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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54492989 No.54492989 [Reply] [Original]

How do I profit off vaccines in our cheeseburgers?

>> No.54493041
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>mRNA vaccines are safe and effective stop spreading misinformation directed towards pharmaceutical monopolies

>> No.54493068

Not the same as injecting it directly into your bloodstream. Not even close.

>> No.54493073

There will be more that dont do this than do. Simply find a non mentally ill farmer

>> No.54493080

Globohomo cope. Not nearly the same as direct injection

>> No.54493082

Name 1 difference in practice retarded leftist tranny

>> No.54493084

>implying this isn't already happening
it's hilarious "purebloods" think they are not consuming god knows what kind of vaccinated meat already and have been for decades

>> No.54493090

I think the hospital snuck a vaccine on me when I was arguing with them in 2021.
I was coming in for infections and they refused to treat me because of not being vaccinated made a big fuse then came and gave me antibiotics but they gave me a shot right before and didn't say what it was.
I've been having organ failure since.

>> No.54493101

It's of course still garbage, but supposedly the mRNA vaccine needs below-freezing temperatures to work (kill/clot).

I'd still not eat something that has been toyed with mRNA regardless, but that's not a concern of mine since I only eat local produce by family farmers. Suck it up, city cuck.

>> No.54493314

I was ok with vaccine shedding because of sex because I wasn't going to have it anyways but now food? FFS

>> No.54493366

Big nothing burger. Even if the mrna vax was dangerous(it's not), mrna breaks down rapidly in human and animal bodies.

Don't worry chuds, you can still safely eat meat.

>> No.54493370

Looks like only bugs or slow death are the options.....

>> No.54493397

Still not going to eat mrna meat

>> No.54493406

welp time to become a vegetarian jk im just going to die

>> No.54493447
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WEF cant wait to feed you ze bugz.

>> No.54493505

We now have 2 choices:
>eat ze vaccine burger
>cook all meat till well done
Being vegetarian isn't an option.

>> No.54493598

nothing is sacred to these people, i understood that after they ruined star wars

>> No.54493628

Buy your meat directly from farm butchers. Commercial meat packing plants are disgusting.

>> No.54493678

take a sip from the tranny can, take a bite of the jab-burger, get fucking boosted, murrica

>> No.54493714
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forgot pic of tranny can
pride of america: bud light
this is how western civilization dies, with an open mouthed grin on a tranny can. i haven't had sex in years, the system is broken. i don't know where the irony ends and where i begin i think maybe i unironically meant what i said.

>> No.54493740

Do you have money?
I have influence, how do you think the founding fathers took back their country?
A band of brothers.

Sitting around moping while your brothers are being killed for three years straight sure is fixing the problem.

>> No.54493769

they tossed the tea overboard and yelled "no taxation without representation!" then had a war with canada until the uk gave up. i don't really see how going to war with canada is going to fix things this time but im open to the idea

>> No.54493811

Then why are they doing it?

>> No.54493835

They formed alliances and secret meetings for years, I'm a direct descendant of the sons of liberty.
Go do some research they didn't just pour over tea, they kicked in teeth and burnt down homes.
Tarred and feathered the elite and humiliated them ran them out of town, the british feared them.
Whining on a board is no different than being an NPC.
I've influenced others if you got money it's time to do your part.
Or die clutching your pearls as trannies drinking chinese owned beer teabag your corpse.

>> No.54494097

Is there a reliable source for this?

>> No.54494106

Kill them

>> No.54494112

>Whining on a board
thats what you're doing you stupid nigger kys

>> No.54494127

No I'm influencing people with money you dumb nigger, I know over 15 white american millionaires.
All younger than me, what have you done?
>whines about me telling others they are whining
Where you dumb poor niggers came from is beyond me but the crab in the bucket mentality can go back to /pol/ where it belongs.
It's a containment board to keep you whining which is working excellently.

>> No.54494152

Also I guarantee you aren't even american probably some paki nigger spamming about his online scam casino, this board is also a containment board to keep people like myself from influencing those with power.

