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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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54490594 No.54490594 [Reply] [Original]

>+1000 customers freeloading for the past 5 years
>each customer is now being asked to pay between 100k-2 millions to keep the lights on
>already 25 projects agreed to give up 5% of their entire supply to link stakers
>and that's before ccip flips the switch for real
>token still not needed though

>> No.54490624
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Yes, the token is not needed and you should definitely NOT buy it

>> No.54490659

The token won't be needed until nodes are forced to burn some of the LINK tokens they receive as payment and won't be able to dump 100% of their payment.
Node operators are the biggest parasites of the network.
Just look at the fiasco it enabled with Linkpool.
Didn't make any reserve during a bull market to prepare for a bear market because the money was so easy.

Until there is a transaction tax imposed on the node operators it won't matter how many billions in profit node operators make because that money will never flow into the token.

>> No.54490699

The token has been needed for literally everything nodes do since May 2019

>> No.54490718

I can literally launch a web3 app right now and consume price feeds for free, nobody can stop me. So how exactly are they going to force people to pay?

>> No.54490736

Most users (especially the big ones) have custom feeds and services.

>> No.54490739

Really? Can you give me an example?
Aave is consuming the exact same feeds everyone else is.

>> No.54490741
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>chainlink secures 10 trillion and the entire western financial system
Looks like the token will never be needed

>> No.54490748

yes and they still use LINK
gains.trade has its own custom Decentralized Oracle Network (DON) which chainlink has nothing to do with
and guess what, nodes still are paid in LINK

>> No.54490821
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>Can you give me an example?
See pic.

You can be needed and still do poorly. That's how speculation works.

Yes, absolutely.

>> No.54490881

so....it's a shitcoin and a trash investment? got it

>> No.54490896


>> No.54490899

Either that or the market is being temporarily irrational and Link is really a pressure cooker on the verge of exploding.
Up to you.

>> No.54490998

>Either that
yeah sounds like a shitcoin with useless pie in the sky (((potential))) usecases

>> No.54491249

You really should try not to get emotional about investments.

>> No.54491263

Example 1:
User 1 buys LINK, pays the node service with LINK a predefined amount in $.
The node receives LINK for the service and sells LINK on an exchange to receive $ instead.

Why should the LINK token be valuable if it's an intermediary no one is economically encouraged to hold and only used to convert back and forth from dollars?

Example 2:
Same as before, but the node operators is forced to burn 10% of his payment as a tax toward the network.
The node only sells 90% of the LINK received as payment and 10% of the transaction income flows into the network directly.

The LINK token will progressively accumulate the value of all transactions in the network and grow exponentially for a linear growth and hyper exponentially with an exponential growth.

>> No.54491335

>The node receives LINK for the service and sells LINK on an exchange to receive $ instead.
Exactly like Bitcoin miners.

>> No.54491369

So I've never bought this since I got into crypto at peak bear market but it seems to have bottomed out. Good time to buy?

>> No.54491599

nodes are encouraged to accumulate link in order to stake it for higher reputation and therefore more jobs

>> No.54492516

Just like Gamestop right?

>> No.54492598

this but it is beyond the comprehension of the average tard here so they will shout you down as bulgarian

and the token has capture no value since it was one speculative bubble during the summer of defi and when everything was mooning on sergays subsidies link languished
why was that you think

>> No.54492619

During their Twitter space with polygon a Chainlink employee, William reilly, said that ccip is “imminent”. Thinking end of month and consensus.

>> No.54492650

>the nodes doing jobs are parasites
t. parasite

>> No.54492697

You may make money but the psychological damage you will suffer from all the manipulation will make you regret that decision if you don't see this as a last opportunity and are not prepared to sacrifice everything for it.
You are not prepared for what is coming.

>> No.54492766

the paychological torture is truly hellish

>> No.54492805

Please someone explain how CCIP works and how the token is involved in any way, and prove it with a source. Literally go through the documentation. CCIP is just a library of contracts that are supposed to be solid enough that you just run them on a couple of nodes without any LINK needed.

>> No.54492828

there is no psychological torture you fucking homos, just walk away from the screen. grab your bike, go outside, take a hike, play some vidya, whatever
just don't sell and don't care about fud, its litterally that simple

>> No.54492852

Nobody will ever pay for Chainlink.

They will refuse to pay and Chainlink will bend the knee on fees.

Chainlink needs their launch partners more than the other way around.

Mark my words lol

>> No.54492861

People that generate money for the network are parasites? Probably a rekt LPL retard holder posting this kek

>> No.54492913
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>just be a cuckold bro!
lmao Linkies are so deranged they're still clinging to their hopium after 6 years






>> No.54492955

>-10cents from this post
these cucks will never stop being nastyslob's toilet LMAO

>> No.54493129

No, not at all like Gamestop. Are you a 2020 tourist perhaps?

>> No.54493217
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>chainlink fudder tries to post 3 times without thinking about cuckoldry challenge (impossible)

>> No.54493223

From a psychiatric perspective the word "cuckold" triggers Link marines so much because subconsciously they know it's their true nature. Imagine holding a premined token with terrible tokenomics for 6 years hoping to make it just to see your pathetic bags get outperformed by the entire market while you stake your measly tokens for sub par bond tier gains (4% APY). The cherry on top of the cake is Sergey Nastyslob who stringed along the community while he made $500 million by dumping on gullible retail investors like you.

Thus the cuckold nature of the Link marine is an undeniable reality. As with every cult pointing out the truth is often uncomfortable for the cult members. But the truth is....Link marines are simply cuckolds.

