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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54495934 No.54495934 [Reply] [Original]

Any anons in sales?
How does your company/company you wageslave for creates interest when you're offering services as a commercial agent/middle man?
I've been trying to look into it, but it's all just marketing jargon, saying a lot without telling you anything..
Ideas, anons?

>> No.54495980

It's all about the SEO, it's very difficult to target digital ads especially if you are selling a very specialized product. In my experience cold calls/emails are largely worthless. You have to be able to set up some kind of mechanism whereby people come to you. Definitely boost your SEO, have a high quality website designed to get people right into the sales funnel.

>> No.54496047
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>> No.54496181

Thank you for your input. I think I've managed to sort out my SEO, I also have the business strategy down to a tee, the only thing I struggle with is the target clientele and how to approach them.
To give you a little bit of a more specific idea, I've created a method where I can identify the best possible prices within localised markets anywhere in the world for buyer/suppliers alike, I just struggle with finding the companies that need them most.
Basically being a middle man, charging 1-2% on top of the overall sales price, connecting them, whatever the goods might be.

>> No.54496243

So like a purchasing agent? I don't know what to call it but you definitely want to be utilizing sales funnels to get the leads to come to you, get them on the phone, get a quote out ASAP or just give it over the phone. The best position in sales is to have somebody who knows what they want come to you looking for a price and looking for quickest turnaround. Fuck cold calling, digital ads can sometimes work but not usually in b2b.

>> No.54496497

Basically, yeah.
I have been in sales for years, responsible for millions of dollars, so i decided to do my own thing.

I'm literally struggling with what you've been saying. i understand the process, I'm just lost when it comes to actually identifying the companies that can be turned into leads. Just can't figure out the non-autistic side of it, essentially, KEK

>> No.54496699

Make sure you have a very clear definable set of keywords that somebody looking for your kind of business would search and pump that shit up on your SEO for your website. Also if there are any other kind of business listings you can get on do that. I would start in a local area before you go worldwide because it is much easier to manipulate SEO in a single market. But then again that goes back to your business plan whether you have identified a market because you're not going to be able to cover the whole world when you are just starting out. You really have to know what kind of customer you are looking for.

>> No.54497210


you might be right, now I think about it. AS in approaching it by breaking the context down. Thank you anon, glad to see that this place still has some decent anons around