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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54457735 No.54457735 [Reply] [Original]

I have turned incredibly smug since saving money.

>2 years ago 15k credit card debt
>now 100k net worth with 30k sitting in my savings/checking

I look down on everyone now, the peons start panicking when they miss a paycheck and I laugh. Enjoy the fancy car you’re driving, we both know it’s financed and the payments are making you sweat every month. I get a hard on when I see how people post 5k will change their bum life, to me it’s a set back. Enjoy the cheap Chinese made shit you get from Amazon. I’ll enjoy the peace of mind knowing I have time saved

>> No.54457760

The arbitrum airdrop changed peoples life?

>> No.54458044
File: 246 KB, 960x1280, C61C13B7-5F29-465D-9574-DD407E455F9C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When everyone was up in arms about getting their tax return back I only thought how I kept more in cash at all times at my house. People are so bad with money $1500 is a big deal. Losing that would be an annoyance for me

>> No.54458054
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Fucking pathetic, hope the door dashed Chinese food was worth it?

>> No.54458066

ugh reddits just begging jeets as well eh.
1k is life changing when you're broke I know I am but asking likely fake people for 10k lol fuck off.

>> No.54458110

>>now 100k net worth with 30k sitting in my savings/checking
thats not alot of money, retard

>> No.54458112

>save for half a year
>already 40k in the bank
Its that easy. Literally dont subscribe to a million services and its done.

>> No.54458118
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>> No.54458130

I literally have the same amount and investment split and I feel broke as fuck. How are you enjoying this OP? Do you own your home?

>> No.54458133

It is when the average American can’t handle a 1k expense without using debt. You may think it’s not but it is. It’s not I don’t have to work anymore but it’s 100 percent I don’t have to work for the next year without worrying

>> No.54458156

wow a whole year! or you could (almost) put a down payment on a really shitty house!

now tell us more about how you have slightly more money than the average obese retard on the street, retard

>> No.54458160

No, I don’t know maybe because I remember just two years ago drowning in debt and running the numbers and seeing how much in the hole I am. That first 10k in my savings and I was ecstatic. I never had that much before. Now I have budgeting down so well my paycheck is at a 50%+ save rate. It’s going to take time but it’s growing quick man.

I have no debt, I have low bills now, I can save quickly now. I see what I have done in under two years, what about 5 more?

>> No.54458169

I’m in the same situation with 100k. The thing is though that while I feel smug at times, i also feel extra pathetic sometimes because even though i’m in the top5% of my age net worth wise, my objective life isn’t in the top 5%

>> No.54458177

Yeah yeah yeah, you need at least 10 million or you’re broke. Whatever

>> No.54458182

Ok I understand now. I was there too, I went through all those milestones. /biz/ saved me long ago.
Recently I've been btfo by the bear market. Thanks for the perspective. Best of luck fren.

>> No.54458189

OP eating ramens everyday confirmed

>> No.54458205
File: 323 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230404_041619_Coinbase.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow dude, good job posting your rent payment.
Wanna know something? No one cares.
Buy a house, mark ass nigger.

>> No.54458211

no keep bragging about your pittance on this childrens forum. dont forget to attach a cartoon picture that someone else drew. shoot for the moon, you fucking loser!

>> No.54458213
File: 321 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230403_162123_Coinbase.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the average American
The average American is a fat fuck and spends money like a hood nigger.
You're broke and rent.
100k my fucking left nut.
You posted your fucking rent payment dude.

>> No.54458223

I do cook almost exclusively. I usually do meat with veggies or eggs. That is my diet the majority of the time, I use to follow /fit/ religiously. Not as much now but the habits still follow. At work I eat rxbars and pbj sandwich’s every day. When I mess up and run out of bread or peanutbutter and have to buy something I’m in shock that lunch costs $14 for a burrito. How the fuck are people buying this every day.

>> No.54458230
File: 349 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230203_173551_Coinbase.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are broke fat boy.
Buy a house and then maybe we'll give a fuck about you flexing your rent payment.
Dumb fuck.
Anyone can pull 5k out their ass.
I can, I have no education.