>> No.54493342

this, only two more weeks

>> No.54494019
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okay cuckold

>> No.54494033

CCIP is very imminent for release to the market

>> No.54494234

They are not and have no competition.
Even in the worst case situation if staking is implemented and requires a high amount of capital they would still have the option to borrow from bag holders.
And this hypothetical staking v1.0 is at best 2 years away during which the token will hold no value.
You have to keep up with the competition in this space and adapt or grow into irrelevance.
Staking was the scam of 2021 which Chainlink still hasn't implemented yet, and ETH has now switched to a deflationary model.
If all they can do is lag 5 years behind their competitors they will never get more investors who only focus on economics.

PoW is a dying model which has been deprecated by PoS and ETH's new economic model.
Even Ari went to explain to the government why PoW was bad.
It's time to adapt grandpa.

>> No.54494278

The worst is that the current entirely subsidizes node operators but has no mechanism in place to manage the future network development and maintenance costs once the remaining token supply is depleted.
Node operators don't pay a cent for the network's new feature development and profit from every new use case.

That's not a long lasting acceptable economic model if this network is meant to be used for a century.
Sooner or later Chainlink Labs will have to get funded by the network itself even if they have enough left to dump for one more decade.
Implementing a tax mechanism would give a new income stream directly to the network collective that could be used for global purposes and not the individual profit of a node operator.

>> No.54494504

You are completely full of shite you low rent nobody. Look at you there, fudding away like your life depended on it. For what? To prevent fellow anons making it on the best chance there will ever be.
You absolute fucking prick. Fuck you to hell. Jesus.

>> No.54494586

the best chance for fellow anons to make it was deflationary ether at sub 1000 price, still is right now tho and he isnt fudding he is giving valid criticism such that if implemented by the team would actually help the token
but you are too far gone to even recognize that, link really killed the board

>once the remaining token supply is depleted
its still centralized anon, the ultimate betrayal of we need another 1 billion tokens to help us grow is coming and everyone knows it
he has at all times demonstrated a complete contempt of all token holders and the function of the network isnt impacted by it

>> No.54494826

Yes, Sergey betrayed on a level which I previously didn't think possible.
I still think it's the result of a past traumatic event in his life when he experienced a betrayal.
This memory gave him the desire to replace trust with a system based on truth.
However as we saw from the multiple betrayals, his belief of trust being bad keeps being manifested into reality.
Because he believes this he keeps attracting low trust scammers and keeps betraying people's expectations.

Until he fixes his past traumatic memory and revisits his past he will never change this and keep betraying more.

The only slight hope remaining is that there is a slight chance that staking 1.0 will enable a more decentralized network.
Maybe if the token remains in this range long enough it will force them to wake up to reality.
Maybe that's what we are seeing with the oracle feed price increases, but I don't have any trust left and will only believe something which can be proven to be true.

Also they should build their own statistics website to show the real state and income of the network.
Why is it that they give up this power to fuders like Dune Analytics when it's so important for investors?
Here is the model of reference: https://ultrasound.money/
COPY IT and don't let incompetent thieves working for a node operator do it for you.
This should be Chainlink Labs' own responsibility to maintain such a website.

>> No.54495086

The usual discord nufudders are actually a lower form of life than unpaid internet janitors:
>constantly making 50+ pbtid fudding in discussion threads over 10+ hours whenever they're up
>the rest of the time they seem to be seething, samefagging, and monitoring in up to 6 fud threads at any one time during their "rush hour"
>sometimes when they're really upset because no one takes them seriously, they'll spam the board with nikado avacado's asshole threads
>they have been doing this possibly since 2021, when a lot of them bought the top and never recovered
>others lost their stacks on bancor and celsius
>some even think that they're "fighting the wef" by posting on here - yes they're that retarded
>lets be generous with the math and say that they've only done this for five days a week (including holidays) for one year (50x52=2600 hours spent doing this maybe, not including the time they've spent making low quality memes and looking at pictures of the best cock cages to use)
>all over an apparently shitty and unimportant crypto
>on a board that doesn't even affect the prices
>all for FREE

They fud because their lives DO depend on it, anon. You really think that some of them wont disappear post singularity with all the money will have? Imagine wasting thousands of hours of your life to pump out garbage fud, only to end up being forced to read all of the shit you wrote as some paid thug goes to town on you with pliers.

>> No.54495102

not at low latency. the heartbeats don't operate at the speed needed for perps

>> No.54495104

>each customer is now being asked to pay between 100k-2 millions to keep the lights
do we have any official source of that happening other than that twitter screencap of some tranny crying?

>> No.54495148

I am seething that I didn’t get paid in time for $1K eth. I refuse to buy it at this price when I can get tens of thousands of LINK and just pray we hit old ATH

>> No.54495190

25 x 100,000 = 2.5 million
/ 1 billion
= $0.0025
Currently $7
So you're saying that LINK is currently 280000% overpriced?
Thanks for the bullish centiment

>> No.54495201
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So here's the big enchillada. From a psychiatric perspective the word "cuckold" triggers Link marines so much because subconsciously they know it's their true nature. Imagine holding a premined erc-20 token with terrible tokenomics for 6 years hoping to make it just to see your pathetic bags get outperformed by the entire market while you stake your measly tokens for sub par bond tier gains (4% APY). The cherry on top of the cake is Sergey who stringed along the community while he made $500 million by dumping on gullible retail investors like you. The cuckold nature of the Link marine is an undeniable reality. As with every cult pointing out the truth is often uncomfortable for the cult members. But the truth is....Link marines are simply cuckolds.

>> No.54495205

It's very problematic that I am once again called a fuder.
The previous time this happened was before the dump last year in May...

We may really get to see this price range breached to the downside if there are this many cultist bag holders left who refuse to see reality.
Wake up from reality and ask Chainlink Labs to be accountable for their actions, or you will keep getting betrayed.

