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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 13 KB, 399x259, 1512615632759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5448563 No.5448563 [Reply] [Original]

seriously, cash out initial investment. then no matter what, you cannot lose. if everyone just did this then all the retarded wojack threads would stop.

>> No.5448673
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How can I cash out my initial investment IF IT ONLY WENT DOWN AFTER I BOUGHT IN?

>> No.5448710

thats why you wait for it go back up nigga

>> No.5448735

but if i did that i would have negative money

>> No.5448757


I already did ya dingus (cashed out 6k initial investment was $500). The rest is funny money. I haven't put anymore into it just chasing moon and holding

>> No.5448793

you have to pay taxes on that cashout
you'd be losing money

>> No.5448795
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>wanting the wojaks to stop
why do you even come here then

>> No.5448806
File: 145 KB, 646x700, 8B101672-570E-4BE2-9DD8-C40B401A862A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re absolutely right.
This is a babystep in investing.
One of the cool things is that cashing out your initials investment can bring you some extra gains.

For example, Paxful has some awesome offers right now.

Another example is bitflur where you can cash out $100 more than invested.

There are your best bets unless you’re a total richfag..then you can trade for cash via mail delivery on localbitcoins

Happy trading and merry Christmas!

>> No.5448814

Already did. I still post wojaks though.

>> No.5448829

you too anon

>> No.5448831
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>> No.5448833

This is true, once you 4-5x, cash out your initial investment. Extremely important.

>> No.5448856

Never change

>> No.5448858

Why? Who gives a fuck? Rule #1 is never invest more than you can lose. If you follow that rule, there’s no need to cash out your initial investment and risk potentially selling yourself short on gains

>> No.5448859

But /bi/z would be a boring place then.
Pink wojaks show me whose losing out so I get their losses.

>> No.5448883
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You sound like you could use this buddy.. enjoy.

>> No.5448911

i cant cash out until 20k then. will buttcoin ever get back there or is it over?

>> No.5449031

never knew about anything else than shitty localbitcoins

thank you and merry christmas

>> No.5449086



>> No.5449105

"fiat out" --> nah put it in XRB

>> No.5449133


it wont because thats what everyone says

>> No.5449137
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This. Let it ride.

>> No.5449157

But then I will have €5000 less to accumulate with. (like, 20% of my stack right now)

I might do this if I run out of money in my regular life, but I have about a year of runway at this point, if nothing changes.

>> No.5449158

Post more proof. I don't believe this

>> No.5449171

noob here, what does it mean ?

>> No.5449187

You only cash out if you need the money AND you wouldn't buy in again at the current prices.

Fuck off retarded normie who trades on emotion

>> No.5449204

They are apparently adding 3 more coins to coinbase which will shoot up the value of them.

>> No.5449490

I use all 3
remember to cash out slowly so you don’t draw any attention

>> No.5449642
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i still have 13-15k in portfolio value spread across ETH,BCH,FUN, and ICON, and this is after cashing out my 3.5k investment you idiot. and ive been doing this for only a month. bought in at IOTA at 68 cents then bought into TRX at 3 tenths of a cent then diversified out into promising short and long term holds.

>> No.5449808

the IRS doesn’t care about my $4000

pretty sure anything above $20k triggers them

>> No.5449834


>> No.5449932

I'm hearing that bitflur is a scam all over. What's going on?

>> No.5449962

>literally removing money out of your investment
>literally removing potential gains

weak handed limp dick pussy investors on this board these days.

I'm rubbing on my 11 inch cock while I invest every dime I have into crypto.

Panic sellers and initial-cucks will be gassed when we ascend to royalty

>> No.5449986

Lol initial investment is 200 bucks so I'll keep going until I make it or until I lose 200 bucks. I never lose.

>> No.5450073
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Mfw i put all my money on bittrex before reading how it works and verification system. Mfw i cant cash out cuz they dont verify me even past a month

>> No.5450110

Lol I'm in the same boat but with Coinbase. Can't buy or sell because they can't/won't verify my ID.

I'm trapped...

>> No.5450125

Why is this funny? i'd rather have an extra 3.5k in crypto than an extra 3.5k fiat

>> No.5450154

autists spreading FUD

>> No.5450170

I do $3k a day through pax and flur alone

>> No.5450297

What's going on is that there's a scammer pajeet using 99 different IPs to shill his shitty wordpress scam as subtly as possible because he already has been banned a billion times

>> No.5450306

top lel

youre retarded. you dont understand. you take out your initial investment so you dont lose any money if everything goes to shit tomorrow. then you play with what is left and make up for the cashout. i already made up for the cashout.

>> No.5450357

you're retarded, you don't understand that if you think the chance of it going to zero tomorrow is worth cashing some cash out then you should cash it all out. If the chance of it halving in value in the next year is less than the chance of it doubling in value in the next year then you should not cash out.

It's simple opportunity cost, cant believe you were never taught this

>> No.5450393

Theres only one problem with your strategy, it implies I want fiat.

>> No.5450402

Why is this lie allowed on my good-entreprenuer-christian imageboard? We all know you really can't cash out.

>> No.5450452

>being a cost opportunity cuck

Learned this faggot shit in college. You going to suck off a POZ'd nigger dick after you "COTHST AVERIGE" your investment faggot?

Put everything you have in any don't take any of it out. Put your fiat right fucking in there and then lift some weights while listening to some 1980's electronic music just to feel the capitalism

>o-oh yes i think i should take out of my initial investment now
>slurping AIDs cock through a hole in a truckstop stall
>it's the responsible thing to do!
>gay nigger cum pouring into your body and flooding it with nigger AIDs

go all in or suck off gay nigger dicks in the bathroom, your choice

>> No.5450481

This is retarded boomer advice.

>> No.5450540


It's some gay ass shit they read in a meme investment book when they were in their 40's from a cocksucker like Warren Buffet or sometihng


>> No.5450801

> started with 1k now 17k
> 1k won't kill me

>> No.5450903
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Do I wanna sell 1k of my reqs? Hell no.
From XVG? NO!
That 1k might be 10k in a month.
Atm I have 15x'd from my initial investment

>> No.5451287

As long as the money you have in the market can be missed and you are in solid investments, why would you ever take out your initial investment

The only reaaon people say this is that "the rest is play money". That play money can be cashed out though, so going back to square one is not cost free.

Secons, leaving that initial investment in increases your returns, and as long as the market does not crash catastrophically you can always take out your initial investment another time

Dont let your money gather dust in a bank account senpai

>> No.5451438

cuck mentality

think your going to get rich with this boomer tier advice? kek

>> No.5451531

Don't forget you can still lose from a tax perspective if everything tanks.

>> No.5451644


>> No.5451858

citation please.

>> No.5451881

Initial investment: 3000€
Total money: 21000€

Is it even worth is at this point?

>> No.5452100
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Is it wise to cash out to buy a miner?pic related

>> No.5452330

This is only good advice if you took out a big loan for your investments. Otherwise don't be a pussy and control your emotions.

>> No.5452407

>>54521fukin answer meeee reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeèeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.5452524
File: 19 KB, 598x210, grandburger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Literally $0 invested so far
>Grandburger gave me 20 ark

Suck my dick nocoiners