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54463154 No.54463154 [Reply] [Original]

>started stealing from the supermarket
Fuck it I can’t keep up with these prices anymore.

>> No.54463170

I never steal anything I would feel bad. But yeah I do occasionally just 'forget' to scan some items.

Usually small/expensive things and then I put them at the bottom of my bag so if you get a check they don't see it.

Lets say you get $50 of groceries worth and then only scan like $30 worth or something.

But just blatantly stealing something nah I dont have the balls for it, wouldn't be able to talk myself out of it too and i'm not really handy with stuffing shit under my jacket or something I would sperg out

>> No.54463174

Tell us your methods young padwan.

>> No.54463178

pick up object, leave area

>> No.54463183

is this business advice?

>> No.54463186

Be based. Do crime.

>> No.54463195

It's not that simple.

>> No.54463204

i also don't outright steal but will get "confused" at the self-checkout with what item to select for produce. i also "forget" that the veggies were organic instead of regular. sometimes i "miscount" avocados and hit a qty 1 instead of a 4

>> No.54463211

ghetto entrepreneurship
see opportunity, seize opportunity

>> No.54463224

Steal all you want bro, I'll keep them in business for you. I don't steal because I can afford not to, but do what you need to do.

>> No.54463252
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You fucking RAT

>> No.54463268
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A little tip for my bros
>get most expensive item in hand
>get bag in other hand
>place bag on weight sensor table
>scan item
>a "did you place bags" message will appear
>place item in bag and then press yes
>item will dissappear and weight sensor will recalibrate to include the weight of the item
>continue checking out like you didn't notice anything

>> No.54463280

I usually just simply leave the groceries at the bottom of the cart and walk

>> No.54463292
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We should just refer to stealing as "Romanianmaxxing".

>> No.54463305

what's the difference between bacteria and romanians

>> No.54463310

And when you pass under the door the alarm will sound. What do you do then? Lmao.

>> No.54463311

Inflation makes niggers of us all.

>> No.54463323

One time I stole 30 chocolates from different stores in one afternoon to impress a girl.

>> No.54463328

It literally is that simple. I steal hundreds worth of groceries a month using self-checkouts. I only scan about a fifth of the items I'm buying. Been doing this for years.

>> No.54463336

I do this all the time too. I ring things in as bananas, cheap as fuck. Weighs the item too so the bagging area weight checks out. Or just leave it in my cart and grab it and stuff it in the bag at the end. No one notices or seems to care.

>> No.54463353


>> No.54463354

Loss prevention is tracking you. If you're in the US, once you get a felony level of thefts, they arrest you. In the meantime, they just wait and document evidence.

>> No.54463355

>He doesn't just scan half of his items at the self check out and pay in cash
Why not do this? I even had a wage notice I skipped 2 things but he didn't even care or say anything. I bet they are instructed not to care about stuff under like $100

>> No.54463365

banana millionaire over here

>> No.54463367

It doesn’t beep for food products. What do you think I’m stealing liquor or clothes?

>> No.54463371

Shame I'm not in the US then.

>> No.54463377

Every single one of you is being carefully watched and management is adding up how much you're stealing so they can slam you with as many felony theft charges as they can when the time is right.

>> No.54463381

>alarm triggers for food
Literally never happens

>> No.54463519

>Loss prevention
>arrest you
You must be retarded. This is bullshit. If they tell you to stop and wait for the police just leave, they cannot and will not force you to stay.

>> No.54463582

I mistyped, I was referring to police making arrests (of course). Loss prevention just monitor the cameras, stand at doors and use secret shoppers.

>> No.54463597

karma is real. not gonna tempt it anymore. would am scared what would happen to my soul if it stopped caring about correcting me.

>> No.54463636

I do this sometimes too. If Im gonna be an employee of the grocery store, then they're gonna pay me for it.

>> No.54463675

I found out my local super market prices are almost 2x the national average. because of people like you I imagine. I finally signed up for the wholesale membership market, I literally cant keep up because of you thieves. how is there no legal deterrence?

>> No.54463708

I too have been considering stealing. I wanna make sure it’s foolproof.

>> No.54463714

>secret shopper
You mean the guy wearing a button upped jacket and big hat walking around with empty cart?

>> No.54463733

At Burlington where I work no one can touch you. They don’t even call the cops. You can get a whole tub of stuff and leave. You will be banned yes but your first time is free

>> No.54464160

The only thing I ever stole was batteries. Fuck paying to have my 360 pad working.