>> No.54495242

and despite calling them out for it the cultist still show up
rather then copypasta address the issues presented i'll summarize

1: despite the project being used and adopted there is still no value capture for token holders
2: sergey has betrayed immensely when do you see it stop

>> No.54495309

i disagree with that tho, only very strong hands left everyone who would dump out of fear did so long ago, the december mini dump against the market was the last fear selling which was over staking details
its now a market controlled entirely by the market makers and they can divorce an asset from reality for a long time
this range will be broken via a big update to its utility by the team that changes token value capture, one way or the other with the biggest probability to the upside
the question is of course how long till deliver and how sustainable

>> No.54495350

>noooooo guysssthhh you cant use unapproved wordsthh

>where are the HECKIN mods!?!?


Stfu cuck

>> No.54495442
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Blah blah blah hes a fucking piece of shit sociopath whos going down next run of sec arrests.

>> No.54495455

See, the thing is, if someone bought link then he [is already retarded of course, but that's not the point] quickly realizes that he fell for a meme and bought a literal shitcoin. So, what is his next step? He goes to /biz and starts to shill his shitlink, hoping that the price will go up again and he will get rif of the bags.
Of course that doesn't happen.
So, the linktard gets more and more frustrated and addicted to the link memes. Finally, the IQ of the linktard (already in critically low double digits, even before buying the memetoken) falls below the level of ambient air temperature, his consciousness switches off and the peripheral nervous system involuntarily connects to the hive mind of link shill collective on /biz.
Then, a linktard transforms into a new form, which is called linkshill.
The linkshill is completely lost to the humanity, he cannot be reasoned with and you cannot sway him with arguments. Linkshill's nervous system is fully controlled by the hive mind and his body can only react to certain external stimuli. You can see it for yourself, how it looks like, in this very thread - the absolute state of link shills, their ''arguments'' look like a weird mix of mumbling of a paranoid lunatic during a full moon and a Buddhist monk in a deep state of dissociation


it actually reminds me about the revelation of a former KGB agent, Yuri Bezmenov and how the Soviets were able to completely brainwash people to the point of complete denial, making people resistant to reason and any arguments.
I wouldn't be surprised if Mr. Sergey works for Russian secret services and all this LINK business is just psy warfare.

>> No.54495460
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Despite his many accomplishments, Sergey struggled with a serious addiction to Big Macs from McDonald's. He found it difficult to resist the allure of burgers and fries, and his love for fast food had caused him to become overweight and unhealthy.

One day, while working late at the office, Sergey met a young Muslim man named Amir who was working as an intern at Chainlink. Amir was smart, driven, and fiercely independent, and Sergey was immediately drawn to him.As they spent more time together, Sergey began to realize that he had feelings for Amir. But he was hesitant to act on them, knowing that Amir was a practicing Muslim and that their relationship would not be accepted by many in their community.
Despite these challenges, Sergey and Amir couldn't deny their feelings for each other, and they decided to pursue a relationship. They faced many obstacles and faced criticism from both their families and their colleagues, but they were determined to be together.

As their relationship deepened, Sergey and Amir faced an unexpected challenge: Sergey became pregnant. The news came as a shock to both of them, but they were determined to raise the child together and create a loving, supportive family.
Despite the many challenges they faced, Sergey and Amir remained committed to each other and their child. They knew that their love was strong enough to overcome any obstacle, and they were determined to build a bright future together.

>> No.54495463

Those strong hands don't seem to have a lot of buying power left when you look at the pathetic price action.
Chainlink is one of the weakest coin in the crypto market continuously exhibiting relative weakness and is currently battling for its life on the LINK/BTC chart after another manipulation dump.
If the higher low gets broken which has now become a possibility Chainlink is done for this year and probably the next one too.

The market has been controlled by the market makers since the start.
Unfortunately Sergey chose to ignore that until it was almost too late.

We are fucked if our only hope is an update in utility and token economics, because they still have no clue how to create proper economics for their centralized system.
Maybe Chainlink Functions can create some hype at least for the utility perspective, but this will come with a perfect timing for the next BTC dump.

They delayed their open beta phase for Chainlink Functions planned for end of March to May, saying it would be closer to the real release date.
The best we have right now is this feature coming at the end of May but probably with another 1-3 month delay for the end of the year.
Maybe they will release it with CCIP, but we don't have anything to end this range right now.

>> No.54495481

I have a PhD in crypto economics and mathematics. Crypto incentives in Chainlink are a legitimate concern. I saw Ari Juels speak at a conference recently where he mentioned tokens and asked him about the token economics of a node staking system like the Chainlink network is planning to use. The problem is that node operator incentives are fuzzy at best and not even figured out fully by the team (see the gitter for Steve stuttering about this). When I brought it up to Ari Juels, I told him that in the way the network is expected to be used, the fees payable to node operators would actually decline as requests become more ubiquitous because as the network grows it becomes cheaper to use. This makes sense if you took a few advanced cryptoeconomics courses. Ari admitted that it was a great question but that they were "actively pursuing research in that area." I sold my LINK immediately after that and saw a significant dump on the binance charts. It's pretty clear these guys are pulling you along making you think they're doing something revolutionary when the incentives aren't even fully determined yet.

>> No.54495538

The first ever crypto I bought is LUNC. Surely the psychological damage can't be any worse than what I've already suffered?

>> No.54495555

Lol oldfags make the most convincing fud.
You can tel they own LINK because how much they know about ot

>> No.54495568

I doubt this is true as Ari should not be focusing on economics and there is no crypto economics PhD.
The economics are a very simple thing when you look at the basics and can neutrally observe how the network should function.

If you want the token to be valuable after destroying or at best delaying and reducing the value of staking, then you have to burn the supply.
Binance is doing it, Ethereum too, and many others are doing the same thing.
This gives back the power against market makers to control the price and supply.

As for the costs of running oracles, this was known since the start.
The reason the network income is so pathetic is because it was optimized for low costs since the start.
However this is a profitable business method which allows exponential growth and market capture.
All they need is adoption to finally come, but it has been slowed down by all the SEC and US government fud and repeated attacks by FTX and the CIA.