Change comes from two things, Influence and Money.
Usually those with money lack influence, usually those lack money have influence.
Ying and yang except the elite know if they airbuffer each other nothing gets done.

>> No.54494261

I buy most of my meat from Mennonite butcher - no bullshit

>> No.54494356

seems like the goycattle isn't dying fast enough so they're going to pump mRNA into larger doses to kill city-dwellers

>> No.54494375

>vaxxing the cows
npcs were literal test subjects for this shit LMAO

>> No.54494434

>doesn't know about prions
>wonders why prion diseases are exploding
>knows it's definitely not due to vaccination cuz vaccines are safe and effective

>> No.54494474

>i've influenced others
by doing what? whining on a board? influenced them to do what? whine on other boards? you didn't do shit, what the fuck are you even talking about?

>> No.54494724

Why are they doing it then?

>> No.54494762
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For what purpose?

>> No.54494869
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>> No.54494913

>wonders why prion diseases are exploding

>> No.54494950

Gee, I dunno. Maybe so the livestock doesn't create an advanced strain of covid that can be not only physically dangerous but also be dangerous to their bottom line?

>> No.54494976

mrna is fragile as hell, even if it was in the food it's not surviving your stomach.

>> No.54495008
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>predditor spacing
>muh safe and effective
kek just go back kikefaggot
your psyopdemic failed and even normalfags are aware of the bullshit, which is really saying something
Picrel $400 EOY btw sc this

>> No.54495042

you really don't know, do you

>> No.54495056

>i haven't had sex in years

I'm getting as much sex as i want. Maybe you've got other problems lol

>> No.54495076

I would be investing in companies like moink and any other business that offers organic meat delivered by mail. That's how I'd try to profit. Hell that's how I'm going to try to eat if this shit keeps up.

>> No.54495085
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meat is truly disgusting. only amerimutts still eat that cancerous glop

>> No.54495092

vaccines are technically allowed under fda organic rules

>> No.54495095

you won't do shit

>> No.54495115

hes full of shit, theres barely any data on prions disease (CJD) cases beyond 2020 but the few i could find had numbers for 2021-2023 in the same neighborhood as pre-covid



>> No.54495136

Does no one understand/care how vaccines are supposed to work anymore?

>> No.54495138

I'm starting to feel that I'm approaching the point of simply not caring any longer.

>> No.54495189

mRNA tells your body to make something.
Inject it to a cow, tells the cow's body to make the thing (if it works cross-species lol). Eat the cow, you've eaten the thing the cow made.
This is massively different from instructing a human body to continuously create the thing.

>> No.54495206

Are you American? They gave you something for free and you didn't question it?

>> No.54495238

>anti-vaxxers are against eating ze bug
>use anti-vaxx mentality to turn them against meat

>> No.54495246

so you are eating spike proteins? looks like i know what to buy to get my macros in.

>> No.54495254

>be seething vegan, angry at the world
>((they)) decide to start mRNA vaccinating livestock
>cows develop undetectable prions
>meat eaters contract these by eating meat
>meat eaters all develop vcjd, go insane and then die
>only people left in the world are seething vegans
>well done, farmers

>> No.54495260
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yea looks like there is no abnormal increase, unlike with cancer.

>> No.54495270

vaxxie cope not sneeded

>> No.54495289

>Mmm, I love when the government injects cattle in my country with hormones and other artificial garbage.
This is why people in the UK fought us on trying to keep our food away from their shores. Chlorinated chicken should not be a thing.

>> No.54495436

Not if you buy local meat from your town butcher. Isn’t it time for your 7th shot?

>> No.54495458

Plants get tumours too, you malnourished basedboy.

>> No.54495465

meat is what rich people eat.

>> No.54495514

The mRNA nanoparticles have to be stored in dry ice so there's no way it will survive cooking.

>> No.54495530

>can i get a kosher fable from a member of my tribe on how they're poisoning the goyim's food?
ask your rabbi

>> No.54495539

They aren't, it's just propaganda to make people stop eating meat. If it worked that way then they would add it to bread or just put it in the water supply.

