue at. 25
>go to work with my dad at his business, make 120k a year plus company car plus tip
>work like, 3 days a week
>be 33 now, live in penthouse in one of my dads buildings (god bless you grandpa)
>two kids, pay wife a salary from dads company
>have corner office, buy diesel trucks, do whatever I want

LMAOOO imagine being you

Get back in the cage wagie

>> No.54496349

Can I suck your balls?

>> No.54496368

No, but you can pick up the pieces I leave behind. Haha I habe an office w a door and trade shitcoins alllllll day get fucked wagie

>> No.54496374

i suspect these threads are BRIC propaganda to destroy all semblance of industry in the west, electrical engineers are always well paid anons. if op is so unhappy he could just go get a high paying, high benefit entry level job in the military where they will also feed him, train him and get him fit. on top of that he will face almost novdanger in his MOS. At the end of it all he would have his pick of management jobs in industry. electrical engineers are the smartest of the engineers, if op really was an electrical engineer he would know all this and more.

>> No.54496387

What state do you live in? I live in Florida and have an elec eng tech degree and many of the jobs here offer 70-90k salary... I find it odd that you're hourly in the first place.

>> No.54496391

Why would ANYBODY who isn’t a black or a brown join the military. Imagine being a self respecting white American and joining the military to get yelled at by brown lesbians all day. L o L

>> No.54496411
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He’s like 22 I bet

>> No.54496417

>drop out of college
>move to Alaska because wtf
>travel around the state freezing my dick off splicing phone cable
>decide to work inside job
>become good at IP
>bid for engineering job
>get job even though no degree or school
>become expert with firewalls
>company whores me out to customers as firewall guy
>120k last year

>> No.54496444
File: 19 KB, 739x415, images (8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry to hear that op. I would be pretty upset if I was mentally in a wage cage and wasn't allowed to launch my own product with the knowledge required to make any kind of product we normally take for granted.

>> No.54496445

>BS in Computer Science
>A good salary of $160k/y, plus a $10k annual bonus
>0 figures in debt, have $50k saved for a downpayment on my first home (2,500 sqft 1/3 AC)
>All the while some 100 iq EE retard can go work in EE, makes 50k just sitting on his ass all day at a piece of shit Dell being a CADchimp
should've googled the job prospects of your major before paying for it

>> No.54496490

Yea agreed. AutoCAD is bottom of the barrel shit. OP is either a 2.2 GPA enjoyer or larping. Plenty of PLC programming jobs for a LOT of verticals to apply to. Base pay is easily 70k from what I saw out of college going into only AutoCAD is shit a GED grad can do.

T. EE grad

>> No.54496575

thanks for backing me up anon. obviously overzealous glowie replies such as




lead me to believe that biz is one of the most monitored sites by foreign actors. i guess it makes sense; anyone who believes that trading shotcoins will make them money is inherently gullible

>> No.54496577

What's the point of making up stories that no one will read?

>> No.54496651

I live in Massachusetts, it's fucked up how TERRIBLE any electric engineers are paid here, even college grad civils make more here in Boston

>> No.54496675

>Be in uni for EE
>Go to one of those "talk to alumni events"
>talk to a dude working for the state power transmission
>Warns me that its the most boring boomer job and he gets all his joy outside of work
>Change majors to Comp Eng to get a dev job
>140k/yr remote with 10% bonus

>> No.54496749

What’s funny is it’s not a story retards, it’s my life. Hahahahahaha waaagggieeesssssssssssssss

>> No.54496761

>Tried to get into CS
>Dropped out in the first semester when the instructors told us 2/3s of us will fail to complete the degree and knew I wasn't passionate about it
>Got forklift qualified
>Got hired by the govt
>Now making 81k a year working in a small warehouse doing 3 hours of actual work a day

Although its not cognitively stimulating it sure beats being in debt and working in some cubicle farm

>> No.54496790

I never said trading shitcoins was profitable. I work with my father at his firm. I said. I trade shitcoins all day, which I do, from my iPad mini. I lost 25,000$ this year and I don’t give a fuck. Just ate 7 Oreos. What the fuck are you doing wagie? Preparing to wake up at 6 am?