>> No.54458240
File: 316 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230403_141142_Coinbase.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally zero education over here and I make more money then this mark ass nigger posting his rent.
Make sure you pay your rent and keep the noise down, land lord don't like it when you cry to him.
Broke ass mark ass little nigger.
Buy a house and maybe we'll give a fuck.

>> No.54458243
File: 213 KB, 1170x934, 68A8BE9F-36EC-4867-AEAE-38705F53D5CF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suck my cock faggot, fuck you. Who the fuck pays rent cash?

>> No.54458249

> Broke ass mark ass little nigger

Post hand

>> No.54458253
File: 77 KB, 640x960, hm8ei8xsw3x01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>15k credit card debt
You'll waste all your money and lose the 100k, I doubt you even have 25k.
Mark ass.

>> No.54458258

Data mine thread

>> No.54458270

>get a hard on when I see how people post 5k will change their bum life,
Any one can pull 5k out of their ass.
You're literally a loser bragging about having money everyone has.
Worse? You got into debt.
I doubt you have 100k, I bet you rent and I bet for a fact you work a low paying job.

>> No.54458282

I bet you are brown so your opinion doesn’t matter

>> No.54458287

why are you showing us screenshots of your really sad savings? you have even less than op lol. what a sad place full of sad people this is

>> No.54458299

The fuck? You could save for 5 years leave the United Shitholes and retire for life somewhere else

>> No.54458314

>He keeps his savings in monopoly paper money

Absolutely ngmi

>> No.54458315


>> No.54458327

>45k plus another 70k in 2 years
If you were making 100k a year presumably then there was never any 'danger', you were just being stupid with your money. Most of the people who complain are the ones who went to college on loans for a degree in poetry and can't find a poetry job (because they don't exist).

>> No.54458356

When I was in debt I worked overtime and two jobs to get out of it. Once I payed off the debt I slowed down a bit. I have killed all payments that were eating me $150 a month at a time and turned that into savings. I didn’t go full Dave Ramsey but it was a combination of extra work and drastically reducing spending.

>> No.54458368

In any case my point is that the people who are most indebted are the ones who never had a plan and never will have a plan.

>> No.54458375

No need to be upset. Just think about your money 20xing in the next bullrun. That's 90k right there. If you survive.

>> No.54459518

Sipping some delicious coffee smugly, no need for Starbucks, I brewed it myself

>> No.54459682

Anon, put that money to gold and silver. That fiat will be worthless soon. But anyway congrats on your achievement

>> No.54459701
File: 88 KB, 1024x718, 6731DC4A-8D0C-45E8-8508-8594084290EA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Keeping your crypto at exchanges

>> No.54459788

A few years ago I was homeless and everyone looked down on me. Now I have a lot more than you and I don't even brag. I'm just happy, not even about the money, but because how mean people were to me when I had nothing and how "smart" and "wealthy" they thought they were. Basically beating them at their own game. Literally calling me crazy and schizo because I was just dealt a bad hand at life. /pol/ teached me to become a man, /biz/ teached me the secrets to finance. Thanks frens!

>> No.54460271

lmao my dad gives me $10k for flag day presents these poor fags are pathetic.

>> No.54460287

This post is cope as fuck, what's your income?

I make a very high salary but don't have a ton saved because I spend it on fun shit, I laugh at idiots saving up a few hundred k in 5 years and have literally nothing to show for it other than "Well when I'm 70 I'll finally get to enjoy life!"

>> No.54460307

>saving money is so cool!
>just eat bread, beans and ramen for 30 years
>when I'm 65 I'll be having so much fun

Jesus Christ, enjoy life. You only got 1 of it, and 5 years is a fucking ton, especially if you're young. Don't sacrifice your youth for more security late in life.

>> No.54460325

He did say he had zero education

>> No.54460371

My base is 65k a year. With overtime and my second job I made 80k on the books. I also made some under the table but not much. My second job was bartending 1-2 times a month

>> No.54461852
File: 24 KB, 658x344, Screenshot_20230404-160707.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for posting so I know someone is more pathetic than me :)

>> No.54462033

If you don't have a $1 million before turning 25 it's _unironically_ over.

>> No.54462982

I literally have more then you tho

>> No.54463099
File: 63 KB, 1024x1024, 1672441640955745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice bait, I lost a little more than your networth and savings account gambling crypto futures and it's I don't feel anything