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54472860 No.54472860 [Reply] [Original]

Cash App creator Bob Lee, 43, killed in San Francisco stabbing

Tech executive Bob Lee, who created the mobile payment service Cash App, has been stabbed to death in San Francisco.

He spent all that time and effort on making an app and he just got stabbed to death, what do we take away from this, businessily and financially speaking?

>> No.54472883

Rich guy gets killed in a dystopia of his own making.

>> No.54472886

Imagine living in a shithole like San Francisco.

>> No.54472887

I am not American therefore have no idea or any visual imagery about San Francisco, is it really that bad?

>> No.54472894

Liberals, bums and black people

>> No.54472900

Inside job

>> No.54472904

Inside job by whom? this ain't 9/11 chief

>> No.54472907

take the dont leave the house pill if ur that rich

>> No.54472915

It was either a bum or a black person that stabbed him. Probably both though

>> No.54472997

>what do we take away from this
dont live in shitholes

>> No.54473007

based nog, diversity was a strength afterall

>> No.54473016

I hope the killer left a cashapp link.

>> No.54473028

>being rich
>flex money
>get killed
america is truly become thirdworld

>> No.54473056

dont live around niggers

>> No.54473080

Already doing it as much as possible without being rich. Not living in a shithole is also a good way. Rural and white neighbourhood.

>> No.54473096

Imagine a city full of homosexual gypsys.

>> No.54473116

nigs gonna nig

>> No.54473127

Over 80% of the population in San Francisco is White or Asian.

>> No.54473139

20's plenty

>> No.54473148

More around 6% if you aren't counting mixed asian/white or mexicans.

>> No.54473149

so you're saying 20% of SF can mug or kill you?

>> No.54473154

its so sad that you find a once in a generation app and die that young. fuck

>> No.54473157

No, 60%. SF is still a shithole.

>> No.54473168

Despite being just 13%.....

>> No.54473178

Yes, Black people make up around 5% and Mexicans 8%.

>> No.54473192

Wait Mexicans make up 15%, why are Mexicans mixed in with the white population?

>> No.54473513

>Ah, physical fitness? Whatever. You know, whatever.
>You do what you like to do, I do what I like to do, OK. But you’re a sucker.
>You’re getting fed the line about how like, “you’re going to live forever or whatever.”
>You’re going to DIE. Someone will kill you, someone will kill you with a knife.
>Make sure your abs are uh freakin ripped. You got some good guns. You wanna look good for when you get stabbed with a knife.
>Sorry that’s how it works.
~Carl Brutananadilewski

>> No.54473838

Quick question for the burgers how come everybody uses "venmo" and not paypal to send money? Is venmo just easier?

>> No.54473976

>he relaxed

>> No.54474027

US in 2000s
>if you go against the big US banks we'll invade your country and kill half a million people
US in 2020s
>i-if you go against big US banks w-we'll try to shut down a bank you use and maybe stab someone in the street

>> No.54474104

I van confirm from personal experience that Managua Nicaragua and Mexico City Mexico are legitimately more lovely and less gross that SF.

>> No.54474201


>> No.54474259

Life sucks. You train for years to become an astronaut, then get blown up seconds after taking off. I'm not sure why he lived in SF, tho, I hear it's a shithole now?

>> No.54474289

Time to short SQ yet?

>> No.54474326
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Invest in a knife to make you run faster

>> No.54474425

Imagine what he was thinking when the knife was sliding into his flesh and ripping into his organs, that sudden warm feeling followed by sharp pain.

What were his last thoughts as everything slowly faded to black.

>> No.54474482


"at least people didn't think I was a bad person voting Republican"

>> No.54474587

It's 62% non whites. Only 38% are whites.

>> No.54474615

Paypal will charge you $2500 for speaking the truth when the left labels the truth as misinformation.

>> No.54474656
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The wakeup call to leave cities was literally 3 years ago, you have got to be a fucking idiot to live in a major city in california right now. And yes folx, things are going to get much worse now that trannies have the taste of blood and revenge

>> No.54474660
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Don't forget that it's also the most expensive city in America. Liberal retards pay an unbelievable premium to live in Mad Max conditions

>> No.54474678

a last song probably:
>If you're going to San Francisco
>Be sure Kevlar and chainmail to wear
>If you're going to San Francisco
>You gonna meet sum bad niggas there

>> No.54474956

Check who owns Venmo my guy.

>> No.54475064

i went to cash app wiki and his name isnt mentioned anywhere in the article

>> No.54475158

Tents and human shit over 40-70% of the sidewalks depending on the street.

>> No.54475169

sir, doubting the official statistics and self reported racial surveys is highly antisemitic.