>> No.54496811

>B.S. in computer science
>Went to a low tier state school
>Drank and partied for 5 years
>2.5 GPA
>Had a job lined up before I even graduated
>45k starting because it was 10 years ago and I had no experience
>Jump around changing jobs every 3ish years
>Now making about 260k total comp
>Probably going to get promoted end of the month for close to 350k total comp
>30 hour work week
Life is good. People cope and seethe about tech being a bubble. If it's a bubble I'm riding it to the top and when it pops I'll still be able to do your job better than you. Tongue my anus.

>> No.54496833

are you in some rust belt city? obviously you're not making much.

>> No.54496839

Having connected parents sound comfy. Sitting here with immigrant parents that never went to college like

>> No.54496943

>Cubicle farm
Most software companies are open concept office plans with free food and drinks. Most of us don't even go into the office. Glad for you if you're happy but the job isn't what you think it is. You were probably right to drop it though. The major is like 10% programming and 90% theory. Very boring. Worth it in the end though.

>> No.54496980

Lol kys shitskin

>> No.54497016

Not until I taint your bloodline and make your children shine my shoes, whitoid. Your time has passed.

>> No.54497067

Lol ok. Watching a lot of holly eh? I’m laughing. You really believe the wage slave muh diversity! Thing? How many upper middle class blond women do you know? Cmon, tell me. How many lacrosse playing multimillionaire men in their twenties do you associate with?

What kind of boots do you were when you hurdle? Do you play water polo? We aren’t in the same league and your marvel movie watching office working shitskin ass maybe will get some low class white trash woman to touch ur pee pee, but MY children will never see you as more than a nigger or spic or janitor. Lmao so hard at u. Maybe if you were a homely Asian woman I could see you maybe marrying my son maybe.

>> No.54497125

Were you at nigga? Haha getting your John lobbs ready for that shine boy?

>> No.54497128

Every woman I've dated for the past 5 years was at least 200k annual. I'm not old money wealthy but I'm doing alright for myself. About 40k away from 1% status.

>> No.54497175

You date white blonde women? I don’t believe it. You’re Indian right? Defiantly not a nigger. More of a jeet street shitter.

What do you consider 1%? I’m laughing and I’m just the family dead head coasting on byyyy

Your WORKING lmaoo

>> No.54497197

Yes. It's really not that hard. Metropolitan white women are everything you think they are. They vote left wing and they're desperate to be seen as "not racist".
I'm black Caribbean. Tall, in great shape, and good looking. Combine that with being near top 1% earning in my age group and it's not hard at all. Women are out earning men so their lizard brains still hardwired for hypergamy will seek out any man that earns more than them.

>> No.54497231

the big question is anon. which jambands did you follow?

>> No.54497239

How are you 6 figures in debt are you retarded?

>> No.54497286

Disco biscuits, widespread, further

>> No.54497328

hell yeah man. Living the dream. I like Disco biscuits, further is fucking sick of course I’m a huge deadhead. Never really go into WSP, you from the south or something? I’m from the Northeast so I’ve seen a ton of Phish. Regardless stumbling upon a jamband following 4chan poster is quite a rare sight

>> No.54497365

I have seen a ton of phish. Went to Chicago to see trey play w dead and co

I’ve been all around this world man. Now I talk trash on the internet.

>> No.54497386

>doing 3 hours of actual work a day
This isn't the brag everyone thinks it is. You're only ever expected to do 2-3 hours of actual REAL productive work. The only people who have to "work" a full 8+ shift are service workers (dumb) or manual laborers (low IQ+dumb). If you're white collar your employer (if they're worth shit) is fully cognizant of the fact that you are only putting in that much work every day. The rest of that time is just psychological, to keep you feeling like you're doing something you shouldn't and therefore agree to less pay compared to the ACTUAL work you do, otherwise wages would be $800/hr for a lot of finance and legal work, ie consultancy rates.
Baffling how long it takes wagies to figure this out, if they ever do.

>> No.54497418

well why don't you just become an oil driller, that's what I'd do if I lived in the US, Petroleum Engineering.

>> No.54497420

right on man. I’m just starting my journey, trying to figure out life. just graduated from an ivy league school last year with a cs degree and started working a boring ass cs job, I came here to try to figure out how to park my money best now that I have some. any advice? and life advice? I hate this job and wanna work on my own terms, I have a ton of discipline and know I can do shit and make it if I just took the risk. I wanna follow jambands again man

>> No.54498624

>Boston is rustbelt
Read you fucking retard!