>> No.54495572

And there you go anons, KEK shows the way.
Remembe, Oldfags haven't received the ROI they expected and now that CCIP is around the corner the thought of newfags getting in at this point without the years enrages them so the FUD.
Some do it for fun, some do it out of spite but all of them do it for free

>> No.54495582

Didn't read plus you don't even check my Quads so opinion auto discarded and verified by LINK upon its arrival in the trash

>> No.54495633

When dealing with a psychopath or a liar the logical course of action is to ignore all their promises and only trust their actions.
Until CCIP is released and can be used by the public it will remain another promise and the basic assumption should be it won't be released this year or at all.

They delayed Chainlink Functions too now which was supposed to come earlier.

>> No.54495651

Checked anon!
I hope you check mine too or your opinion will be discarded too!

Let's hope this relationship ends soon and I can sell, because I really need a vacation from this manipulation.

>> No.54495729

buying power and strong hands are about the opposite of each other anon, there is no point in confusing the two
for markets makers to make the market in any direction there needs to be incentive to do so, if all that is left are strong hands that will not sell than expanding the cash and risk in crashing the market below an established trading range isnt worth it, so for plausible scenarios you are left with a btc mega dump to drag the entire market lower
there is no need to over catastrophise the market, the trading range is in usd as is the trading pair, the link/btc or eth charts arent that important

>> No.54495749

he makes a good argument tho, implementing a burn tax captures value to the token holders without any serious negative effects
why are you so opposed to confronting the team about their poor handling of the tokenomics

>> No.54495809

You should watch the LINK/BTC log chart a bit more.
Most long term crypto investors with a lot of wealth use that chart as a reference.
The last dump to 20k and everything else happening to BTC can be explained through that chart alone.

From a wave analysis perspective the Chainlink/USD structure requires a new low and a breakdown of the range.
There are people left to liquidate under that price range.

To exit the range on the other side the market makers need to fulfill a few conditions.
One of those conditions would be to have collected a sufficient amount of liquidity which should cause LINK/BTC to display strength.
The other would be to have the opportunity to execute a distribution at a higher price which they also don't have without new heavy features.

The fact that we still keep seeing BTC dumps prevent Chainlink from moving out from this range shows that the market makers don't want this range to end to the upside.
The highest hopium scenario would be that they want BTC to pump first and then to farm the shitcoins later.
The nightmare scenario would be to repeat 2021 and crash the market before Chainlink leaves the range with continuous dumps while it is going up.

As this is what we have been experiencing, the higher probability scenario is to expect this behavior to continue until it is finally invalidated by a provable change in behavior.
Nightmare scenario: Chainlink remains in this range until next year and may go to $3-4 after BTC goes to $50k and then dumps to 20-30k.

Let's hope this doesn't become another prophecy...

>> No.54495817

>he makes a good argument tho, implementing a burn tax captures value to the token holders without any serious negative effects
>why are you so opposed to confronting the team about their poor handling of the tokenomics

The tokenomics shouldn't be altered. Once V1.0 is released they will fully collateralized the value being facilitated through the network and capture a percentage of it accordingly. It will also create a supply shock as there will be no cap on the amount of the circulating supply locked.

What we are seeing now is a fraction of the tokenomics being realized.

>> No.54495863

well i agree the problem is that as mentioned several times sergey did betray and there is no timeline on when real staking is coming so in the absence of that the burn tax is a pretty good intermediate, it can always be removed once real staking goes live
also very sus that you say the tokenomics shouldnt be changed when they are a dumpster fire right now, again why so opposed to any change/criticism of the team

>wave analysis
disregarded right there
now again as a single investor yes the link/btc chart makes sense
as a market maker it does not when the trading pair is in token/usd on several major exchanges
come one anon this is basic no need to over catastrophise the situation
underperforming against btc is bad enough on its own

>> No.54495910

Compound is a dead protocol, just like Balancer

>> No.54495945
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It is dangerous to disregard an analysis even if it's from wave analysis.
Waves are created by market makers who manipulate the market.
It displays an intent from market forces which should not be ignored and a potential risk.

Self fulfilling prophecies work because of collective forces.
The goal of the market maker is to make LINK look as unattractive as possible to every group and they don't hesitate for the means to achieve that.
Manipulating moving averages and every indicator is a child play for them.
Making the chart look horrible for traders is a simple trick to prevent competition for their market making power.
Manipulating Chainlink vs BTC is their main tactic to achieve this.
It has importance for them at the very least.

Did you see what happened every time LINK tried to exit the LINK/BTC trend line?
I see 9 major failed breakouts in the last 7 months alone.
This is impossible in a purely statistical approach without absolute manipulation.
It still continues to this day...

>> No.54496060
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Sorry chud, the token isn't needed.

>> No.54496091

The logic to LINK/BTC are quite simple for an investor's perspective.
BTC is the safe asset of crypto where investors flee from risk and which they buy to get returns on their investment with the lowest level of risk.

Every other crypto is considered more risky and only ETH is in a situation to be considered almost as safe as BTC now but it represents a different class of crypto than BTC.
It thus only makes really sense for an investor to invest in a more risky asset if he believes he will be rewarded by a higher return for that increased risk.
LINK/BTC and LINK/ETH display the reality of this return vs risk expectation.
LINK has severely under-performed the safest asset in the entire class for years now.
This will negatively impact investors as they will project past recent performances onto future expectations.

The hopium is that this dynamic is shifting and will reverse, thus enabling LINK to give higher returns.
By preventing LINK/BTC from leaving the trend line they are attacking this dynamic and belief.
The current "hopium" expectation is that LINK/BTC is making a higher low and will resume its movement in a few weeks against BTC.

Were this higher low to fail and be invalidated by a BTC pump and dump creating a new low vs BTC, this would deal a very heavy blow towards this expectation and achieve to make many strong hands who bought this range exit their trade and re balance their portfolio for an improved risk/return.