>> No.54495544

meat is for poor people
it's massively subsidized and much cheaper than anything else other than corn to produce

the truly wealthy eat such a small quantity of meat compared to the poor

>> No.54495558

>$160 for 10lbs of meat
lol fuck off shill

>> No.54495571

Not really. It looks like the tech is still being developed, but that it could eventually be used and so both pro-business livestock people (like ranchers) and anti-vax people are getting out ahead of its use.

OP's article guy: https://substack.com/profile/32839960-greg-reese

It's basically the GMO fear cycle but with livestock.

>> No.54495617

I’m an actual scientist working in mRNA vaccine development. AMA and I might entertain your question if it’s not blithely retarded.

>> No.54495628

Also, read the comments in https://gregreese.substack.com/p/american-farmers-to-begin-injecting if you want to stare into the abyss. Don't ever say 4chan is the internet's asshole again when blog comment sections exist.

>> No.54495643

If they could poison us that way then they would have done it instead of forcing us to be vaxxed

>> No.54495653

only those who are only now learning about mRNA are scared of it
if you learned about it in high school biology you'd know you're full of it already

>> No.54495680

jesus you burgers are retards. thank god your food is banned in the EU. If they start doing that shit here then im growing my own cows.

>> No.54495687

Don't believe that line of thinking. Power is not the same as being infallible.

>> No.54495712

is Pfizer mutating the virus to make their own lethal strains? did the US help create the furin cleavage site and make covid gain function of attacking human lung cells? If yes, why ?

>> No.54495713

This is terrible. People might start eating meat because they want the vaccine, and I want them all to be vegan like me. I'm vegan.

>> No.54495735

The concern is what effect it has on the meat. mRNA can be used to manufacture any protein, so what is this one making? Could it become misfolded and turn into a prion?

>> No.54495791

I for one am glad that my future meat is getting protected against the risks of covid. But am still concerned with the lack of social distancing in the cow community. How can we tackle this issue?

>> No.54495843
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so thats why Gill Bates was buying up so much farmland....

>> No.54496011

He’s the reason chicken eggs prices have skyrocketed too

>> No.54496069

Take your meds fucking faggot schizo

>> No.54496079

>coof vax goes bad if not refrigerated
>burgers get cooked to an internal temperature of 165 F

>> No.54496096


>> No.54496143

>is Pfizer mutating the virus to make their own lethal strains?
Not to my knowledge
>did the US help create the furin cleavage site and make covid gain function of attacking human lung cells?
How would I know? But they do occur naturally, so no immediate cause for alarm

>> No.54496567

>glownig answers
go back larping bitch

>> No.54496898

I’m not going to pretending like I know if the coof was rationally designed or not. I don’t have access to that type of information, nor does anyone ITT. It would be unscientific to say otherwise. I was more interested if anyone had questions about RNA or LNPs

>> No.54497048
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>livestock here been on a cocktail of vaccines, anabolics and antibiotics for decades now to ensure strong, healthy populations, leading to very real problems after human consumption such as antibiotic resistance
who cares lmao gimme dat beef
>some vaccines will now use mRNA transmission

>> No.54497058

I love how carnists would rather eat this than just go vegan

>> No.54497077

Bill Gates owns 0.026% of US farmland.
He’s a billionaire with a diverse investment portfolio, not some grand mastermind plotting the takeover of the American agriculture industry.

And you people are gullible fucking retards.

>> No.54497268

nice damage control, goy.

>> No.54497674

You do realize mRNA allows the execution of arbitrary code by the animal's cells? They could have it produce any protein they like.

>> No.54497682

>Bill Gates owns 0.026% of US farmland.
That's an enormous amount for an individual, more than any other individual. And the acquisition was done discreetly.

>> No.54497711

post nose

>> No.54497939

Fuck you.

>> No.54498225
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>sticking up for bill gates

>> No.54498304

>Eat the cow, you've eaten the thing the cow made.
Yeah I'm not doing that, it'll either be shit I hunt/raise myself or whatever I can get locally that isn't poisoned by leftie freaks. Have fun eating your 666 meat.

>> No.54498440

Antivaxfags won't care.

>> No.54498467
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boycott solves this
wonder WHO is behind this (not the farmer but the one who gave him that order)