>> No.54498736

I'm pretty sure this class of people, STEM majors who worked their ass off to get a decently lucrative job but fell just short of upper middle class money, are entirely responsible for the past bullruns. They have a lot of disposable income but desperately want status-changing gains, the tech angle appeals to them, etc.

So if this subgroup disappears from the economy somehow we're fucked

>> No.54498838

i work oilfield unironically and let me tell you that your job is a joke, we get paid like we do cause this job literally puts us in wheelchairs after 10 years doing it.

>> No.54498874

Anon, your lunch break is over. Please put your phone in your locker and go take over Register 3.

>> No.54498932

Is this for real? You only make $28/hour in fricken boston? People working in warehouses make that much in Boston.

>> No.54499354

Hello Sir. What does B.S means? Bullshit?

>> No.54499434

Yeah probably bricsfags letting in all the India engineers to saturate the job market too, right?

>> No.54499461

Take note this is a bot thread that's been reposted over 4000 times.
None of the replies are real people, these are "engagement" posts
maybe a few real replies from retards but this shows you how this is a time wasting containment board.

>> No.54499472
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>degree in CS
>2 years work experience at Deloitte
>left cause it was mind numbing javascript work and I hated it
>want to work with c++ cause thats what I use in my spare time
>can't even land any interviews cause Im seen as a javascript jeet

>> No.54499480

>B.S. in Electrical Engineering
> 6 figures in debt
nobody asked you to put yourself in such debt
> A dogshit hourly wage of 28 dollars
> better off being a codejeet
literally all obsolete with GPT4 alone.
> sister fucking hick oil driller
yeah you can't beat that
> 28 dollars
Yeah EE is not getting what it deserves, never knew why. There is such a shortage of quality & well trained engineers in all fields between Electronics & Soft. Eng.

>> No.54499519

It is but they want only semiconductor engineers now and that stuff is brutal. And everything else like electrical grid overhaul and etc. no one wants to pay top tier prices for that overhaul and people are fine that our electrical grid is good enough but shit for resilience and will largely go kaput if a possible war breaks out or a sunstorm irradiates Earth.

>> No.54499530

Lol dude I made 26.50’sorting cardboard by color at a Frito lay warehouse LOL

>> No.54499538
File: 38 KB, 657x527, 1595577583811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you are the less intelligent between you and the oil driller. Has this ever crossed your mind? Have you contemplated that?

IQ and quality of life are highly corelated, or are you the one exception? ( Hint: You are not )

>> No.54499565

keep voting for illegal migration open borders, surely that will help wages rise

>> No.54499574

big doubt. post blonde wifes tits for proof

>> No.54499581

People like you are why America is failing

>> No.54499633

The real suffering with using AutoCAD is its single thread performance. Why can't Autodesk into multithreading?

>> No.54499641

Should’ve got your CDL instead faggit

>> No.54499668

>be me
>dirt poor monkey man
>work in farming making £10 an hour
>eat soil from the ground for sustenance
>not sure what else to do, am 19 currently
>might go to college at one some point

>> No.54500665

Yeah dude, fucking Civils, mechanical, and other midwit engineering undergrads make MORE here in Mass than EEs!

>> No.54500712

Lmfao Im a journeyman electrician and make 31 dollars an hour. I thought electrical engineering seemed like a better career route but I guess not ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.54500735

No matter how many deranged daddy-issue women on pills and birth control you have sex with, you will never be White. You're children will never be White. You will never know how the White man see's the world. You will always be a low IQ NPC. You're a Jewish golem, given actualization by a Satan worshipping cult that wishes to destroy civilization.

>> No.54500755

>be welder
>back and heel hurt

>> No.54500786

you mentioned the first job was boring but didn't mention if the second one was, only the pay

>> No.54500926

Not interested in being white. Not interested in fucking white women anymore. They're boring entitled whores. I'm actually married now so you don't need to feel insecure. The white whores are all yours now. Marry one so she can transition you son at 3.