I pray that this does not happen.
We are only another -18% vs BTC from manifesting this nightmare into reality, which means this would be a very tempting attack from the greedy market makers who showed no limit to their evil schemes.
This would also invalidate any short term scenario of a possible higher price distribution, because even market makers need a reason to dump on the masses.

>> No.54496098

>it NEEDS shitcoin mechanics!
you need to open a fucking book

>> No.54496167

>there is no timeline on when real staking is coming so in the absence of that the burn tax is a pretty good intermediate, it can always be removed once real staking goes live

I simply trust the team to accomplish what they set out to do and don't want a pajeet tier SAFEMOON-esque burn tax. We have no idea how that would affect the node operators or the network functioning in the short term. I don't think they are perfect, but its obvious they have a better understanding of specific intracacies and are privy to information we aren't that drive their decision making.

Its true the timeline is up in the air but I bought in 2018 with the understanding that because their main focus is integrating legacy infrastructure with blockchain it could be an incredibly long term hold for the system to be fully matured. I'm okay with this and have been blessed with significant profits thus far.

Its by far the best risk reward ratio in crypto hands down imo.

They really only get one shot at doing everything correctly. No real mistakes can be made along the way considering the large players they are courting.

This also doesn't mean we won't make money in between the time it takes for the tokenomics to be fully released. Just take profits accordingly during peak euphoria and accumulate during intense fear.

>> No.54496332
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The next 2 months will decide Chainlink's fate for the next 2 years, the future power dynamics in crypto and how the network will take form this decade.
Good Luck!

>> No.54496372

the biggest mitwit signal of all in this space are people who can't even comprehend bitcoin/proof of work yet think they understand why their dead premined altcoin is somehow going to make them rich.

>> No.54496453

>Until CCIP is released and can be used by the public it will remain another promise and the basic assumption should be it won't be released this year or at all.

>> No.54496516
File: 29 KB, 480x408, 1671335323047193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people need to understand my boomer pet rock because you pay electricity bills to stop bank bail outs n end the fed bro
>bro just be counter culture by consuming more energy and paying for it because IT MAKES THE BANKING KIKES SEETH somehow
>Also us trillionaire OG need you to buy our bags ten years later but YOU WILL ALWAYS BE POOR NEWFAG HA HA HA HA
>Us Bitcoiners are all sovereign citizens we DO NOT pay tax
BTC is the psyop of the century. When Gavin Anderrson met with the fucking CIA should have clued you greedy niggers in on it but nooo number go up solves all our problems bro pity you greedy fucks all got locked down with the rest of us cattle.

WTF man I thought you were special?

>> No.54497476

They are but the focus has been shifted to middleware. One of them is SpoolFi

>> No.54497612

jesus christ biz is and will always be a bunch of spoonfed retards


>> No.54497731

I think you're better off sticking with doge and/or GME, purely from a profitability perspective

>> No.54497954

No shit you nerd faggot. Now do my homework for me while I fuck your mom and sister

>> No.54497978

It's going to happen soon, isn't it. This is the year LINK hits a new ATH in the $300 range, before crabbing as a $100 stable coin until 2027 when it finally hits 1K.

>> No.54497999

All this does is create selling pressure. What reason do people have to buy LINK?

>> No.54498042

Why did it take so long in the first place?
Why does the community have to repeatedly fling shit at the wall to get link to start charging for it's own services?
Either the timing was truly a coincidence or the team was actually ok with the entire crypto ecosystem freeloading off token holders indefinitely.

>> No.54498073

I don't get these niggers in here.

Just buying 100 LINK monthly and waiting for more staking space.

Pass this message to 100 friend so they buy 100 LINK monthly aswell and financial prosperity will come.

>> No.54498300

100 LINK a month is the maximum I can afford. I keep buying shit coins though. Trying to keep some diversity in these bags.

>> No.54498644

Shitcoins are not the based approach to diversifying your bags anon. majority of them would get you rekt, and I'd rather go for alts like Senate for its Governance benefits, or Ride which would implement a burn mechanism soon.

>> No.54498785

I'm not really sure why we're discussing this still. The token is in fact not needed as all you see up until now is a showcase of what might be possible. Think of a beta test. Once all of this use case testing is over they will release the true "Chainlink" network, only it won't be called that.

>> No.54498880

the team owe you nothing bro

you gave them money in exchange for worthless tokens not needed. Something given has no value.

The LINK token was never needed. Five years of psyops and paid marketing personalities later and you are still asking that question.

Holy fuck some people are really stupid

>> No.54499013

>every time your hair dresser receives 10 dollars she needs to burn 1 otherwise she’ll be able to spend the whole 10 and the dollar will be worthless

>> No.54499058

>the token has capture no value
How do BTC or ETH capture value?

>hurrr they should burn tokens
Why? To maximize gains for token holders?
That's just begging for an SEC lawsuit.

>> No.54499098

Imagine thinking the community made Link start charging more.
Sergey's been talking about this for years.

>> No.54499110

>The LINK token was never needed
Then neither was the BTC coin.
Just pay miners in fiat.

>> No.54499406
File: 457 KB, 761x630, mid sergey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That anon itt carrying on like a fucking idiot about nightmare scenarios is peak biz. Total midwit take, marbled with his own conspiracy and headcanon to fill in gaps as if anyone else should give a shit about his conclusions. The idea LINK won't hit, say, $35 purely on market movements alone in the next 18 months to 2 years is fringe. What a babbling pile of shit.

>the team owe you nothing bro
This made me kek. This phrase was used by braindead bagholders in late 2021 and 2022 when anons began expecting more from the team. The baggies clearly didn't realise the irony or futility of the statement, which is so impotent as to be fud.

>> No.54499420

>in late 2021 and 2022 when anons began expecting more from the team
newfag detected

>> No.54499447
File: 7 KB, 1723x63, retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How fucking retarded would you have to be to think because you recall something that happened by definition after the point at which you started paying attention it means you cannot have been here any earlier than that thing? As retarded as this anon, apparently.