>> No.54464244

this. walmart actually makes bank off taking self-checkout niggers to court

>> No.54464497

That’s Snidely Whiplash.

>> No.54464832

kek why would you lie on the internet?

>> No.54464857

thanks for the bottom signal guys

>> No.54464876

I once forgot to scan one item at the self checkout line, so I bag all the items I already paid for so I can scan and pay for the item I missed. As I'm running the transaction for that last item, I get dirty looks from people thinking I bagged all my items only to scan one item to steal the rest.

>> No.54464886

>made so much off crypto last weekend I unpocketed a bottle of liquor at the checkout
Crypto made me a cuck and I blame you all

>> No.54464903

Nigger mentality

>> No.54464922

If you have someone to work with there is no way to get caught. Not gonna elaborate but if you have a brain you can figure it out.

>> No.54464931

Honestly I'm tempted these days since customer service is so fucking bad now. Wagies are so rude I don't even care if it gets them in trouble

>> No.54464959

No this is bullshit they can and will tackle you on concrete and take you into walmart custody in the back room. Try to avoid walmarts for this reason.

>> No.54464964

Hahahahaha you absolute fucking faggot

>> No.54464993

Not if you are black, they won't risk a multi million dollar lawsuit.

>> No.54464998
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based. if stores expect me to do their work for them (self checkout) then they should be prepared to suffer the consequences of my incompetence (scanning things incorrectly.)

>> No.54465020

That's nigger tier behavior op. Just swap the tags, go to the self checkout and pay the discounted price.

>> No.54465038

Believable blackface is there a thing? Man I remember when it was good to be a white criminal I'm such a boomer

>> No.54465067

I used to not mind self checkouts but recently they're an absolute shambles
>one wagie to look after 10 self checkouts
>said wagie is ALWAYS the other end of the store when you need them
>despite being "self" checkout you WILL need wagie because of course some item is restricted or something doesn't work
>by the end of it, it would've been way faster the old way with actual humans anyway

>> No.54465086

>buying drinks
>bring bag
>put like 8 bottles in
>go to register
>put one bottle on the counter
>”six bottles“
>pray for six bottles
>walk out

This may not work if you’re not living in a high trust society aka the urban hell scape

>> No.54465136

>will tackle you on concrete
lol, k

>> No.54465179

i do grocery shopping at a regional grocery store and their self checkouts are fucking retarded in that EVERYTHING has to remain on the plastic bag scales or the machine bitches at you, until a wagie comes over and shuts the machine up. and of course only 3 bags will fit on the scales, so if you buy 4 or more bags of groceries you have to wait until some pakistani or fat nigger waddles over to shut the machine up.

it goes without saying that i steal something every time.

>> No.54465267

ok I'll bite, how could they possibly profit off of that?

>> No.54465277

I take enough to fill my chest freezer every couple of months. Steaks, chickens and porkchops. Fuck these zelesky prices

>> No.54465320

they don't, the guy is a massive retard. theft is a criminal charge but in some states it can be a civil charge as well. criminal charges will yield no profit. civil charges might, but the type of person to steal from walmart and get caught is poor as shit.

>> No.54465362

Never steal from the same store more than 2 or 3 times. You might think that they aren't watching you, but they are. They lay in wait and build a case against you, so they need you to steal a minimum dollar amount of shit before they confront you.

>> No.54465366


>> No.54465383
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Walmart keeps over a million dollars in their safe and you're asking how to make money

>> No.54465413

This is so wrong I don't even know where to begin. They have to catch you with 500 or more dollars worth of product at once not cumulative. If they dont stop you at the doors they will never bring it up again unless you are a known serial thief.

>> No.54465421

I TRULY don't steal from stores anymore, especially as Covid hit and I was forced to live off of less anyways I figured everyone else would be taking shit lol

>> No.54465501

Not true. Eventually they notice that the same shit keeps going missing and then they start checking the cameras to see who's doing it.

>> No.54465720

Careful Anon. They know you're steeling and they're going to let you keep getting away with it until you steel wherever the threshold is for felony prosecution. You're gonna get fucked. Hard.

>> No.54465729


>> No.54465770


>> No.54466327

>I do occasionally just 'forget' to scan some items.
That's stealing but whatever lol. I'm not judging you :D

>> No.54466609
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Right on bro, i'm totally down with sticking it to the man to.

>> No.54466615

If I "forget" to pay 10 percent of my shit then I'll be back paying 2021 prices