>> No.54501276
File: 224 KB, 1992x1992, 1620559989189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>BA in Accounting
>Paid $90k/yr to email invoices and stare at spreadsheets for a few hours a day
>Have only around $20k in debt from a state college
>Less than 4 years experience, including a 18 month Covid NEET gap

lmao at you CS and engineering faggots

>> No.54501538

White collar is just a name for the new aristocracy, so the blue collars don't get wise and cut off our heads again.
Like the olden aristocracy, the majority of the jobs are busywork to make it look like you're working to the serfs. That, or they're fulfilling, like being the guy that designs siege engines.

>> No.54501549

>He has debt

holy shit anon I would legitimately kill myself unironically.

>> No.54501579

alot of blue collars earn on par or more than white collars thoughever unless you work software/engineering. also most blue collars are fully aware white collars dont do shit all day and they make fun of you for it. have fun staring at a screen for 8 hours, diversity training, HR roasties trying to ruin your life etc

>> No.54501684

>Only 90k
>Has debt
>Likely no upward mobility because you don't do shit
lol. LMAO even

>> No.54501754

>>All the while some 70 iq mississippi retard can go work in oil, makes 70k just sitting on his ass and changing the drill with similar retards once in a while
then do that. or impotently whine like a woman on this childrens cartoon forum. that might help too....

>> No.54501755

>electrical engineers are always well paid anons
No they aren't, our salaries haven't risen in like 20 years. Meanwhile home prices have quadrupled in that same time frame and inflation is out of control. Some dickhead manager at Burger King outearns me.

>> No.54502155

Your skin is the color of poop my man. You need to be killed

>> No.54502292

Yeah nothing is easier than turning wrenches on a oil field 14 hours a day and bunking with sweaty men

>> No.54502308

then dont do it. or whine about it impotently on this childrens cartoon forum. that should help

>> No.54502359

>Push STEM for years
>Finally STEM fags have been eclipsed by their own doing
>Only the top of the top STEM fags now get paid good
>The rest of the STEM fags realize they must now actually contribute to the economy in meaningful ways instead of being contrarian haterade sipping homos

You get what you fucking deserve, acting all high and mighty because you had a few more neural synapses to do numbers. Now grovel as I sell you infinitely superior designed products at a fraction of the cost.

>> No.54502383

>worked as EE making $80k in middle of nowhere for two years
>now making $103k in Orlando as a systems engineer
will probably be at $110-115k in the next couple years because of some stuff that happened on my program that will get me a raise, and if it doesn't I'll just get another opportunity

if you're unhappy in electrical try to switch to systems, you'll have more career options going forward especially regarding remote work opportunities

>> No.54502396

I'm a codejeet making 130k a year and I just bought a house in New Mexico
>why would you buy now
Because prices aren't getting any cheaper and I make enough to pay it off early so don't really give a shit about interest rate.

>> No.54502407


>Marry one so she can transition you son at 3.


>> No.54502869

My skin is the color of trees and the soil that keeps this planet alive. Lower your tone when you speak, minority.

>> No.54502945

You'll probably die smoking meth with hobos in LA, if you're that much of an irresponsible manchild as you're bragging to be in your blogpost

>> No.54503011

>BSEE class of 2015 3.71 GPA
"well paid" is relative
just because we get paid better than dipshits who wipe down urinals doesn't make it worth the effort
if these days a low effort, low visibility, low accountability job pays $30 an hour why bother with a career to get the equivalent of $45 an hour

>> No.54503054

>if you're unhappy in electrical try to switch to systems, you'll have more career options going forward especially regarding remote work opportunities
this is enticing, what specifically do I need to brush up on to do this

>> No.54503085

development isn't boring. it's 90% of the time like playing tetris all day and 10% of the time like solving a hard math problem

>> No.54503389

Different ID same faggot.
How and why are you changing your ID, just to type in the same style and respond in first person?
You may have money but you're a fucking loser for trying to impress people on this site.
inb4 your sockpuppet devices try to convince me you're not samefagging on 10 devices.

>> No.54503426

Here I found more:
All the same person different ID.
Why are you subhuman?

>> No.54503466

This isnt even this faggot's thread, why is he using 11+ fresh id's to post in it?
Why is half this thread his shit ass posts?
Why is he so mad at some other dude for racebaiting?
This guy is a giga loser and has way too much time on his hands and it shows. Talks like an imbecile as well. I feel sorry for his dumbfuck family.