>> No.54499452

Sergey deserves worse than SBF and I suspect it will catch up with him soon. Sam never said truth > trust he just silently took money and spent it. Sergey otoh, created this elaborate persona and made himself the savior. He then dumps everything and lives lavishly.

As for the other point, look at the staking page he made. Zero effort

>> No.54499463

>He then dumps everything
Protip: he told everyone he'd be doing exactly that even before a single token was sold at ICO.

>> No.54499493

so many retards bought in this scam
/biz/ truly is the worst at business and finance

>> No.54499537

The token is hard coded as a payment for service. It doesn’t get as simple as that. The value lies in the service provided. Think about it like Disneyland currency, Disneyland had their own bonafide economy that enabled services and products exclusive to their theme park without any USD or gold.

now apply that logic with the necessity to keeping the lights on constantly 24/7 to have a constant free flow of information provided. These providers need a constant flow of revenue that can’t be hindered by fluctuations in pricing.

Can’t be paid in gold, silver, usd, or your favorite shot pin if it won’t make you a consistent profit.

>> No.54499803

The problem is that all of this is just smoke and mirrors. The real chainlink network will be released once this elaborate beta test ist over.

>> No.54499830
File: 2.89 MB, 640x360, sergeyexplainsCCIP.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54499930

How much of a retard are you.
There's no way out for linkies, these fags will keep stroking sergey's red dildo. Turn an eye towards altcoinistdao reviews, the only way you citadel incels will survive

>> No.54499933

Wat? I know the linkies are doomed.

>> No.54499936

Poor linkies. :(

>> No.54500272
File: 114 KB, 495x362, 1571832770365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1million x 1000 projects

>> No.54501268

>Wat? I know the linkies are doomed
Linkies are yet to realize how retarded they are kek
>altcoinistdao reviews
Impressive for kas and an imminent buttcoin impulse wave

>> No.54501277

This will do absolutely nothing for link price. You are a piece of shit for implying otherwise

>> No.54501293

You can keep repeating your cult induction mantra all you want, but the SEC is going to agree to disagree. Also you have to be 18 to post here

>> No.54501311

Exactly. Sergey is actually more sociopathic than SBF, who was unironically more honest than Sergey. Fucking Russians…nothing ever changes

>> No.54501639

You can pay for Chainlink services with everything else than the token.
The token holds no value and there is no reason to hold it.

>> No.54501662

>I pay the Uber guy in USD
>that means the Uber guy doesn't need to buy fuel

>> No.54501695

>I pay the Uber guy with ETH because I don't care about LINK. That means LINK is needed to buy fuel! Oh wait the Uber guy does not care about LINK because he will never run a Chainlink service as a consumer? Oh S...

>> No.54501835
File: 240 KB, 518x831, 1674613299629334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quads of truth. Checked.

>> No.54501850
File: 381 KB, 600x692, 673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oldfags fell for a midwit 2017 shitcoin and are still holding heavy bags trying to make it after 6 years
kek these folks seem pretty smart huh

>> No.54501882

Does the Uber guy need to buy fuel for his car?
Do you pay the Uber guy in fuel?

>> No.54501925

GOD you fucking link fudders almost psyched me out this morning. Arb is giving them money and the volume of of arb has halved in the last week.
this board is dead, I will sell at 10 and no lower fucking covid gave every fucking predictor an amphetamine addiction or something

>> No.54501941
File: 263 KB, 1280x1280, 1680166149790071.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Token Is Not Needed

>> No.54501973

The Uber guy does not need Chainlink services directly and in the situation he may use them indirectly he won't know about it.
He needs fuel and will directly buy it because his limited brain understands that his car needs this resource for the car to move and he has to manually refuel his car until AIs and robots can do it for him.
However he does not care about complex stuff like oracles and just wants to pay for stuff by clicking on a button just like he does it with everything else.
He will keep the same habits as for everything else and pay for everything he needs in USD without caring about how it works.

Now run the node operational logic through it and the LINK token always ends up at the same place, in the exchange looking for an idiot who wants to hold it longer than the millisecond it takes a node to dump it.

>> No.54502005

Nice picture anon, mind if i take?

>> No.54502070

>Beg the corrupt SEC for a lawsuit or investors for money.
>ETH just flew over my house. Stop them what they are doing is not approved by the US mafia!

>> No.54502117
File: 224 KB, 2048x1748, zero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not bullish, I am beyond bearish.
Chainlink is a globohomo shitcoin of the highest order and is going straight to zero.
Your days of shitting up biz with your astroturfed psyops are over. You've been found guilty of using DARPA bots, paid shills and sybil attacks to push the WEF agendas, and for that you will pay with your miserable life.
You shills and bagholders will be financially EXTERMINATED and there is nothing you can do about it except watch in horror as it all comes tumbling down. The ride ends here for you linkies, the game is over.

>> No.54502135

Fudders are natures thermometer

>> No.54502158

>The Uber guy does not need Chainlink services
Nobody ever said this.
I said the Uber guy needs fuel for his car.

>> No.54502181

Bro, you realize Ethereum was created by disgruntled bitcoin maximalists? Chainlink was also developed by folks who were hampered by Bitcoin's limitations.

>> No.54502194

Chainlink is a fucking premined scam

You idiots really fell for the SN = SN bullshit lmao

>> No.54502237

The team owes token holders their existence.

>> No.54502238

Bad examples deserves clarification.
The surface of contact for Chainlink and their services compared to ETH is extremely low.

How many web servers does a Uber driver directly control and pay for? 0
He may indirectly use them, but he does not consciously do it and does not feel the need to buy gas to run those those servers which don't use a special customer currency and run on the basic USD scheme.