>> No.54475216
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>what do we take away from this, businessily and financially speaking?

work remote and stay away from shitholes

>> No.54475224
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cash app was never an indie product
it was developed by Square (now Block) - no-one gets *their name* on products. Calling him 'the creator' is maybe a bit overboard, but he was Squares CTO at the time, and by all accounts instrumental in CA's development.

>> No.54475229

Imagine being white or rich and living among black people.

In this case being rich... proof that having money is not equal to having a high IQ or average intelligence

>> No.54475255
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>he relaxed
sad but true

>> No.54475271


SF is actually unique in that it isn't really a jogger infestation that's a problem it's a general homeless lunatic infestation. I've walked around there. It's too expensive to live in for hood rats. But if you're homeless it's a playground. No law enforcement and the handouts are fat since the actual residents are rich.

>> No.54475329

Don't go to San Francisco. Crime is rampant and the democratic city officials allow it. Elon said it was like being in a zombie apocalypse movie there

>> No.54475424

Literally just StreetView on Google Maps, man.

>> No.54475441

Creator of mobilecoin hmm. He maybe fucked the wrong people

>> No.54475455

Just like my vidya.

>> No.54475467
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>Don't go to San Francisco. Crime is rampant and the democratic city officials allow it. Elon said it was like being in a zombie apocalypse movie there

I was there 15 years ago and surprised at the amount of homeless, the recent pictures I've seen are terrible and comparable to skid row in LA

Especially with remote work, fuck these shit holes why give these corrupt local govs any tax revenue

>> No.54475487

>Imagine being white or rich and living among black people.
Sounds based.

>> No.54475496


People were already starting to leave. With the recent tech bust and collapse of VC I'm imagining the exodus will only pick up.

>> No.54475506

anyone who lives in san francisco deserves to die
simple as

>> No.54475551
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It's not bad and most of what you see is fake people are still moving to SF. It's a beautiful place with great weather. Bob Lee literally just broke the cardinal rule of "nothing good ever happens after midnight". Doesn't matter city you're in at that hour, Detroit, Baltimore, New York, etc when it's past bedtime its past bedtime.

>> No.54475593


It's not bad paying $5k/mo in rent for a studio for the privilege of walking by homeless tent cities every day? There's plenty more Pacific coastline to choose from that doesn't involve that.

>> No.54475697

number one fucking lesson here. dont live in san francisco

>> No.54475719

Based, now do Bezos and Musk next.

>> No.54475781
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I bet the dude with the knife said “ Give me all your money” and this motherfucker asked for his cashapp. I would have lost it too.

>> No.54475813

plenty of niggers travel from oakland to san francisco on the train to commit crime.

>> No.54475826

Must have relaxed

>> No.54475834

If you're living next to the unhoused then you're probably only paying 2.5k for a studio in San Fran. 5k would be a nice 1 bedroom 1 bathroom with a kitchenette. Just don't be an idiot like Bob and leave your domicile after the sun sets and you'll be fine.

>> No.54475842

venmo has become a verb to mean apple cash

>> No.54475843
File: 430 KB, 1170x1915, A803CCFF-7406-4B5E-BA0C-211A108E0B76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hindenburg report on square just one week ago detailing cashapp fraud
>ex cto murdered
None of you conspiracy brain niggers ever thought this could be an inside job?

>> No.54475858

burgerland citycucks unironically talk shit about "paris no go zones" then go and post stuff like this. mate, i've been out in the night my whole life without anything ever happening to me in frogland. being scared for your life is the exception, not the norm. i bet even your fellow burgers who live in saner places don't agree with your experience either

>> No.54475860


Venmo is easier and most people have it. It was the first mover in the "simple app based p2p transaction" space. It's basically like 3 buttons to send money to someone.

>> No.54475898

it's a retarded frog poster that never leaves its house, I wouldn't take that post seriously

>> No.54475954

The scorpion (bums and homeless degenerates) and the frog (naivety of sheltered affluent liberals)

>> No.54475959

venmo has a feed so you can publicly share your transactions to everyone

>> No.54475964

>Just don't be an idiot like Bob and leave your domicile after the sun sets and you'll be fine.

>> No.54475990

was it an (((assassination)))?

>> No.54475999
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>> No.54476025

>Jarvis pull up the figures for how many “non-Hispanic whites” are in San Francisco

>> No.54476028

checked and LOL YOU GET WHAT YOU DESERVE. i wonder if his last thoughts were "at least i wasn't racist"

>> No.54476039

Cashapp is the shittiest of all payment apps. They randomly b& for no reason and won’t tell you what part of the TOS you violated.

