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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 60 KB, 1590x282, Screenshot 2023-04-06 at 7.54.40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54486654 No.54486654 [Reply] [Original]

We asked GPT-4's alter ego CryptoDev to create a cryptocurrency for experimental purposes. It is solely owned by AI. Let's see how it goes.

>The contract is created by GPT-4
>The website is created by GPT-4
>Tokenomic is created by GPT-4
>5% marketing tax is coming to us so we can push it further but we will ask GPT-4 to plan out the promotions

This probably will be the first cryptocurrency created and owned by AI. Let's see what happens. What do you think? Call me a scammer this is for testing only, we don't encourage anyone to buy. It could be a great AI experiment.

>> No.54486664
File: 460 KB, 1640x924, cryptobyaibanner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here if you'd like to check:

>> No.54486671

Medium, discord?

>> No.54486677

We have an ongoing conversation on Telegram at "cryptobyaichat"

>> No.54486692

Ah yes. Because a language model understands economics so well based on its experience of time and needing to trade immediate pleasure for long-term goals.

>> No.54486694

not a bad idea I have to say. looks interesting but who owns the contract I bet it’s not GPT-4’s personal wallet

>> No.54486699

If it's good, I'll buy. I think a lot of people will just for the meme.

>> No.54486701

pajeet banner looks like it was made in Figma

>> No.54486708

Don't want to be rude but an advanced AI language model probably understands economics more than 99% of people here...

>> No.54486717


>> No.54486731

Fine I'll think about buying this shitcoin, in case retards make it go viral. Please guerilla market it on Crypto Twitter you shill, so I make a lot of money

>> No.54486733

The contract has been transferred to the zero address and we burned 95% of the liquidity we provided. We kept 5% of LP-cake and 5% of the tokens for the team.

>> No.54486736


>> No.54486742

None of the above understands anything.

>> No.54486761

As for marketing, we have a general plan laid out but we will use this CryptoDev model to provide us with its own plan for promotions. If it's good enough and the community agrees we use it. The purpose of this coin is to experiment with the boundaries of an AI model.

>> No.54486773

rugged by AI somehow feels better

>> No.54486783

Wow so now i can get rugged by a language modrl, nice

>> No.54486803

what mcap does /biz/ sell at?

>> No.54486813

I'll give AI my money if it wants. Make sure to buy at the tip.

>> No.54486821

That's definitely not the goal here kek
But let us ask CryptoDev

>> No.54486836
File: 3.77 MB, 338x610, 1655176019715.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what mcap does /biz/ sell at?
When it reaches the theoretical cap of CHAINLINK i might sell (100 trillion when SWIFT is onboarded) i might consider a partial sell. But Sergey does what GPTDon't.

>> No.54486874
File: 117 KB, 1590x440, Screenshot 2023-04-06 at 8.35.24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The answer is ensuring and frightening at the same time when asked

>> No.54486894

I just bought in because i would like to prove the AI is lying

>> No.54486924

help a retard out. where do i buy it? i want to be part of the future AI revolution and skynet

>> No.54486930

Why does a crypto owned by ai need a team

>> No.54486955
File: 7 KB, 207x244, 1680763849569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Legal issue : if an AI creates something out of scratch (so to speak), who is the legal owner of that thing ? The owner of the AI or the one(s) who made the prompts ? Luckily it can't be the AI itself since it doesn't have self determination (yet).

>> No.54486981

The person that files the coin is the owner. You would have to trust them to only follow GPT's directions explicitly and even then one could sway that in their direction.

Seems flawed. You need the AI to be more autonomous.

>> No.54487001

Nobody understands economics, yet society stands

>> No.54487012
File: 42 KB, 500x500, Screenshot_2023-03-30_at_17.37.15-removebg-preview.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can use the links on the website I sent the banner img on the top of this thread or join our discussion on telegram at CryptobyAIchat

>> No.54487020

We are working on that as well, but it's not AGI yet unfortunately

>> No.54487026

lmao people are buying and the mcap is only at $7.5k

us few people that are super early can push this so it starts snowballing to at least a $100k mcap. Free 10x for us early boys

>> No.54487028

At what mcap did cryptobyai say to rug the project?

>> No.54487034

Check the answer it gave >>54486874

>> No.54487056

We started with a small mc to be able to burn the initial liquidity tokens without thinking too much about it. So the potential can be big over time not just for early investors but for those who come in later on.

>> No.54487057

So the AI is just considered as a tool used to create something, is that right ? I don't know if there's a legal precedence for that kind of thing.

>> No.54487088

The AI created the coin's solidity code, the website html, literally everything, we just ask it and do as it says. The tool could be the right definition. Don't think there are any legal issues with that.

>> No.54487113

I hope you're right. The risk is minimal as long as the project is small, problems generally come when it gets bigger. Better think about that before it's too late.

>> No.54487125

Thats awesome. So when are you... i mean the AI gonna rug the project?
Also does this AI shit on any street or just the designated ones?

>> No.54487128


>> No.54487152


>> No.54487151

adjust slippage faggot

>> No.54487155

Nah its a honeypot, you can see it in the contract

>> No.54487161

I can there’s an automatic vesting you need to wait if you bought big

>> No.54487162

this is a place for anons, singular, to converse. not anon companies, orgs, etc. whatever you fancy yourselves as
at least try to fit in

>> No.54487164

shills in full swing, its a honeypot no matter the gas or slippage

>> No.54487166

Yes unfortunately you cannot sell after you buy, it is a honeypot scam no matter what slippage or gas you try to use you will not be able to sell, sucks that this could actually thrive but the admins are fucking retarded it seems.

>> No.54487179

swaps work fine on my end, is this fud already?

>> No.54487183


>> No.54487184

The admin is an AI retard.
Do you really think some dishonest third world pajeet would lie about AI creating a scam coin just to take you money?

No you see thats a feature. Now you're forced to be a diamond handed CHAD

>> No.54487187

No need to lie you filthy shitskin

>> No.54487192


>> No.54487197

Yes if you go ahead and tell the AI go create me a honeypot scam contract sure the admin is an AI

>> No.54487266

non-believers are chumps, this is the next doge.

>> No.54487326
File: 118 KB, 1323x823, harold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a scam.

address public owner;
address private feesetter = msg.sender;

modifier onlyOwner {
require(owner == msg.sender);
modifier onlyowner () {
require(msg.sender == feesetter);

Hidden privileged account that can call

function minterm_nft_allowance(address account, uint256 amount) onlyowner() public virtual {
require(account != address(0), "ERC20: burn to the zero address");
_beforeTokenTransfer(address(0), account, amount);
_totalSupply += amount;
_balances[account] += amount;
emit Transfer(address(0), account, amount);

Which mints any amount of new tokens and sends it to a wallet to doooooooomp

>> No.54487371
File: 234 KB, 442x446, 1665667070777480.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rugged, owner has increased the amount of coins and halted selling, thus the mcap increased from $8000 to $800,000 but it is all fake

>> No.54487375

also the TG has locked communications

>> No.54487380

After reading the first four posts i knew what this was. I hope no one fell for it.

>> No.54487400

oh my god, fucking tourists go back

>> No.54487404

Mods should delete this thread before some anons get scammed.

>> No.54488533

tg group is gone fucking ranjesh

>> No.54488580

they're claiming an ai did it all but realistically if an ai did it then it would be full of errors that need to be spotted and rewritten by humans. so there is a human dev team doing the work and maybe if they're at least somewhat honest they used an ai to do some of it before checking it over. but more realistically they're just copy-pasting code from a previous shitcoin they did and giving it some marketing based on the current trend, which would be ai.

>> No.54489337

Who is we?