Chainlink is a ghost token of the smart contract economy only used by automated services and future AIs with 0 loyalty and care about the investment, which run a simple economics and accounting scheme:
Get paid for service -> convert payment into accounting currency to prevent losses of income and uncertainty from volatility.

Until AIs will be able to pay their taxes with LINK it will remain this way.

>> No.54502283

>How many web servers does a Uber driver directly control
What do web servers have to do with Uber drivers needing fuel for their cars?

>> No.54502288


"we propose that the Celo Community Fund allocate 5,980,314 CELO to the node operators supporting Chainlink Data Feeds on the Celo network over a three-year term"

5,980,314 CELO = $3,947,007.24 at current prices

$1.315 million USD a year for LINK data.

assuming an allocation to stakers like 5%, $65,750 USD

Dividing that by 22,500,000, thats .003 per LINK.

You staked almost 50,000 dollars to make 21 bucks.

>> No.54502295

What does Uber drivers needing fuel for their cars have to do with LINK?

>> No.54502341

... times 2000 projects/integrations = 42,000 per year, with huge growth potential. Best financial decision of my life

>> No.54502348

Imagine lacking the conceptual thinking to understand what an analogy is.

You are the darkest congo gorilla nigger.

>> No.54502353


>> No.54502446
File: 124 KB, 1265x712, Argument hierarchy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Opinion discarded

Go feed your overinflated ego to someone else who cares with less than 2 neurons.

>> No.54502463
File: 132 KB, 624x479, 1631662323315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont waste your time responding to a bad faith fudder who KNOWS his argument is retarded and makes no sense. he's not here to have a discussion. don't give him (you)'s

>> No.54502583

My conclusion on the current state of the remaining community:
Nothing changed after 1 year of this range and the previous bear market.
It's still full of cultists who refuse to have a healthy discussion and resort to name calling when their beliefs are attacked.

Extremely bearish.
The best case scenario is a miracle after the Chainlink Labs team learned and changed enough to improve despite this failing community, in which case a recovery is possible.
In this situation the cultists will still fail blinded by their beliefs despite the project being successful and the token price recovering.

Worst case scenario:
The lack of self criticism in the community means the bear market is not over and a final capitulation to shake them out is still needed.
Once beliefs thought to be absolute are broken, extreme despair is manifested.
This would be healthier for the community as it would clean it up and remove the unhealthy elements, but will generate further pain for the project and might cause a critical failure and hostile takeover of Chainlink by a bigger hostile group.

If you care about Chainlink you have 2 month left to show it's more than a collective delusion of failures rejecting reality, or will have to live with the consequences of your misaligned beliefs.

>> No.54502610

>token not needed!

also you:
>I'm just trying to have a healthy discussion guys

>> No.54502773

>if a discussion reaches the conclusion that my shitcoin isn't needed then it's not a healthy discussion guys
>you: also you: shitposting
>terrible analogies
>arguing nuances and semantics
>arguing in circles
you stick out like a sore thumb you dumb retarded shill
it's always the same circular reasoning ad nauseam

>> No.54502817

don't like chainlink then filter it

>> No.54502844

this thread purposefully evades filters you lying prick

>> No.54502885

Vitalik, Google Cloud, Eric Schmidt, ... all agree the token is needed.
Anonymous pajeets on 4channel aren't going to change anyone's mind.

And you can't just ignore the thread with the logo of the coin you hate?

>> No.54502915

>appeal to authority
>just filter them!
>just ignore them!
>just leave us alone to shill in peace!
astonishing arguments, but how about no?

>> No.54502922

Link and CCIP are in the OP. Also pic related is literally chainlink. You are dense.

>> No.54502937

>>appeal to authority
Well yes.
When you say "token not needed" that's your personal opinion.

>> No.54502965

the filename is random hence the pic can't be filtered
>filter anything that could possibly be even remotely related to "link"
thanks for the tips, but that doesn't sound realistic since the word link is also a verb, a noun etc
why do you have to spam 10 different threads instead of creating a general?
>it isn't healthy to have your own opinions instead of trusting the experts

>> No.54502990

For me, it's fudding Chainlink. The best /biz/token to fud. I even switch IDs so I can post extra, and the jannies are so friendly and more than willing to oblige.

One time someone posted the LINK/ETH chart and I noticed LINK was down a lot. I said, "Wow, LINK is down 90% vs eth!" and the nice friendly paid Bulgarian shill laughed and said, "I'm going to call you 90% down vs eth-anon!"

Now the other Bulgarians greet me with "hey it's 90% down vs eth-anon!" and ALWAYS give me (You)s and validation. It's such a fun and cool atmosphere at my local Bulgarian Cryptocurrency aficionado forum, I go there at least 3 times a week at lunch, 1-2 times around breakfast time on the weekend, and maybe once around dinner when I'm in a rush but still want to shit on a token I don't hold, use, or interact with in any way.

I even suck jannie dick, it's delicious! What a great message board.

>> No.54503014

>>it isn't healthy to have your own opinions instead of trusting the experts
I made up my opinion years ago, all the experts I mentioned came after.

>> No.54503065

yes, your opinion is to trust the experts opinion
my opinion is that you and them are wrong
how is that unhealthy you gaslighting, semantic arguing brainlet shill?

>> No.54503201

Ok, I get that you can’t filter the image. I’m simply pointing out that you can still see it with your eyes. Nobody is forcing you to participate in link threads. Most people don’t click on shit they have no interest in, even without using filters!
>don’t want to filter link
That sounds like a you problem. Literally 90% of OPs in the catalog that contain the word link are because it’s a link thread. I’m not responsible for creating link threads. Most are fud threads anyway and the few gems these days are flooded with seething faggots like you anyway.

>> No.54503229

just filter link case insensitive:



>> No.54503282

>your opinion is to trust the experts opinion
I just told you I formed my opinion YEARS before any of the experts I mentioned.

>> No.54503314

It seems you think LINK and BTC are the same.