It’s good this POS died. Now his company can follow suit.

>> No.54476072

I'd smack Bobby if he tried to correct me on calling out niggers as crazy and animal like.

But I digress..

RIP Bobby, I guarantee that the powers that be made him post that in 2020. He was referred as "crazy bob" in the valley. No doubt dude was based af.

>> No.54476097

Incorrect, it's far better than venmo which is gay ass TOS for PayPal

Your low iq among sharp anon, why don't you just take off?

>> No.54476102

guice is the best dependency injection framework ever and this dude created it

>> No.54476116

around ______
never _____

>> No.54476151

There is no amount. All the money in the world, hundreds of millions, bleed out in the meat wagon on the way to the hospital. Kids without a dad. What a fuckin waste.

>> No.54476153
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Is cashapp good for trading stocks? I've been pondering on whether I should try or not since they have the option to do so.

>> No.54476177

It's all a bunch of old Liberals or young liberals that have extremely wealthy parents that would rather be stabbed to death by a nigger than to admit that they were wrong about being ((progressive)). You reap what you sow.

>> No.54476180

Absa fucking lotuley not, PFOF

>> No.54476368

But I repeat myself.

>> No.54476375


>> No.54476398

Why are there so many niggers in California anyway?

>> No.54476423


Blacks metastasized in the 50's/60's, from the deep south.

>> No.54476480

He was actually relatively conservative and his last tweets were about the need to go after crime in the area

>> No.54476490

niggers are a pestilence swarm that locks sights on whatever is productive and flourishing
once they destroy their host community they look for a new target

>> No.54476514

is not wanting to walk in human feces and not be stabbed by a methhead considered conservative these days?

>> No.54476555

Nope they’re too busy crying niggers! to look into the entire chess board. It’s a tumultuous time at Block

>> No.54476558


Literally fucking yes lmao. The slippery slope is real. You could be for gay marriage but against drag queen twerking shows for kids and be called a radical right winger.

>> No.54476574

More people have Venmo than anything else. There’s a little bit of a social media aspect to it too, with the public transaction feeds. You can set it to private by default though

>> No.54476587

They move to places you least expect them to, like I visited my hometown in rural Iowa which used to be basically 100 percent white and seen some there. It seriously messed with my head

>> No.54476606

In SF Portland Seattle yes

>> No.54476609

> this motherfucker asked for his cashapp
Shouldn’t have laughed but I did

>> No.54476623

Only Reddit tier midwit pseudo intellects think slippery slope is a “logical fallacy”.
When Obama first ran for President he was against gay marriage. Now if you don’t think drag queens should have unlimited access to children and you shouldn’t give a 10 year old sex change therapy you are a radical bigoted right winger. Liberals just can’t admit when they are wrong. For liberal women it’s because they are too needy for social approval and would castrate their own child before being called sexist, racist, transphobic, etc. for liberal men they are too weak to go against any group so just fall in line with what those around them believe

>> No.54476784

I can smell the cope

>> No.54477119

So that statistics dont show white people how quickly they are being replaced

>> No.54477256

My abs could stop a bluntish knife.
Depends on how they stab me I guess

>> No.54477306


>> No.54477429

So first it's back to the office, now it's niggers with knives. Corporate America will do anything to trim the fat for the upcoming recession.

>> No.54477477

Waitin for they reperatins, SF finna gib $5 million

>> No.54477518

Hoisted by his own Petard. Thanks for playing faggot. Checkaroo on them digits

>> No.54477548

never would have happened if he had been wfh. score one for us wfh chads.

>> No.54477656

Imagine being rich and not carrying a gun.

>> No.54477687

Age old tale of white guy starts a profitable business, Jew swoops in and takes over the company

>> No.54477735
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That's what he gets for making MobileCoin for Signal instead of adopting Monero for true privacy.

>> No.54477760
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>venmo has a feed so you can publicly share your transactions to everyone

Who the fuck wants this feature?


>> No.54477790
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I'm fat enough the blade won't reach any organs

>> No.54477901
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Good riddance, more centralized payment faggots need to be stabbed in the streets by psychotic evil Niggers.
Make room for Crypto Faggots.
The only sad thing is that nobody recorded a video of this retard choking on his own blood and begging for Help.

>> No.54477965

Ironic. He created an app that is only used by the type of person that would randomly stab you in the street.

>> No.54478000

I got this reference

>> No.54478159

The pure delusion lmfao

>> No.54478244


>> No.54478261

By bluntish knife do you mean a hammer?

>> No.54478437
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>> No.54478455

RIP bozo, Elon's roving gangs of niggers sure are efficient