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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54477817 No.54477817 [Reply] [Original]

>Starting over
>$0 net worth
>Going back to college for a career change

>> No.54477831

Please tell you at least not a virgin, right anon ?

>> No.54477840

sounds cool, now theres a chance for you

>> No.54477845
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What's the degree?

>> No.54477861

I'm 38 and I'm $10K in debt. Before you ask, yes, I'm also single and a virgin.

>> No.54477866

No, I have bastard son

Data Analytics

>> No.54477877

>Data Analytics
It's over.

>> No.54477884

> bastard son
That's even worse kek. I would gladly kms in Minecraft

>> No.54477891

>just had a baby
>my meme ecom business imploded during covid in 2020 because of shipping and shortages this is after getting fucked for years because of trump tariffs
>waited until the last minute to have kids because of the financial situation.
>went all in crypto in a desperate move to make enough money to last my family a few years
>business is now dead
>nothing on my resume for 10 years
>no degree
>totally depressed and drinking at night
>spending the last of my money on fucking lotto tickets($50 a day habit now)

the baby is very cute though and the wife and I are happy with it and love taking care of it

>> No.54477905

im 39, net worth of 168k
Im about to get child support raped into oblivion.
at 30 i was at maybe 6000 bucks and i worked hard and saved.
Now the next 16.5 years are going to be extremely marginal. Any advice for preserving my hard earn goybucks? (its all in savings and retirement and home equity)

>> No.54477921

She fucking lied to me. I didn't even know about the kid until I saw her again and she had a kid who looked like me

>> No.54477929


Congrats! I had cancer at age 25 and am lucky to be alive. Now I am missing a leg! Get after it buddy.


Stop drinking

>> No.54477936

Take your son and fly the country.

>> No.54477948

And what's stopping you from making it; or in lieu of that, living a good life along the way, or even just being content and cheerful with your own bumpy road anon? Count your blessings mate. Have the strength to change the things you can, leave alone the things you can't, and the wisdom to know the difference.

You can't change being thirty-nine.
You can change almost everything else.
And it looks like you're off to a good start.

You can do it anon. You know it to be true.

>> No.54478021

>Count your blessings mate. Have the strength to change the things you can, leave alone the things you can't, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Hell, most people in their late 20s are already set in their ways and live like that until they die. Being abyle to change also means they have the means to change.....so they're probably rich....

>> No.54478145

Just because people generally don't change, that doesn't mean they can't. It's hard, and people by and large take the easier path. Real change is one of the hardest things anyone can do, but with enough introspection, will, and action over time, it's possible.

>> No.54478692


You can do it OP its not too late. Have CONVICTION and genuinely follow what your intuition is telling you. You know how to improve but you are just lazy.

I hope you will make it back


>> No.54478725

tell us all about ass cancer. does it hurt?

>> No.54478737

one way flight to cambodia

>> No.54478752

Damn that sucks OP. I retired in 2021 with 3 million from the crypto bull run. Haha well anyways best of luck

>> No.54478821

Hang in there nigger, data analytics is a good career now (but will be replaced by AI by the time you graduate)

>> No.54478903

hahahahah dude. what do you expect to gain from a degree at that age hhahaha.