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54460014 No.54460014 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.54460039
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Sold the last remaining cuck tokens and converted them into BTC

Link is a cuckold cult and I don't want anything to do with it

>> No.54460054
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>> No.54460058

Shit dawg harsh words for someone who is such a poorfag.

>> No.54460074

>cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck

>> No.54460085
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>Has less than 10k Link

>> No.54460100

kek I've been holding 12k Link since 2018

Enjoy holding your bags while everything else moons, i'm sure daddy sergey will make you rich...in 2 more weeks

>> No.54460101

more link for me bitch ass nigga

>> No.54460110

Good riddance. No one was forcing you to hold (unless you staked of course).

>> No.54460128
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No you haven't. I can smell your poverty from here and it is pungent.

>> No.54460143

You held for 5 years and then sold and then laughed at "bagholders" just hours later lmao.
you are the bagholder, anon. 5 long years.

>> No.54460146

So, I met this chainlink holder the other day, and I asked them what they were so excited about. They said, 'Oh, I'm just waiting for the day when Chainlink becomes the backbone of the entire internet!' I mean, talk about wishful thinking! That's like saying you're gonna start a successful business selling pet rocks in 2023! Ha ha ha! But seriously, folks, I hope that chainlink holder has a good chiropractor, because they must be carrying around a lot of weight on their shoulders from all that heavy bag-holding. Ouch!

>> No.54460553

>cuck is mad
lol cuck lmao, lmfao even cuck

>> No.54460799

>link marines: if you don't like it just sell, nobody is forcing you to hold bro
>also link marines: loooooooool poorfag stacklet sold lmao moron bagholder kek kek
the duality of the deranged linkie

>> No.54460812

just buy rats, on arbitrum. jannie is a nigger

>> No.54460832

Scam, pretty sure the based mod just deleted your two scam threads

>> No.54460884

>posts two things that can happen at the same time without being contradictory

>> No.54460904

yeah, it wouldn't seem contradictory to mentally ill bagholders such yourself

>> No.54460922

bastard bastard fuck you linker bastard

>> No.54460933

It isn't though. Nobody is forcing anyone not to sell. You might get heckled if you post about it on this anonymous imageboard, but do you really believe that constitutes actual peer pressure? Top kek. Just close your eyes nigga, turn off your screen

>> No.54460984

>hurr stop picking me for spouting nonsense, I didn't force anybody to sell!
indeed, but that doesn't make you less deranged, bagholder
just admit you're willing to heckle anybody who's not a mindless shill

>> No.54461031

>>hurr stop picking me for spouting nonsense
You're quoting your own thoughts here?
>just admit you're willing to heckle anybody who's not a mindless shill
I'm an individual. I personally don't heckle people for selling (or holding) any crypto. Are you willing to admit that you heckle anyone who is not a mindless Chainlink basher?

>> No.54461045

I just realized how kike-like link fudders are. They'll talk shit 24/7, cuck this cult that, but if you insult them back they're like "see?!? look how deranged they are! i didn't do anything and they're attacking me!!"

>> No.54461102

no and what you're claiming doesn't add up, I didn't even quote your post but you felt the need to attack me
eat a bag of dicks you hypocrite

>> No.54461139

take your meds, cuckold


>> No.54461141

You made the right move. I swap out last year, now I'm in good profit. Fuck all shitcoins, never again.

>> No.54461144

wait, so link shills are individuals but link fudders are a hivemind?

>> No.54461192

>I didn't even quote your post but you felt the need to attack me
How did I attack you? I just pointed out that YOUR attack was unfounded, since the two things you are comparing are not mutually exclusive. Fucking jew

Since it's quite obvious there's like 3 of them who post 80% of the fud posts, and they always use the same words, I'd say it's safe to say what they do or don't do (as an individual).

>> No.54461205

and since (You) are an individual, why do (You) keep speaking on behalf of other individual link shills?
hmmm makes you think

>> No.54461227

I'm speaking on behalf of myself. Are you schizophrenic by any chance?

>> No.54461240


Ill post it in few months again

>> No.54461256

Why are you so emotional

>> No.54461301

so all these different ids are (You)rs? cause I don't remember quoting you either?
hmmm seems like a hivemind to me

>> No.54461335

it wasn't an attack, it was a simple observation you dense fuck
and it wasn't even directed to you in the first place is my point you deranged psycho

>> No.54461612

Friends, you are aware that people on the internet can and will respond to your inane ramblings, even if you didn't address them directly? If you wish to have private conversations with people, please make sure to DM them on platforms that support such form of communication.

Besides, didn't you address 2 anons here: >>54460799 without them ever addressing you?

>> No.54461700
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Unless link is breaking $12.65 then you CANNOT make WTFWT threads

>> No.54461709

Daily reminder that FUD posters not only post 10+ FUD threads, but they also reply to each other and even pretend to be genuine LINK holders.

>> No.54462984
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Chad. It takes balls to break away from a literal cult.

>> No.54463075


>> No.54463158

good find, anon
>ctrl f 'oracle'
>5 results

>also, inb4 who?
Riksbank is the central bank of Sweden
Token needed confirmed WAGMI oh sweet jesus

>> No.54463558

that's why it's a corrupted wtfwt
we are in the hellscape of distorted cyberspace right now, where up is down, $50 is $5, and you are still ngmi

>> No.54463791

>Oracle node
Why do I feel like I should know what that is?