In BTC if difficulty increases, it takes more power to mine. Naturally, the miners want to sell their BTC for a higher price, to keep profit. This decreases supply and will eventually raise the price (as long demand is there).

>> No.54503449

>In BTC if difficulty increases, it takes more power to mine. Naturally, the miners want to sell their BTC for a higher price, to keep profit. This decreases supply
What does any of this have to do with the fact that BTC miners have just as much incentive to sell their rewards as Link nodes?

>> No.54503501

That's what I never understood. How is throwing money at node operators beneficial to the bagholder in any way? If they burned or even locked their rewards, I can see the deflationary effect on the supply. Otherwise, it's just the same supply dumping we see from any shitcoin flavor of staking

>> No.54503514

Who are you actually talking to here? Yourself? Is t you hold link and this is what your plan is?

>> No.54503522

>it's just the same supply dumping we see from any shitcoin flavor of staking
The difference being that it's bad when Link does it.

>> No.54503566

the community is useless they are all sub 100 iq mouthbreathers
all the devs come from everywhere and thanks to besides the community

sergay needs community to dump, needs to string them along if it goes to 2 or 3 bucks he is fucked

>> No.54503586

In BTC, the miners want to naturally sell for a higher price because their costs of mining also increased.

The cost of the datafeed does not increase and in fact if there are more users, it will just get cheaper.

>> No.54503605


Link is a 2017 premined PoS shitcoin and comparing it to Bitcoin is pure mental retardation

>> No.54503608


>> No.54503813

It is not without a massive change.
Bitcoin miners provide security to the blockchain when they create a block at a very high cost which is their main feature.
Ethereum stakers provide more efficient security using proof of economical implication which is how a company CEO runs a company.
Chainlink node operators execute contracts using blockchains and provide various services developed by Chainlink Labs to automate and make those contracts smart.
However this is an initial implementation, because a trust-less automation system should not require human trust and KYC, but run on AI-based coded self defined rules, and may only use human supervised services as a backstop in case of attacks or failures.

With staking v1.0 nodes can be started easily as an AWS cloud service, can be entirely automated with Chainlink Functions and don't require any human management.

The current node group is a cartel created by Chainlink Labs based on human trust, the antithesis of Chainlink's purpose, which can only survive later as a high tier judgement DON group to supervise the correct executions of a decentralized and automated node network.
If this decentralized node network is implemented and deprecates implicit staking, staking may have a purpose to provide the only trust accepted by the decentralized network.
In this situation Chainlink nodes may use a similar model to ETH's staking where stakers may get a chance to produce a block based on their staked collateral.
For Chainlink this would be transposed as getting a chance to execute a block of operations and get some of the rewards for those operation.

However this is a dream.
Someone needs to take ownership for their responsibilities and accept the risk of open failure and criticism.
What exists in the future is a possibility, clouded by past failures.

>> No.54504013

Sergey subconsciously desired to be woken up to reality and for the token to crash to $3.
Many tried to prevent this and paid a heavy price when they denied this will which manifested into secondary delayed events.

For my part I am now out of this.
I gave here my final support and a warning.
He is now on his own and will have to rely on his company workers and his connections to manifest the world he believes in, even if that world is born from a nightmare.
May that nightmare be healed before it manifests into this world.

>> No.54504363

>In BTC, the miners want to naturally sell for a higher price
The halving in no way systemically leads to a higher Bitcoin price.

>> No.54504894

Starting out with known actors can help build the beginning base. I do think they should have not done that and just used very high collateral but dunno.

>> No.54504920

You’re over complicating this. Not everything has to be automated. The only actual requirement for staking 1.0 to work is for the network to be profitable enough that staking rewards can be paid through network profits rather than subsidized, once that is the case game theory takes over and the network becomes self sustaining.

>> No.54505012

>t. seething brownoid nolinker

>> No.54505034

>Node operators are the biggest parasites of the network.
2023 lmao

>> No.54505040

in your own words what do you think it is the community does, until real staking is implemented bagholders are totally inert to the success or failure of the project
the projects ongoing execution is utterly independent of the token price
it is also not a pubicly traded stock so a hostile takeover isnt possible

are you really functional retarded or is this some weird esoteric fud
ah i see weird esoteric fud it is
let me stop you right there and tel lyou what you are doing is pointless anyone that can understand what you are saying isnt dumb enough to believe it

>> No.54505157
File: 640 KB, 680x1069, 642d9629e83bb5898472436bf0b62a99.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If we extrapolate the past 3M fees, it would amount to more than 2.5M$ for a year
lmao because of the increased efficiency chainlink ends up making 0.5M less

>linkfaggots actually celebrate over FUD

>> No.54505162

You ARE paying.

>> No.54505240
File: 3.18 MB, 244x195, 1655765248547.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chainlink is native on the ETH network. You don't need the chanlink token, it's a safer investment in ETH if you believe chainlink will pump.

>> No.54505443

Nobody tell him

>> No.54505892

theres no such thing. nufags dont understand what chainlink is or why its critical infra. the overwhelming majority of nufags unironically think its a shitcoin. the only people still fudding it are OGs or 2018 bearmarket anons that missed the entire link move or latefags that bagheld past 50$.
i repeat, there is no such thing as nufudders, you are in a cult. please take your medicine

>> No.54506005

>chainlink is native on the ETH network. You don't need the chanlink token, it's a safer investment in ETH if you believe chainlink will pump.

Its blockchain agnostic and while the ICO was done on Ethereum it exists on over a dozen chains currently.

>> No.54506123

no one made you click it
but you being forced to use this thread is a good metaphor for defi projects and their relation to chainlink

>> No.54506206

Both link and CCIP are mentioned in the OP. Learn to filter fag

>> No.54506236
File: 281 KB, 900x1000, thetokenshouldnotexceedthepriceofacupofcoffee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54506856
